Nutrient levels


Well-Known Member
Hi, hate to be asking another question so soon,
I have just had some nutrients delivered, b-52 and voodoo juice. I know I have to monitor PPM's and the ratio would be 1:1:1:2:2 for the current stage of growth(seedling, almost veg) with adding b-52 and voodoo juice to the end. Do i just keep the same ratio as per AN calculator but reduce the volume to keep the PPM in check?
Hi, hate to be asking another question so soon,
I have just had some nutrients delivered, b-52 and voodoo juice. I know I have to monitor PPM's and the ratio would be 1:1:1:2:2 for the current stage of growth(seedling, almost veg) with adding b-52 and voodoo juice to the end. Do i just keep the same ratio as per AN calculator but reduce the volume to keep the PPM in check?

How much of the base nutes are you using and which ones? The AN calculator is pretty high and I've never used it myself in the 20 years I've used AN nutes. Tried the Sensi and Connie years back but just use the 3-part, Big Bud and Rhino Skin. I consider most of the other supplements to be a scam myself and not needed to grow good pot.

What are you using for soil, lights, water etc. Not a lot of info to go on.

How much of the base nutes are you using and which ones? The AN calculator is pretty high and I've never used it myself in the 20 years I've used AN nutes. Tried the Sensi and Connie years back but just use the 3-part, Big Bud and Rhino Skin. I consider most of the other supplements to be a scam myself and not needed to grow good pot.

What are you using for soil, lights, water etc. Not a lot of info to go on.

Yeah, should have provided more information.
I am using advnaced ph perfect micro, grow and bloom as a base. Growing medium is canna coco professional plus, currently using a phlizon 600W which puts out 115W. Water is from the tap at around 8PH and 32PPM. Using fabric 2 gal pots.
When I was mixing earlier on today for 3L of water i used 1.5ml of each base and 3ml of VJ and b52. This is half what the AN calc suggested and came to 220PPM. Plant is still seedling working on its third set of true leaves. Based on the fertigation guide at coco for cannabis it suggest the range of PPM for seedling as 200 to 250.
My question was a bit dumb because I know in order to adjust PPM you add or detract the nutrients. I'm just not sure whether to keep the ratios of nutes the same as the AN calculator and just add less to get the desired PPM or if I should be altering anything.
Maybe I shouldn't of even started them on nutes this early.
Yeah, should have provided more information.
I am using advnaced ph perfect micro, grow and bloom as a base. Growing medium is canna coco professional plus, currently using a phlizon 600W which puts out 115W. Water is from the tap at around 8PH and 32PPM. Using fabric 2 gal pots.
When I was mixing earlier on today for 3L of water i used 1.5ml of each base and 3ml of VJ and b52. This is half what the AN calc suggested and came to 220PPM. Plant is still seedling working on its third set of true leaves. Based on the fertigation guide at coco for cannabis it suggest the range of PPM for seedling as 200 to 250.
My question was a bit dumb because I know in order to adjust PPM you add or detract the nutrients. I'm just not sure whether to keep the ratios of nutes the same as the AN calculator and just add less to get the desired PPM or if I should be altering anything.
Maybe I shouldn't of even started them on nutes this early.

When using coco or any other soilless media you have to feed them right from the start or they starve. Sound like decent levels of nutes but I wonder about the tap water. At only 32ppm it seems strange that it's pH 8. My tap water comes out of a dugout on my property and it's pH 8+ and around 400ppm so I never use it and buy RO water for drinking and my plants. I tried coco almost 20 years ago and it totally screwed my plants but was most likely my fault and crappy coco that came in a brick. Not unlike the first kind of pot I got way back when. :)

Generally when speaking of nute amounts it's best to say ml/L and GMB for Grow, Micro, Bloom. So if saying I'm using a 1:1:1 ratio I'm using the same amount of each tho once plants are vegging well I switch to a 3:2:1 ratio of GMB then in flower after veg go to a Lucas Formula style of feeding using a ratio of 0:1:2. From practise I know that using 1ml/L of all 3 base nutes I'll have approx. 300ppm which is what I start DWC clones at or even seedlings. Each nute doesn't make 100ppm tho with Micro being the highest. I have notes about my testing around here somewhere but can't seem to find them atm.

One thing about coco is that it needs extra CalMag right from the start. You should do a search in the forums for info about that but from what I've read users soak it in extra calmag before use to get it going right. Multiple waterings per day are also recommended and those are reasons I have no desire to use it. Cost and availability are a couple others. I'm in the boondocks here and the nearest source is 2 hours away and 3X the price of ProMix HP which I can get in town. Shipping is not an option and would triple the price again. The nearest hydro store is where I would get coco too.

You can find good info in the following link too.

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

One thing about coco is that it needs extra CalMag right from the start. You should do a search in the forums for info about that but from what I've read users soak it in extra calmag before use to get it going right. Multiple waterings per day are also recommended and those are reasons I have no desire to use it. Cost and availability are a couple others. I'm in the boondocks here and the nearest source is 2 hours away and 3X the price of ProMix HP which I can get in town. Shipping is not an option and would triple the price again. The nearest hydro store is where I would get coco too.

Funny how different areas have different pricing.
Coco coir and perlite are very cheap for me, just had 40l coco and 20l perlite delivered to my house for $10 + $2 shipping.
You're right about the Cal-Mag, the tips of my leaves die if I don't put it in every other watering.
I only water once every 2 days (1/4 nutes each time).
Funny how different areas have different pricing.
Coco coir and perlite are very cheap for me, just had 40l coco and 20l perlite delivered to my house for $10 + $2 shipping.
You're right about the Cal-Mag, the tips of my leaves die if I don't put it in every other watering.
I only water once every 2 days (1/4 nutes each time).

The very tips of any strain I've grown since '78 have died. lol It means nothing and has nothing to do with Ca or Mg. When the jagged tips along the edges of the leaves turn brown and the edges curl up then you're looking at toxic salts buildup/heat stress issues.

One of the things I really like about ProMix HP is that it has all the perlite you could want already in it. I often just fill pots right out of the bale and water it in with low-dose nutes to start plants or repot into. ProMix makes many coco-based blends too that would work much the same.

I'm way up in northern Alberta about 7 hours north of Edmonton and except for Amazon free shipping via the post office everything costs way more than shelf price. I hate when something I want to buy doesn't hit the $35 limit for free shipping and have to scout around for something else to get over the mark. Still great deals to be found tho. :)

Not sure why the tap water is a concern. Most times I have seen people stating their tap water to be around this from differing countries. Its around 8 because I have seen it as high as 8.2 and as low as 7.7. The advanced nutrients help with the PH and the PPM being at 32, thought that was bloody excellent tbh, scottish water. From the guide I use it tells you to offset the total PPM of your water upto 300PPM but no more. So at 32 there is barely any adjustments to be made.

Well I used a ratio and then gave you ml when you asked for more information and then you go back to using ratio for telling me what you use. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything. Just seems a little disjointed. I done a little testing myself but just with all 3 of the base to see what my levels would be. Got the cal/mag coming also. Did not come with the other 2 so will be next week before it arrives.

Coco is very cheap here. Can get it less than £10 for 50L. Thanks for the link, will give me plenty of reading.
Also I have been watering once per day as that's what my schedule allows. Don't need to water mutiple times per day. Currently pots are about 8L with sides rolled down a little and I water with 1L per pot to around 15-20% run off meaning I have went down to around 90% saturation of soil by next day. Seems to fit the fertigation bill to me. I do not have or care to set up hydroponics. Not too hard or long to do it by hand. So will just keep it at once per day until my plants/you guys (when my plant is dying) tell me I should be doing something different.

I think maybe a better way to phrase my question would be; If I am using less than the manufacturers recommended dosing to keep PPM in check should I be changing the ratio from the manufacturer aswell to give the plants more of what they need at that time in their life cycle?
As far as I know you mix your base nutrients to desired EC and then add your additives. The root stimulator shouldn't have any npk or close to none and the b52 will raise ec a bit.

You can always email them, address is on the bottle.

If you have hard water its best to mix your base lighter anyway.
As far as I know you mix your base nutrients to desired EC and then add your additives. The root stimulator shouldn't have any npk or close to none and the b52 will raise ec a bit.

You can always email them, address is on the bottle.

If you have hard water its best to mix your base lighter anyway.
I have been mixing them all and then if my EC/PPM is too high then dilute with some extra water. But only had 2 waterings with the base and then the additives. Before I wasn't really checking PPM just giving them a real light dose of the base once first true leaves emerged. After reading more on coco(as I thought it was a soil since it came in a bag) I'm checking the levels both going in and out of the pot. The guide I am following says once in veg then your runoff should be within 150PPM/300EC of the level you measured the water at going in.
I never thought about asking them direct, smh. Hard water should not be an issue where I am unless the water company severely fucks up haha
You cant go wrong with a bit less mate. More is what causes issues.
I have hard water too, but its good old Yorkshire water. Canna nutrient chart just take the hardness into account.
Mind you I don't feed over 1.4EC in flower anyway.
You cant go wrong with a bit less mate. More is what causes issues.
I have hard water too, but its good old Yorkshire water. Canna nutrient chart just take the hardness into account.
Mind you I don't feed over 1.4EC in flower anyway.
Don't think I have hard water. My 32 compared to say others 200+. Going to email advanced as per your suggestion.
I have been mixing them all and then if my EC/PPM is too high then dilute with some extra water. But only had 2 waterings with the base and then the additives. Before I wasn't really checking PPM just giving them a real light dose of the base once first true leaves emerged. After reading more on coco(as I thought it was a soil since it came in a bag) I'm checking the levels both going in and out of the pot. The guide I am following says once in veg then your runoff should be within 150PPM/300EC of the level you measured the water at going in.
I never thought about asking them direct, smh. Hard water should not be an issue where I am unless the water company severely fucks up haha

Others have posted the runoff readings from coco are irrelevant.
Only what goes in counts.
Others have posted the runoff readings from coco are irrelevant.
Only what goes in counts.

With PH maybe but not EC.
If you have a problem with coco the first thing to check is the run off EC because if you have a salt build up it can be multiple X what's going in locking out nutrients.
That link you gave me is for cats and not pot books lol

I just checked and even using the raw link in my text post it goes to the main page which has always been that cat site but they had a hidden page of files. Seems to be broken now so sorry about that. It has gone down before then come back up.

I downloaded everything off that page so if there was a place to host them I could upload them to a new page but I don't have anything to host them on myself.

Well I used a ratio and then gave you ml when you asked for more information and then you go back to using ratio for telling me what you use. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything. Just seems a little disjointed. I done a little testing myself but just with all 3 of the base to see what my levels would be. Got the cal/mag coming also. Did not come with the other 2 so will be next week before it arrives.

May have been some confusion there as you mentioned in the first post I replied to as adding nutes to 3L of water rather than Xml/L. Ratios just refer to how much of each nute to affect the amount of specific nutes for the plant's stage of growth. I fart around with different feed ratios and recently started using MegaCrop nutes so only have to vary the amount of the one nute.

I just checked and even using the raw link in my text post it goes to the main page which has always been that cat site but they had a hidden page of files. Seems to be broken now so sorry about that. It has gone down before then come back up.

I downloaded everything off that page so if there was a place to host them I could upload them to a new page but I don't have anything to host them on myself.
Ive kept the link in my bookmarks just incase it comes back up lol. Should be valuable information and interesting reading if it does come back
Ive kept the link in my bookmarks just incase it comes back up lol. Should be valuable information and interesting reading if it does come back

It is. I have two of Cervantes books and a few others that are the same as the ones at that link and the .pdf books are exactly the same. There are dozens of files at that link. Illegal ripoffs so maybe they got a cease and desist order to take it down but it's been down before.

I just checked and it's still not showing. Just kitties but we got 3 of our own to look at. :)
