The flush "myth"

So on the topic of flushing, I had asked why their last week of their grow guide it suggests a week of flush, why?

This is the response from Canna, I've had a few great emails with them.. Their customer service is absolutely on point.

Good question! flushing is a myth in terms of what people think it does, which is magically purging the plant from all its accumulated garbage.
That does not happen. what ever gets in and cannot be used, will be stored in plant material and will not be available again, even if you starve the plant for
a month.

the true side though is that in the last 7-15 days, nutrient uptake seriously goes down as the plant focuses on final ripening, therefore, adding nutrient could be akin to wasting money.

Boost helps the plant finish off the process that are begun, keeps photosynthesis more efficient, keep the immune system high, helps it focus on flowering by moving stored root energy upward where leafs/flowers can use it.

CANNAZYM, If you are re-using your growing medium, will help keep it clean to prevent disease on the new generation, but even if you are not re-using, it still helps keep the dying roots healthier.
(more or less an insurance policy, if everything is good and healthy, perhaps you can use the normal dilution (2.5/L) or less often or none a t all... that is very personal choice.

in the end if someone always ran on the hot, dry, overfeeding side, even if he flushes for a month the product will taste bad.

Curing time, humidity levels and even how tight the thing is rolled can make for a difference in burning qualities.

some genetics also naturally taste harsher than others, having a very high oil content (which should be good ;)can also create some coughing
I totally agree about overfeeding.
don't do what these guys who brought you the cuts you seek have been doing for like ever ... never do that, green leaves til the end... mmmm look at those burnt tips :D
don't do what these guys who brought you the cuts you seek have been doing for like ever ... never do that, green leaves til the end... mmmm look at those burnt tips :D
If you're going to push the limits with nutes, it's best to do it during veg. Get them nice & green with the highest brix possible, then your plants have a reserve supply of mobile nutrients like N and Mg.
Overfeeding during flower is a recipe for shitty tasting buds.
On the whole black ash theory, I've noticed that when buds have higher moisture in them they burn a little darker. Personally I don't like when buds just grind to dust but in the past when I dry to that point it always seems to burn whiter regardless of flushing. How do people expect to flush soil when everything in the mediuml isn't going anywhere?
In my opinion the fine white ash means their are no inorganic stuff in the plant

At least thats what they told us in trade school to tell the difference between rubber and silicone if you didnt know was to burn it (but its pretty easy to tell )

The one with with white ash was pure rubber the one that burned black was silicone

But im not bill nye
Most quality cigars burn white but I'm sure the tobacco is dried and cured perfectly. Also a quality cigar's ash will stay intact for a long time before falling off by itself
So on the topic of flushing, I had asked why their last week of their grow guide it suggests a week of flush, why?

This is the response from Canna, I've had a few great emails with them.. Their customer service is absolutely on point.

Good question! flushing is a myth in terms of what people think it does, which is magically purging the plant from all its accumulated garbage.
That does not happen. what ever gets in and cannot be used, will be stored in plant material and will not be available again, even if you starve the plant for
a month.

the true side though is that in the last 7-15 days, nutrient uptake seriously goes down as the plant focuses on final ripening, therefore, adding nutrient could be akin to wasting money.

Boost helps the plant finish off the process that are begun, keeps photosynthesis more efficient, keep the immune system high, helps it focus on flowering by moving stored root energy upward where leafs/flowers can use it.

CANNAZYM, If you are re-using your growing medium, will help keep it clean to prevent disease on the new generation, but even if you are not re-using, it still helps keep the dying roots healthier.
(more or less an insurance policy, if everything is good and healthy, perhaps you can use the normal dilution (2.5/L) or less often or none a t all... that is very personal choice.

in the end if someone always ran on the hot, dry, overfeeding side, even if he flushes for a month the product will taste bad.

Curing time, humidity levels and even how tight the thing is rolled can make for a difference in burning qualities.

some genetics also naturally taste harsher than others, having a very high oil content (which should be good ;)can also create some coughing

I love the part where they say it keeps your dying roots healthier LOL. What the fuck does that even mean?! Can't believe they wrote up that pile of shit response.
So being kind of a noobie here i usually tend to skim through threads from time to time trying to get ideas and snippets of information. One that I have seen pop up multiple times is that flushing is a myth and its about money for nut companies and ect. Now. I pray this doesnt turn into a debate. But i ask why this is a myth or at least believed to be. I ask that people dont come in here bashing about FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH because i am currently one of those guys. I flush gallons of ph balanced water with no cleaning agents only. So my question now is, could someone cite some sources of facts for me or link a previous thread that already does so? Please, FACTS not oppinions or bashing for doing it or not. Im simply trying to educate myself, I actually just had someone tell me to crop my plant and throw it in a bowl of water for 24 hours and thats how thwy flush it. Sounds pretty off the wall but like I said, I dont know so I am trying to educate myself.

i have done both. Flushing and not flushing at the end of a cycle. I have been growing going on 2 yrs now. Not an expert by any means but I’ve learned a lot in that 2 yrs of growing. I have fucked off an entire crop by making mistakes. I’d say it’s fair to say that I got my stuff nailed down pretty good now. That is with Nutes I’m running, and the environment I’m growing in.

like I said that I’ve tried both flushing and not flushing and I have personally found the smoke to be a much harsher smoke when not flushed compared to flushed. I even had people that I’d given the cannabis too complain that they couldn’t smoke it because it burned their lungs. I ended up having to turn it all into bho. What has worked best fir me is flushing the finale 2 weeks before I take them down. I stop feeding nutrients after week 8. I flush 3 times with a stripping agent, and then only ph water after that. I try to flush all the way thru week 10 and then pull.
If I may add my two cents. I've played with wet, dry,organic and synthetic in my attempts to replicate the pictures in the mags of the time. No net and forget the public library. Flushing is only needed when dealing with synthetic nutes and hydro/wet sets. Soil and semi organic should be dialed down during the final three weeks. The soil has put a better flavor in your buds because the microbes have filtered everything for you. Just my take on an old discussion. Peace and bigger better buds.
So being kind of a noobie here i usually tend to skim through threads from time to time trying to get ideas and snippets of information. One that I have seen pop up multiple times is that flushing is a myth and its about money for nut companies and ect. Now. I pray this doesnt turn into a debate. But i ask why this is a myth or at least believed to be. I ask that people dont come in here bashing about FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH because i am currently one of those guys. I flush gallons of ph balanced water with no cleaning agents only. So my question now is, could someone cite some sources of facts for me or link a previous thread that already does so? Please, FACTS not oppinions or bashing for doing it or not. Im simply trying to educate myself, I actually just had someone tell me to crop my plant and throw it in a bowl of water for 24 hours and thats how thwy flush it. Sounds pretty off the wall but like I said, I dont know so I am trying to educate myself.
Flush IS required only the last 3-4 waterings for a typical drain to waste system....Providing you fed them properly along the way, its all thats needed to clean out any residual nuted in the medium...In the mean time, the clean up from the inside, any residuals...If they didnt have a bunch stored, yellowing occurs in a matter of a few days....Ideally, you want leaf yellowing to be reaching the smaller 'sugar leaves' sticking out of the tops...At that point, the residuals are GONE, and chlorophylls depleted......That equates to SWEETNESS....plain pH'ed water is all that is needed....Store bought 'flush' products are just ANOTHER 'snake oil' designed only to lighten your wallet....As with 99% of addatives....A quality COMPLETE nute for vegging, and one for flowering are ALL that is needed....The ONLY addatives I will touch are those that control any nasty pathogens, algea, etc....Hydroguard, SM90 (which is temp. unavailable), are those type of products.....FLUSH with plain old pH'ed water...after a crop or 2, your timing to get proper yellowing will be tuned in.....If garden is still green and pretty at harvest, you didnt flush properly....A pretty crop at harvest, should have yellow leaves everywhere, with resin covered lime green bud leaves....Makes my mouth water talking about it....Your ash from a joint will be white....THERE IS NOTHING WORSE than smoking a DIRTY bud, that held residual nutes from improper flushing....SNAP, CRACKLE, POP, CHOKE...dark ash....YT
Flush IS required only the last 3-4 waterings for a typical drain to waste system....Providing you fed them properly along the way, its all thats needed to clean out any residual nuted in the medium...In the mean time, the clean up from the inside, any residuals...If they didnt have a bunch stored, yellowing occurs in a matter of a few days....Ideally, you want leaf yellowing to be reaching the smaller 'sugar leaves' sticking out of the tops...At that point, the residuals are GONE, and chlorophylls depleted......That equates to SWEETNESS....plain pH'ed water is all that is needed....Store bought 'flush' products are just ANOTHER 'snake oil' designed only to lighten your wallet....As with 99% of addatives....A quality COMPLETE nute for vegging, and one for flowering are ALL that is needed....The ONLY addatives I will touch are those that control any nasty pathogens, algea, etc....Hydroguard, SM90 (which is temp. unavailable), are those type of products.....FLUSH with plain old pH'ed water...after a crop or 2, your timing to get proper yellowing will be tuned in.....If garden is still green and pretty at harvest, you didnt flush properly....A pretty crop at harvest, should have yellow leaves everywhere, with resin covered lime green bud leaves....Makes my mouth water talking about it....Your ash from a joint will be white....THERE IS NOTHING WORSE than smoking a DIRTY bud, that held residual nutes from improper flushing....SNAP, CRACKLE, POP, CHOKE...dark ash....YT
Grow in dirt.
the fact is that flushing is not done in the agriculture community should tell you it's a hippy myth

the tobacco industry have spent millions of dollars on scientifically controlled experiments to produce the best products they can, but yet they do not flush

are there any facts to prove flushing is a worthwhile process?
Ive had friends ask me if I flush, I say yes, and they say" oh yeah, I can tell" . Right.
My leaves are this green until I harvest. Buds are neon green when dry. Side by side my soil vs buddies airponics or deepwater. Mine are always smother and tastier. Almost unanimous among participants. No flush. No synthetics. Simple.004.jpg
Next myth to bust...

Nutrient are all the same. Both in your media and when absorbed by the plant and utilized in the aid of creating energy from photosythesis.

Their is no soil versus arguments. ..its only preference and plant health/consumer health (AN sells you heavy metals)
Next myth to bust...

Nutrient are all the same. Both in your media and when absorbed by the plant and utilized in the aid of creating energy from photosythesis.

Their is no soil versus arguments. ..its only preference and plant health/consumer health (AN sells you heavy metals)
I cant tell people "dont flush" I can only say I dont flush. I have, I may again. 90 percent of sucess involves having a sound basic plan and doing what you think is best for the plant without killing it. If someone says they flush, Im cheering for um. If someone says "fuck it" im cheering for um. Experiment, read every technical manual from every agricultural college you can lay your grubby hands on. If you have a passion for growing the plant, you will find your own groove.
I'm not going to get into this debate, My idea's and thoughts are just that, But I used to flush (leech) my plants out before harvest, I saw a grow-room where the guy didnt , I asked how long he flushed for and he laughed, We smoked some weed and it was great, his buds were bigger and healthier with the same basic setup. After the first run I realized it was some stoner myth and a way for nutrient companies to sell you even more shit you dont need.

Same strain same everything, but I didnt flush the plants the last two weeks , I ended up with almost 2 more ounces. It was dried and lightly cured and it tasted better then it ever had. It was perplexing at first until I realized that starving your plant of nutrients that dont readily get removed with water anyways in the last two (most important weeks) is almost an act of lunacy . I've not flushed anything since then and had better tasting and more robust yields.

Now I believe that a proper slow dry and cure contributes to the taste far more then anything else you can do to the plant. But starving it the last weeks of it's life is only killing the potential of better yield.

IMO , Flushing is for toilets . :) BB
What kind of nutes ?