Leaf Symptoms

For the stuff that goes through the pot???
Yes. Those roots need to breathe. If your mix is not free-draining those plants might be essentially drowning. Humus/manure without an aerating agent like perlite is possibly badly hypoxic, especially if the present microorganisms are competing with the roots for what oxygen manages to get through,

Too many possible problems here to do the differential diagnosis without more data.
Whats TDS? And ph is usually around 7.5...
That is a very high pH even for soil.

TDS is total dissolved solids, expressed in ppm. It is a measure of how “salty” your liquid component is. There is an optimum range between starving and getting pickled, if you’ll tolerate the metaphors.
That is a very high pH even for soil.

TDS is total dissolved solids, expressed in ppm. It is a measure of how “salty” your liquid component is. There is an optimum range between starving and getting pickled, if you’ll tolerate the metaphors.
So changing pots and aeration of the grow medium needs to happen ASAP...
Maybe. It depends on some unknown variables. I’m going by guess and by gosh here. I like instruments; they narrow the envelope of possible issues.
So i changed pots today and the roots look extremely healthy... But they definitely needed more room... Talk about how root bound plant's growth could be stunted...ill check in on them tonight and let you know how they are doing