Joe Biden wins it all

Will Biden be a good POTUS?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
4 years ago the dems ran hillary. they could have won that election with any other candidate but her. 4 year later with all the hate spewed by the dems i don't think they will win another presidential election until their party under go a huge rebuild or restructure of their party. They have swung to far left.
I think you are wrong. How about that?

Is that how your kind discuss politics? Just toss out what "you think" as if that's important or significant?


Well-Known Member
I know ya'll don't want to hear it and it's probably why I'll get banned but a bunch of Trump supporters voted for Biden in the primaries because Troll president will absolutely decimate Biden. Dude injects botulism into his damn forehead during pandemic or dude that wants strong borders. Who ya'll think America is really going to go with? Bernie actually had in my opinion the demeanor and the way he responds is kinda troll killerish. But Biden well have fun with that. Don't be upset and think it's russians when the landslide goes down.
Yes. can you figure out why that was strategic to Trump? I'll tell you if you can't figure out 1 simple trick.
Biden is a senile liar.
also his supporters

Bernie ran an ad proving Biden tried to cut SS 4 TIMES! and yet Biden says he never said that, and wants to INCREASE SS

The desperation shown by all of these ignorant propaganda-filled posts is very reassuring.
Biden might get Trumped. Trump has grown in his own supporters eyes and won new fans over without really doing much. I think he is being under rated again and will win easily, incumbents have a built in advantage in us prez race


Well-Known Member
Biden might get Trumped. Trump has grown in his own supporters eyes and won new fans over without really doing much. I think he is being under rated again and will win easily, incumbents have a built in advantage in us prez race
I really like how I can’t buy food at the grocery store and the stock market is tanking and mass unemployment is happening and a global pandemic is attacking us

should be ahuge asset to him


Well-Known Member
Biden might get Trumped. Trump has grown in his own supporters eyes and won new fans over without really doing much. I think he is being under rated again and will win easily, incumbents have a built in advantage in us prez race
Yay! Another brand new member who jumps right into the Politics section. Shockingly, it's yet another Trump supporter.

Trump has won new fans? By doing what? Overseeing the economy that's going to be as bad or worse than 1929? Did completely nothing except for brush off this virus as a hoax? Preparing to see literally millions and millions of workers out of work? Giving out free money to everyone (isn't that socialism?)? Oversaw the complete destruction of everyone's 401Ks? Caused significant embarrassment for the US across the globe...repeatedly? Claims he's an expert of everything, but he needs visual aids like a four-year-old and still can't get things right?

Because he is a racist? A bigot? A narcissist? A sociopath? A bully? Someone who has been known to use illegal immigrants as workers at his properties? Outright failed to pay contractors for work performed? Went bankrupt six or more times?

You're delusional. The only people who are supporting Trump are the uneducated, indoctrinated and people who are unable to think for themselves.

Have you received your tax rebate cheque from Mexico for the wall that blows over, has huge floodgates that must remain open, and can be cut through with standard hand tools?


Well-Known Member
Biden might get Trumped. Trump has grown in his own supporters eyes and won new fans over without really doing much. I think he is being under rated again and will win easily, incumbents have a built in advantage in us prez race
It is possible, but really most people are barely paying attention and it is going to be impossible for Trump supporters to avoid reality in the fall, he will be questioned unlike now when he gets to pick his questions and walk away when he doesn't like them.

Also unlike 2016 he has a record of how he has (and hasn't) governed, and that is going to haunt him when people finally start to see what Dear Leader has been up to over the last 3.5 years. The bubbles will pop.
Believe it or not I'm actually a Bernie Sanders fan. The media and those that hate Trump are always going to do that but more people will be swayed by the prestige of the office and the way Trump talks and acts. A lot of people are falling for it and most of them are people that the media like to ignore but they exist and they VOTE!


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not I'm actually a Bernie Sanders fan. The media and those that hate Trump are always going to do that but more people will be swayed by the prestige of the office and the way Trump talks and acts. A lot of people are falling for it and most of them are people that the media like to ignore but they exist and they VOTE!
What do you mean by 'the media'.


Well-Known Member
So, you haven't seen Bernies video clips of Biden saying that?

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see
Next thing you're going to say is the 'establishment' picked Biden, right?

Did you get a phone call or email from the establishment telling you how to vote?

I keep waiting for the establishment to contact me.

Oh wait, am I the establishment?

People (Voters) picked Biden and rejected Bernie, and Bernie lost two election cycles in a row. It was closer last time when he lost by just 12 points.

Spin some more bullshit while you 'refuse to see' the advantage to Trump.