stuck on germination for week, help needed


i have wasted like 12+ seeds and cant afford to waste more. i have tried paper towel and water method. but nothing work.

first badge 4 seeds put them in water they sank in under 24 hours but didn't cracked i put them in damp paper towel and put the paper towel in airtight bag and in my little drawer, nowadays my countries temperature is 20-25 in evenings and go low as 15 by midnight.

second badge damp the paper towel put seeds on it and put them in airtight bag, hasn't sprouted in a week.

third put them in water let them sink and leave them more for days, didn't worked too , didn't sprouted in water in 3 days , some saw it die if kept in water alot some say not.

yet to try soil method . but anyone has any idea why i am facing continuous failure even when seeds are healthy?

there are videos of people zipping the ziploc bag (air tight bag) completely and there are videos where they leave it open , i close it completely . can it be the case?
or the temperature of my country isn't suiting my plants? or there's something wrong in using tap water?

i am putting 2 seeds tomorrow again to try water and paper towel method and possibly record it for help , 90% of people have wrote that once seeds are sunk it can be transfered to paper towel immediately and going to try this again last time correct me if i am going to do it wrong.
If you have 12,+ seeds that dident germ in any one of those methods I have to think they are not viable/ healthy. I put my seeds on damp paper towel in a zip lock then on my router. 98 % germ rate
This is how I germinate ........ with Jiffy pellets ....... I don't like the tissue method ...... no need to pre-soak seed.
Soak Jiffy pellet in bowl of water for 15 minutes, cut the top mesh off with scissors, stand upright in any sort of container, dig a hole in the wet pellet 1cm (no deeper than 2cm) deep with a toothpick, put the seed in (crater up, point down) with tweezers, cover with the peat you dug out, mist and put somewhere dark and warm.
No need to water as it's covered all the time, just open it up to check every day, and mist the mesh if it looks dry.

I just use an empty pill bottle with the top sliced off and a few small stones under and around to keep it all positioned.
Here's one I started yesterday afternoon ....... mesh is still wet, so no need to mist.
morning check.jpg

Nothing happening, so close the top, back in the warm place ....... Usually up on day 2 or 3 ........ rarely 5 but I did have one.

And after they're up, the top two should have already been re-potted once the baby leaves have straightened out, the lower two need another day. I just bury the entire jiffy in coco coir + Perlite, until the leaves are clear of the surface.
The biggest mistake you can make is not to re-pot soon enough, the root is longer than the stem, so it'll already be poking out the bottom of the Jiffy pellet of the top two ...... you need that root buried. When you re-pot only fill the pot 1/2 to 3/4, then as the plant stretches you can keep topping up the soil/coco to just below the lowest leaves.
up already.jpg
Its easier and less risk of damaging roots to soak for 8-10 hours and sow the seed in whatever pot you're using
If you have 12,+ seeds that dident germ in any one of those methods I have to think they are not viable/ healthy. I put my seeds on damp paper towel in a zip lock then on my router. 98 % germ rate
you cover you zip lock bag completely? if i put them on my internet router they will be visible to sunlight and electric light of my home , i have a water heating bag but i am not sure if it will heat them alot or not
Yeah , could be old stock . Where do you source them. ?

bought from a local guy online , the seeds sink tho , doesn't it mean they are healthy? also i have few seeds coming from nirvana too but very low quantity.

since no one has mentioned i assume the temperature the seeds get is fine
Its easier and less risk of damaging roots to soak for 8-10 hours and sow the seed in whatever pot you're using
doesn't matter if they haven't cracked ? gonna try the seed method tomorrow too ,
i have big pots filled halfway with soil but i doubt it matter alot. not like very big pots but not as small as height of a glass
For me , partial presoak to hydrate them , then in a solo of mild potting mix . Small cup for dome , add some warm ( I placed on a driver ) , then a couple days it emerges.


Older seeds can take up to 10 days , I have some some stored seeds about 4 year ( ish ) that I automatically add a little pinch of myco powder to “ bump “ them ( either in the presoak or dusted on damp paper towel ) it can help with stubborn ones.
i have wasted like 12+ seeds and cant afford to waste more. i have tried paper towel and water method. but nothing work.

first badge 4 seeds put them in water they sank in under 24 hours but didn't cracked i put them in damp paper towel and put the paper towel in airtight bag and in my little drawer, nowadays my countries temperature is 20-25 in evenings and go low as 15 by midnight.

second badge damp the paper towel put seeds on it and put them in airtight bag, hasn't sprouted in a week.

third put them in water let them sink and leave them more for days, didn't worked too , didn't sprouted in water in 3 days , some saw it die if kept in water alot some say not.

yet to try soil method . but anyone has any idea why i am facing continuous failure even when seeds are healthy?

there are videos of people zipping the ziploc bag (air tight bag) completely and there are videos where they leave it open , i close it completely . can it be the case?
or the temperature of my country isn't suiting my plants? or there's something wrong in using tap water?

i am putting 2 seeds tomorrow again to try water and paper towel method and possibly record it for help , 90% of people have wrote that once seeds are sunk it can be transfered to paper towel immediately and going to try this again last time correct me if i am going to do it wrong.

Sounds like your doing everything as you should. Just make sure when you place them in the wet paper towel to sit it somewhere dark and warm. I have been successful germinating every seed using paper towel method. I attached my video of my germination process it’s a Part 1-3 Hopefully one of my videos can help. Good luck on your journey !
