Is that rockwool wrapped in damp paper towels?
Those wrapped in paper towels were cuts. I ask him to send me some cuts about a month ago, some that he had moms of but wasn’t rooting any at the time, one(sour dub) out of five strains didn’t root so I ask him to send me some more. Those little mailers work good for cuts and rooted rockwool/rapid rooters. Most of the mailers I get are sealed in those big priority evnvelopes or plastic bags then boxed, which probably helps tremendously with humidity/moisture longevity. I’ve recieved a bunch in shippers but I recently got some from sleestack( I think, guy with cube cut) and I like the idea he had of trimming the solo cup to fit the shipper. It’s a lot easier to flip and tap out of a solo cup than those stiff shippers.
Those wrapped in paper towels were cuts. I ask him to send me some cuts about a month ago, some that he had moms of but wasn’t rooting any at the time, one(sour dub) out of five strains didn’t root so I ask him to send me some more. Those little mailers work good for cuts and rooted rockwool/rapid rooters. Most of the mailers I get are sealed in those big priority evnvelopes or plastic bags then boxed, which probably helps tremendously with humidity/moisture longevity. I’ve recieved a bunch in shippers but I recently got some from sleestack( I think, guy with cube cut) and I like the idea he had of trimming the solo cup to fit the shipper. It’s a lot easier to flip and tap out of a solo cup than those stiff shippers.
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I received some bare rooted cuts in wrapped thick with damp papertowels and placed into a makeshift clone shipper. They didn't go thru the mail system but they did have to travel to reach me. So far so good.

The last bare rooted cuttings I received didn't do so well, and they were nice big meaty cuts too. So, this time around, I immediately put them in a bath of RO water and 40ppms of Clonex. (I'm sure you could mix up a similar solution with any three part nutes)
I left them to soak while I prepped everything.
The very last ones to be cut rooted the fastest. Anecdotal l but I assume its because they were in the bath longer and had a chance to really rehydrate.
I received some bare rooted cuts in wrapped thick with damp papertowels and placed into a makeshift clone shipper. They didn't go thru the mail system but they did have to travel to reach me. So far so good.

The last bare rooted cuttings I received didn't do so well, and they were nice big meaty cuts too. So, this time around, I immediately put them in a bath of RO water and 40ppms of Clonex. (I'm sure you could mix up a similar solution with any three part nutes)
I left them to soak while I prepped everything.
The very last ones to be cut rooted the fastest. Anecdotal l but I assume its because they were in the bath longer and had a chance to really rehydrate.
Yessir, that’s the medicine right there. I like some aloe in there too.
I received some bare rooted cuts in wrapped thick with damp papertowels and placed into a makeshift clone shipper. They didn't go thru the mail system but they did have to travel to reach me. So far so good.

The last bare rooted cuttings I received didn't do so well, and they were nice big meaty cuts too. So, this time around, I immediately put them in a bath of RO water and 40ppms of Clonex. (I'm sure you could mix up a similar solution with any three part nutes)
I left them to soak while I prepped everything.
The very last ones to be cut rooted the fastest. Anecdotal l but I assume its because they were in the bath longer and had a chance to really rehydrate.

Always soak snips for a least 24 hours to rehydrate they do much better that way.
Glad to see you still around. Sometimes people just disappear and never heard from again.
Strainly could use some of your cuts for sure brother.

Yea this will always be my home I might stray away sometime but this will always be my fav place to be at. I gotta get 3 positive reviews on there then I can do something. Anybody wanna help me with this? Can bless whoever with something for the review
My buddy got the Gainesville Green cut from Sunshine State Seed Company.. is this supposed to be the original Green Crack? They wanted more for this cut than all their other genetics... Green Crack is kinda bunk on the grand scale of whats available..
My buddy got the Gainesville Green cut from Sunshine State Seed Company.. is this supposed to be the original Green Crack? They wanted more for this cut than all their other genetics... Green Crack is kinda bunk on the grand scale of whats available..
No, Gainesville Green is a strain from Gainesville Florida grown in the 70's.
