Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

Looking forward to seeing your system up and running, dude. It's gonna be dope.
Thanks dude!

This is actually fairly identical to the system I had running, earlier in this thread. But now, I'm going tentless, and switching from 1000w EH hps, to 4 x QB96 v2s. I also got new totes and pipes.
The last I remember looking into R/DWC things, which was a while ago, one topic was DO. And a question was how well do 'bubbles' actually aerate or impart oxygen into the water on their short travel upwards. And the answer, from what I remember, was not very well/very much, and that it was the surface agitation doing more of the gas exchange - it happens at the surface. Even with "very small" or small(er) bubbles, like from the 'fancy micropore air stones, it wasn't as effective as the actual agitating of the surface was (which air stones do, obviously).
You are right here.

A benefit of the bubbles can be that if you place them under the rootball as @JSB99 describes, that the bubbles kind of agitate the rootball.
In this way water with DO comes inside the sometimes dense rootball.
So it is not the O2 inside the bubbles that does the work, but the bubbles just make the rootball wiggle.
You are right here.

A benefit of the bubbles can be that if you place them under the rootball as @JSB99 describes, that the bubbles kind of agitate the rootball.
In this way water with DO comes inside the sometimes dense rootball.
So it is not the O2 inside the bubbles that does the work, but the bubbles just make the rootball wiggle.
Yep, the bubbles make the roots spread out, so it's easier for DO to get to what would normally be a dense root ball.
It's a lot of fun, but an important part of DWC for me, is the ability to really dial things in, and see the results of adjustments very quickly. But, it's only fun if you're not having to fix things all the time, and constantly chase leaks. Plan a rock-solid system from the start, and the rest will be smooth sailing :)

PS: one of the most important things I did with mine, to avoid leaks and hassles, is to use actual bulkheads, and the 27-gallon HDX totes.
Couldn't agree more. HDX totes and bulkheads for
The win. No leaks or issues. 20200221_202222.jpg
No. I use either my vent air, or air from another room, and have it blow on the water in the reservoir. Temps stay between 67 and 69.

Check out my thread...
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I just recently built my 1st rdwc with waterfalls in each tote. I read online with a do meter 8 was a decent number for water at 68 degrees. I got a meter from work and my readings were 7.8 in res and 7.7 at last tote. I also read it's more about surface agitation more than anything, and so far everything seems pretty good.
Using the "6-P's Method" I learned in the Army, a while back, to build my system/room...



Reading this made me literally LOL. Fellow Army and preach the 6 P's to everyone! Lol
Since I'm only using the hps temporarily, until I get my QBs, I'm no longer drawing air for the hood from underneath the house. In this setup, what I like to do is add a short length of flexible duct to the intake. I then loop it so the opening is drawing air from right under the hood. This really helps control temps at the canopy, and it helps quite a bit with noise reduction.
