Trump deports an actual NAZI

No you are wrong, it's America's ICE, created and funded by congress, the current office holder merely is the steward of an agency largely governed day to day by regulations and technocrats.
If you dont mind, I was asking a member from which I dont see any word vomit, thanks.
Looked it up and I guess your right, that's fucking crazy though I had no idea.
How do you think America got to the moon? From V2 to Saturn V, Wernher and his 100 man team of engineers, trained the core of American rocket scientists and engineers from the late 40's to the 60's. Wernher always wanted to go to the moon, but hit London a few times first along the way.
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No you are wrong, it's America's ICE, created and funded by congress, the current office holder merely is the steward of an agency largely governed day to day by regulations and technocrats.

The executive branch is law enforcement. If you're going to meddle in our foreign election process at least know what you're talking about.
The executive branch is law enforcement. If you're going to meddle in our foreign election process at least know what you're talking about.
ICE also processes new immigrants and is suppose to take applications from refugees, under international law. Not to worry, the democrats will fix it soon, release the people in cages and pay them compensation, I'd say a few hundred bucks a day for every day incarcerated, more for separated families. The dreamers will become citizens and the flood gates open to newcomers and prosperity, the losers and trumpers will still be on the bottom of the heap, that won't change with increased immigration either.
I get it dude, really. You hate trump so much that you hate that he deported actual concentration camp guards. That's really sad, even for trolling.

Stop trying to tie two unrelated things together for divisive purposes. Another Trump trait, yet again.

Trump is a complete and utter imbecile. I have no use for anyone who doesn't have disdain for that human scum.
ICE also processes new immigrants and is suppose to take applications from refugees, under international law. Not to worry, the democrats will fix it soon, release the people in cages and pay them compensation, I'd say a few hundred bucks a day for every day incarcerated, more for separated families. The dreamers will become citizens and the flood gates open to newcomers and prosperity, the losers and trumpers will still be on the bottom of the heap, that won't change with increased immigration either.

This bot failed to realize that ICE is an Executive LEA.

And what's up with Canadas 5.6% unemployment rate while the US sits at 3.5% with our participation rates being equal?
Stop trying to tie two unrelated things together for divisive purposes. Another Trump trait, yet again.

Trump is a complete and utter imbecile. I have no use for anyone who doesn't have disdain for that human scum.
So final answer is that you have disdain for someone who deported actual nazis and think they're human scum.
This bot failed to realize that ICE is an Executive LEA.

And what's up with Canadas 5.6% unemployment rate while the US sits at 3.5% with our participation rates being equal?
Off topic Dwayne, ICE has many roles and the one welcoming and helping new arrivals will be the one you'll see. They won't be going after poor folks who just want better lives, employers is where the new focus will be and it will be highly effective too, no walls required, not even a fence. Customs officers will smile at new arrivals and be helpful, in order to promote tourism, an important industry. People like you will no longer have a voice in the future affairs of the nation.
So final answer is that you have disdain for someone who deported actual nazis and think they're human scum.
I know your ignore button is broken

so watching you try to play dumb on the senior officials who ARE nazis in trumps regime is just hilarious, muyloco

you dumbshit nazi