A List of Positive Results of the Trump Presidency

My Dwayne we have certainly come out our shell since getting busted as a sock and Trumper Troll, you used to seem so reasonable when ya first stuck yer snout in here. Must feel liberating and its so much easier to be honest, see how nice it feels? It feels even better when we drop our baggage and work out our kinks by being honest with ourselves and others, makes life simpler and more enjoyable too. First ya gotta recognize and admit to yourself that you're an asshole (I can help with this), then we can work on improving yer character, assuming you have any to begin with. Sorta try and make a silk purse from a sow's ear sorta thing ( Fortunately I can help with this too, but it will be painful).
My Dwayne we have certainly come out our shell since getting busted as a sock and Trumper Troll, you used to seem so reasonable when ya first stuck yer snout in here. Must feel liberating and its so much easier to be honest, see how nice it feels? It feels even better when we drop our baggage and work out our kinks by being honest with ourselves and others, makes life simpler and more enjoyable too. First ya gotta recognize and admit to yourself that you're an asshole (I can help with this), then we can work on improving yer character, assuming you have any to begin with. Sorta try and make a silk purse from a sows ear sota thing ( Fortunately I can help with this too).

Can you help your Prime Minister put on some makeup though.
Enough fun with fools, time for bed, got work to do in the grow in the morning, there's always something to be done. Looks like Joe might have snatched it away from Bernie, the Morning Joe crew should be over the moon with joy. Hope Bloomberg drops out now that Bernie and the communist menace has receded, but keeps his money in. Trump must be shitting a brick at the sudden looming unity of the democrats, getting dirt on Joe will be more important than ever, if at first you don't succeed... maybe if he let's China off the hook for the engineered Coronavirus, "Get me Xi on the phone"...