Might wanna get that relative humidity up broseph
How to use the chart below: Find your temp (y) and aim to match with proper relative humidity (x) so that where they meet is a # in a green box. The higher the number the more potassium the plants need to burn while they perspire just to stay cool.
So at 79F you ideally want a minimum RH of ~65% and they will PRAY
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You've probably heard of it, but in case not or for others looking on, this is called vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and it is a game changer. If you're having deficiency issues or your plants look stressed/over watered even though they're not over watered, proper VPD will help tremendously. An environment VPD in red (over or under transpiration) will cause several problems, not just a need for extra potassium. It messes with co2 utilization too for example.
So now that the reader gets the general idea you can hone it even more by adjusting your VPD based on which stage of growth you are at. By doing this you can force the plant to uptake more nutrients when you want it to in order to really stack. See chart below.
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Generally speaking, if mold is an issue in your space you may want to compromise and keep relative humidity on the lower side of things but if you are having mold problems at 45/50% humidity you should probably replace your equipment such as dehumidifiers and clean tf out of your room before growing anything. Cheers!