
Have you seen the draconian steps that China has taken?....we aren't doing anything like that here. That's why it will be much worse here....
We do have a problem. Fortunately most of us can spit without hitting anyone. I saw gloves and bleach wipes everywhere I went. Everything was being handled with bleach. We the people are actually disinfecting our own cages.` We humans are stupid. But our instincts keep us evolving.
We do have a problem. Fortunately most of us can spit without hitting anyone. I saw gloves and bleach wipes everywhere I went. Everything was being handled with bleach. We the people are actually disinfecting our own cages.` We humans are stupid. But our instincts keep us evolving.
We have a problem alright.

You need to trust the public health officials when they say something in time of crisis. But there has been an erosion in government trust going back 50 or 60 years and now people are going to die because of it.

Too many people believe facebook more than broadcast news and people can post anything on the internet.
Mortality rate in Italy is 7%... that's nuts.
Italy has the top end of of the vulnerable demographic: old people. There have been articles for the past 15 yrs about low birth rates and thereby not replacing the decreasing population, adult children not leaving the nest and starting own families, small towns paying people to move there giving them free housing, etc. Possibly not as bad as Italy, the US will likely be hit bad because we have the perfect demographic as well; middle class older people with underlying health problems. The older one is the death rates go up significantly with Covid.
View attachment 4505535Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause.

Zero bread, but I'm sure there will be some tomorrow morning.

Kinda like stories I heard from my parents about the depression. You went to the store every day to see what they had that day. And you bought what you had money for.

Welcome to March, 2020.
On the brightside T.P. will be cheap when no one has bought any in 3 months.
Millions of Americans are going to die......
I respect your service and I thank you. Welcome home. But I do wish you would chill a bit. This does not help at all. As someone that has been through hell and back (you) we could all use a little assurance. Going on about stocking ammo, millions of deaths and food shortages just drives the panic levels through the roof. It's the last thing we need right now. Be glad you dont need to find diapers or wipes which are completely sold out.
I made three loaves yesterday with that exact recipe. Made my own sourdough starter from flour and water and used that as the yeast. No other ingredients.
Starter takes a minute. This is moments and kneading, temp and cooking method can make it 100 different products.
I respect your service and I thank you. Welcome home. But I do wish you would chill a bit. This does not help at all. As someone that has been through hell and back (you) we could all use a little assurance. Going on about stocking ammo, millions of deaths and food shortages just drives the panic levels through the roof. It's the last thing we need right now. Be glad you dont need to find diapers or wipes which are completely sold out.
Hydrogen peroxide and mineral oil. Diapers? Cotton and some clothespins.
I respect your service and I thank you. Welcome home. But I do wish you would chill a bit. This does not help at all. As someone that has been through hell and back (you) we could all use a little assurance. Going on about stocking ammo, millions of deaths and food shortages just drives the panic levels through the roof. It's the last thing we need right now. Be glad you dont need to find diapers or wipes which are completely sold out.
Point taken....right now i kinda feel like i just heard the "Thump" of mortar tubes and just don't know which way to run...