Pissed on my Plant

hey paltema dont sweat all the shit these guys are giving you. you have some great ideas man. its not very often when RUI gets people who think out of the box. people just dont get it man.

as a matter of fact here is another RUI member that thinks out of the box. i dont think he used the urine thing, but you have to see his plant on page 1 that is 35days old. now he has got some tricks


:-P its all in fun man!!! just do me a favor. when you harvest that first batch of the dankity dank shit. put a sing on your grow room door that reminds you that you are not allowed in there when high.


lol theres a trend of rudeness in these forums. I wonder why its so aggravating that people who don't study gardening try and grow pot. you would think of all people potheads would b more understanding of mistakes.

lol theres a trend of rudeness in these forums. I wonder why its so aggravating that people who don't study gardening try and grow pot. you would think of all people potheads would b more understanding of mistakes.

I can tell you why this happens. They don't pay attention to basic high school biology classes. It's that simple. they take what they hear and apply it in the way that makes sense to them, rather than take that evidence and perform real experiments.

This is why I wish to become a professor in a college instead of some high-school replacement for hort.sci. Too much disinformation from uneducated people.

I won't lead you wrong, they will. I've been thru piss/shit/blood horticulture, and I can safely say without any real chemical processing, you have no chance of using those sources for actual fertilizer.

For urine, you have to correct the possibility of excess salts when you dilute it, plus balance the pH.

For shit, you have to wait for it to cure and break dsown (this applies to horse, cow, and human manure. I do not know about deer or other animals.)

For blood, you have to force-nitrogenate the sample, which causes platelet hardening and other undesirable by-products. If you're going to use blood as a fertilizer, make sure it's heavily tainted with nitrogen, as otherwise you're going to get the equivalent of neutral water when the blood plasma gets rejected by the cell walls for growth. That, of course, assumes you're using straight blood untainted by drugs and whatnot (like animal blood)

This ends the Hort. Sci. lesson for the day.
I have no objection to pissing on grounded plants outdoors. Hell, as far as I am concerned the great outdoors is one big men's room. Plants in the ground benefit from the filtering effects of nature. Whatever toxins in your wee wee are diluted and distributed throughout the earth. I whiz on my compost pile whenever I can get away with it unnoticed. I hesitate only because I don't want the neighbors to see my doodle.

I draw the line at pissing in a container plant for the above stated reasons. Those waste toxins are trapped in the container along with the good stuff.

And pissing in a container plant indoors under hot lights? That's just nasty. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

Fertilizers are not so expensive.
I have no objection to pissing on grounded plants outdoors. Hell, as far as I am concerned the great outdoors is one big men's room. Plants in the ground benefit from the filtering effects of nature. Whatever toxins in your wee wee are diluted and distributed throughout the earth. I whiz on my compost pile whenever I can get away with it unnoticed. I hesitate only because I don't want the neighbors to see my doodle.

I draw the line at pissing in a container plant for the above stated reasons. Those waste toxins are trapped in the container along with the good stuff.

And pissing in a container plant indoors under hot lights? That's just nasty. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

Fertilizers are not so expensive.

While the fertilizing properties of Urine is really undisputed, it takes time for nature to break down the chemicals in urine.

In all reality, even organic fertilizers are chemically processed to get out bad stuff. There's really no such thing as "organic" unless you look directly at the ingredients as they're added to the compost shredder and you get to watch afterwards - there's NO GUARANTEE OTHERWISE.

I don't trust a company because they say they're organic, I run the assay test myself with simple homemade equipment that works. (CD spectral analyzer, anyone?) ;)
Oh, johnnyo, pissing on your compost is excellent for decomposition, and nutrient stimulation, that will be some awesome compost.
If you think piss plants are gross, and you eat mushrooms from the grocery, or anywhere for that matter, they are grown in piss and shit... Do a little research, wet shit and piss mixed up, there was an episode of Dirty Jobs on discovery about it, fucking nasty. :puke:
Nope, you're growing the piss pot in your dorm room aren't you... :roll:

Oh, johnnyo, pissing on your compost is excellent for decomposition, and nutrient stimulation, that will be some awesome compost.

If you think piss plants are gross, and you eat mushrooms from the grocery, or anywhere for that matter, they are grown in piss and shit... Do a little research, wet shit and piss mixed up, there was an episode of Dirty Jobs on discovery about it, fucking nasty. :puke:

wow triple post for the win what a n00b and just to let you know not all mushrooms are grown in piss and shit like you say google is your friend.
YouTube - Grow Mushrooms from Spores
wow triple post for the win what a n00b and just to let you know not all mushrooms are grown in piss and shit like you say google is your friend.
YouTube - Grow Mushrooms from Spores

noob cause he had three things to say at different times?:-?

but i think he is right for the most part... many commercial (the kind you eat from the store) mushroom grows are grown on manure... and every single fertilizer is made from the broken down dead stuff and waste.... no way around it; its the circle of life.:joint:
Yes yes yes, urine is chock full of nutes and comes out of the reservoir (you) perfectly sterile, unless you have the drips.

The reason why Paltema got so many "snide' remarks is the way he phrased his opening statement.
If he started out with:
"Ok, I have diluted my piss by 50 parts and want to use it as fertilizer", the responses would have been quite different. There would have been affirmation mixed with curiosity as opposed to derision and jokes (I made one, sue me).

The way the opening statement started, it sounded like he was standing over them taking a leak. While the imagery is hilarious, the methodology warrants a joke or two. No?

Don't sweat it man. Its a mistake, we all make 'em
Hell, your first grow is all about learning.

I give you mad props for taking the abuse :clap::clap:
Yes yes yes, urine is chock full of nutes and comes out of the reservoir (you) perfectly sterile, unless you have the drips.

The reason why Paltema got so many "snide' remarks is the way he phrased his opening statement.
If he started out with:
"Ok, I have diluted my piss by 50 parts and want to use it as fertilizer", the responses would have been quite different. There would have been affirmation mixed with curiosity as opposed to derision and jokes (I made one, sue me).

The way the opening statement started, it sounded like he was standing over them taking a leak. While the imagery is hilarious, the methodology warrants a joke or two. No?


i think thats what he actually did:o:o
He definately stood over the plant and pissed right on it, foliar spray and all... Most of the other threads start out with at least the knowledge that it should be diluted.

wow triple post for the win what a n00b

:finger: What? You want I should run three seperate thoughts together in one post?

n00b, (that's funny) maybe I have a high post count, but at least I don't go around calling people n00bs. Check my sig for my journal and albums, I think you'll change your mind, hahahaa n00b, hahaha :clap:
Threads tend to unravel after awhile. Like passing a message verbally around a room. I was just clarifying for those who didn't (im guessin) bother to read what he actually wrote.

That being said, urine must always be applied fresh at 40-50 parts dilution.

Just a guess but i would think the "first" pee in the morning would be the most nutritious.

Maybe if you poop on it then it will bring it back to live. But just remember to wipe w/ only the lower fan leaves but be careful not to break them off.

Lol. pissed on your plant

I have a spot in the lawn i piss on & it killed the grass, so i wouldn't recommend pissing on your plants :)

just for fun here is me climbing what i like to call horse shit mountain... this shit grows great plants


  • poop mountain 007.jpg
    poop mountain 007.jpg
    158.5 KB · Views: 11
just for fun here is me climbing what i like to call horse shit mountain... this shit grows great plants

you're a tractor!! lol.... just for the hell of it; do your buds taste or smell like said 'horseshit mountain'??? you got plenty, you should start a shrooom grow for the hell of it.