What are YOU hoarding for Corona Virus?


Well-Known Member
Let's barter.
1 zip for 8 rolls of poop paper.
PM me if interested.
Seriously :)
I found that TP at Dollar General store. They were almost cleared out but they did have some left. They had a few 9 roll packs of single ply DG brand TP, I didn't want those, I get aggressive and need double ply.

Have you checked out the smaller stores? That's probably your best bet right now. Or ask a manager at like Walmart when the next truck will be there and be ready to snipe a couple packs as soon as they stock shelves


Well-Known Member
Everyone wil have plenty of do-doo paper in a week or so and when the stores replenish there will be plenty.

It is impossible not to get caught up in this hysteria. Not that this is not a very dangerous virus, but realistically we don't really know what is going on and that is causing this panic.

It sucks that it is in regular Flu/Alergy season, I have a scratchy throat (which I always do at this time of year) and feel like going into hiding too.

It's like the Rubber Hand trick on a epic scale.... Or not and we have millions of deaths.


Well-Known Member
Ammo. I stocked up about 3mos ago when we moved into a new house, and I'm glad I did. Costs have gone up 3X in the last 3 weeks.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Lol, funny stuff...
I really stepped up my game today. I went to Lowe’s to buy some supply’s for my scrog frame and found this P100 pink respirator. It was the very last one and looked really awesome so I snatched it up. Then found these googles that fit snuggly Perfectly with the respirator! These are so comfortable together. I could work for hours in them.
the coconut milk has a nice long expiration date of about 9-10 months. I accidentally purchased some Almond milk thinking it would have a long shelf life but it does not. So I will have to return them.