space heaters for night time

What are your lights-off temperatures? How large of an area are you wanting to heat? A tent? A room? An entire basement?
Right now lights off temps around 60, first week flower, bit that 60 is with cutting off intake air from outside. Have mobile ac unit to cool things down but these temps are extreme change today-Monday
12x12 room lights on at night and have a cold front with high around 12.

I have an oil filled unit like this, but I don't even use it anymore. My basement temperature is 50-52F, and my flower tents stay at 54-58F at lights off. I add a bit of warmth to my flower tent by exhausting air from my veg tent into it:


I'd say use the heater to prevent the temperature from going down below 50-52F. That's about as cold as I'd go.
Take it from me, oil filled heaters are not best for decent temp control. Once turned on by the thermostat they take quite a while to get warm enough to begin heating the air then it takes awhile before the thermostat senses that the air is warm enough to switch it off. By then it's just hitting max temp and still radiating heat into a room that is at it's perfect temp long after power is off to it.

There are many kinds of electric heaters that don't cost much and can be used in close quarters. A little 120v car heater can be hung up near the ceiling in a small grow tent as long as you have good circulation. I bought a baseboard heater thermostat and wired it into a regular metal box with cords on each end so I have it plugged into a 1500W heater for my grow room. It has two - 750W switches and I only use one so if it dies I got the other. Temps vary maybe 3 degrees F so good enough. My exhaust fan has a Temp/RH controller on it so if the RH gets too high in the night time the exhaust may come on for 5 min and if that cools down the room the heater will come on for 5 min then kick off. All analog stuff and works pretty good the last 20 years.

The one behind on the wall is a 500W baseboard heater I bought, mounted, then wired up to find out that it's 240V so I need to get 240 to it but plan on that. 500W is big enough for that 7x9x6.5H room. I got that 1500W stand-up heater for $20 new at a garage sale. $120 retail. Just leave the control on Max and let the DIY thermostat take care of the heat.

If my day temp is 75F I want my night temp no lower than 65F and can do that easy set up like I am.

I removed two heat run ducts from the main run into the grow room. Pros are it heats using natural gas and is cheaper, cons is I don’t have smell control as the air pushes out of room when furnace turns on. If you have hot water heating it would work best.
I just thought I'd throw this out there. I don't have one but will when I really need it.