Bubba Kushman
Well-Known Member
Yesterday Obama said If you make less then $200,000. you should be OK! The number has moved from $250,000. So more people can get robbed by the government under Obamas plan! Biden just said $150,000. should be good! But we know how stupid the things he says are! Pay attention potheads
Obama is full of lies! Its impossible to finance a trillion dollars in new spending as Obama plans, without everyone that pays taxes getting screwed.
He is going to try and change the Constitution too if possible because he thinks its deeply flawed and is just A Charter Of Negative Libertys. Thats in his own words! WE dont need that type of disrespect for our country from someone who wants to be President! The new President will get to pick at least one or two new Supreme Court Justices. Obama has changed his mind whenever its convienient. Thats what change is to Obama! Wake up and smell the coffee pothead
Obama lovers! Its a important vote this time! Make the right decision for USA! Say no to Income Redistribution, Socialism! and attacks on The Constitution! Say No to Obama!