Large grow room design help - need all input please


Active Member
Hello to all. Sorry I've been away for awhile. Last crop turned out to be a failure due to one of my timers getting stuck on to water every 15 mins every hour. :wall:
We just got our house up in the mountains and will be moving in late Nov. -mid Dec. We have 2 acres and for the grow lab I have 1200 sq ft. I have 13 X 1000 HPS, 2 X 400 MH, and 2 X 750 MH to work with with. Cooling won't be an issue when we get up there because of the winter months, but when summer rolls around I have a 5 ton with air handler that we'll use. (it's what I use now)

Please give me some dream set ups or at least very creative ideas to plan this set up. I would like to have half dedicated to coco and the other half either to aero or flood and drain. Can't seem to make up my mind. I'm very handy so I can build pretty much any table, res, planting site, plumbing, etc. pretty good with electrical. So if it's not in the budget I can always build it. Post some ideas please.


Well-Known Member
That setup sounds absolutely awesome, as for the medium, personally I would choose the same for all plants just to make things simpler but if you want an extra challenge (or it's not any harder for you) you could do more then 1 medium. :) good luck


Well-Known Member
"...I have 1200 sq ft. I have 13 X 1000 HPS, 2 X 400 MH, and 2 X 750 MH to work with with."

Man... i wish -I- had this problem :D

okay.. say you don't want to buy any more equip... here's an idea:

(12) 1000w HPS used in vedge/flower chamber, ie; 3x4 or 2x6, whatever makes sense for the space.

400... 750
750... 400

other lights staggered like so for the clone/vedge/mother plants area.

dimensions of the actual area would help.

depending on how you grow and such, you might find it more usefull to use all the MH as well as (3) of the HPS for clone/vedge/mothers and only (10) HPS for the flower chamber. Way one is borderline for getting the babies you need. Way two would deffinitely give you enuf light to keep the second chamber properly provisioned.


Active Member
Calijuana - thanks, it's always exciting and a shitload of work to set up a new room. You get to do all the things you wanted to do in the last one.

DeGambler - hey sometimes all this equipment can be a taking it all down to move it to a new location. :wall: Frustration sets in like never before. Hopefully this will be our last place. I like your way 2. MH in veg and cloning is irreplaceable. I've seen fantastic growth because of the different hue. I think from what I've experienced this past year is with 10 X 1000 in one space is a little overkill. I could've gotten away with 6 and used the other 4 in whole other room. I might try to maximize the light layout. I'm considering 4-5 4 X 8 tables in the flowering room and maybe 3 in the veg room. The space is 1200 sq ft. rectangular shape. I'm trying to decide between coco and rockwook cubes. I'm not that familiar with rockwool and the only problem I have with that is the whole soaking process. I want to make things simple but I want the best yield overall. What do you think?

Johnny Potseed -- Good find my friend, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool isn't that hard. It just needs to be soaked for 24 hours in Ph adjusted water to around 5.5. The confusing part is getting rid of the excess water without destroying the inner structure of the cube. Easiest thing I have found is a salad spinner. It gets rid of the excess water, without crushing the air pockets inside of the cube.



Active Member
Johnnypotseed - So I could literally use a 55 gal res to soak a bunch of cubes right? And all I need is 5.5...none of the rockwool soak that you see in the shop? And then when you take them out from soaking you put them in the salad spinner, correct? Could you just shake the water out, or is that damaging?

The Faux -- I'm gonna have to check that out here on the forums, never heard of it before.

I found this one thread here or at icmag and they had an ingenious idea with I believe 5 tables. Each table had it's own nute solution so you could just move plants from table to table. Pretty cool idea for a perpetual. I think I'm gonna steer clear of the aero for now and go with cubes on coco slabs or cubes on a coco mat. Any other suggestions of how you could use the rockwool when the roots grow out?