It's the end of the fucking world!

I am am clueless. My kid turned me onto the Tiamats. Gaming headphones. Too small for his fat head. Best sound I've ever heard.
“High-end” audio. It was awesome ... right until it wasn’t.

To be honest. It was only awesome until the mid 80's. Sony'a ended that.
Oh emphatically no. Sony was ok, but the big names like Levinson and especially dCS delivered the next level. Sadly my dCS transport is fritzing and those bloody Pommie bastards have stopped supporting a $16K CD transport.
Upsampler and DAC are still banging along, but without a working transport that is a wee bit academic.
Oh emphatically no. Sony was ok, but the big names like Levinson and especially dCS delivered the next level. Sadly my dCS transport is fritzing and those bloody Pommie bastards have stopped supporting a $16K CD transport.
Upsampler and DAC are still banging along, but without a working transport that is a wee bit academic.
I am in awe of the insanity and commitment. On the other hand you are F'n NUTZ!
In my memory:
Levinson, Krell, SOTA and a few others were the hot 80s brands. They never made it into malls or Best Buy. High-end audio massively appealed to my geek side. I could bore you to tears with the details of my analog (LP) front end.
Sad but true. Beyond my humble means. Music masters us all at one point in time.
Honestly, It's fucking pathetic.

Yesterday I went food shopping, just do happens I'm running low on toilet paper. Nothing! No TP, no paper towels. I'm forced to use old t-shirts and leaves now.

you can wipe your ass with the print version of fox news
... high-end audio, like high-end cosmetics, is an exercise in psychological manipulation, one for which I fell hook line and stinker.
[[sighs]] and fondly remembers the cinder block table supporting the weight of McIntosh, Thorens, Akai and Nakamichi Dragon gear driving those huge Altec studios, Bose and JBL's. Zep and Floyd never sounded so good. Miles and Charlie too. Still have the Mac's stored...somewhere with the detritus and imagined glory of the past :(
What is the origin of that quote? Coupla years ago Google didn’t help me.
various references, no research on my part

"It has been said that civilization is twenty-four hours and two meals away from barbarism." - Neil Gaiman Good Omens

"In 1906, Alfred Henry Lewis stated, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.” Since then, his observation has been echoed by people as disparate as Robert Heinlein and Leon Trotsky."

WikuQuote, Good Omens: There are some dogs which, when you meet them, remind you that, despite thousands of years of manmade evolution, every dog is still only two meals away from being a wolf.

"Civilization is only “nine meals away from anarchy,” said the head of the UK’s Countryside Agency, Lord Cameron of Dillington

Maybe quoted in "Lucifer's Hammer"