Aussie Growers Thread

Bit hard when they shut job sites down
Thats what i mean, goverments over reacting.
56 thousand ppl die a year from common flu 13000 ppl died from this in 3 months. Bout on par with common flu.
Gonna send world broke.
How many thousands gonna top them selves cause they have gone broke?
Tough time mate getting robbed of a bit of the excitement to have it replaced with anxiety. Good
luck to you and your family
Thats for sure an cheers dusty same to you bloke.

Everyone of us will be doing it hard in one way or another.

Bit of luck it blows over quicker then they are expecting, but then the country will be battlin with the after affects of all this for a long time
If work shuts down soon things will be boring as fuck lol. I’ll be giving riu a nudge that’s for sure over the down time period who knows how long it will last.
I think we are waiting on a cabinet meeting in vic to see weather this will happen or when. I’m pretty sure we will find out tomorrow but I’m pretty confident in the answer

yeah same. Come Tuesday afternoon I can see the whole country in various stages of lockdown with nsw/vic being the worst as they are currently the worst effected, qld won’t be far behind. Vic has announced School holidays will begin Tuesday whether the federal government shuts schools or not.
Thats what i mean, goverments over reacting.
56 thousand ppl die a year from common flu 13000 ppl died from this in 3 months. Bout on par with common flu.
Gonna send world broke.
How many thousands gonna top them selves cause they have gone broke?

mths difference is the flu is an established virus where this is essentially just starting. Look at Italy and many other European countries. Something like 500+ dead yesterday alone.

the flu season already stretches our medical system to near breaking point, this on top is essentially going to ass rape hospitals whether we flatten the curve or not. If we do end up flattening the curve we will still probably see 10k or so people die in the next 12 months from it. If we don’t flatten The curve we could see 10k dead before July.
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mths difference is the flu is an established virus where this is essentially just starting. Look at Italy and many other European countries. Something like 500+ dead yesterday alone.

the flu season already stretches our medical system to near breaking point, this on top is essentially going to ass rape hospitals whether we flatten the curve or not. If we do end up flattening the curve we will still probably see 10k or so people die in the next 12 months from it. If we don’t flatten The curve we could see 10k dead before July.
Fair point. But if ya gonna die ya gonna die so be it.
Such is life.