anyone knows wath that white stuff is around the pot!!!

Pajar7, start over. Dont try and nurse as sick plant back to health. Likely the white shit is some kinda salt build up. In areas with hard water can come quick and especially with lots of ferts.
Your soil mix is crap. Face it. We can see that from your pics. Coco can cause many many problems if not conditioned or amended.
How do you run your Ushio at 1100?
The Ushio HPS loves running at 1100w. Wears the bulb a bit faster but they are cheap enough.... My ballast has a 10% "overpower" feature. Most balasts have a 15% overpower. So at 1100w Im running pretty safe considering people run them at 1150w. My MH bulbs are SolisTek and they run at their prescribed 1000w.