Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your contributions to this topic as well abondonconflic. Thank you. I work in a cancer center. Do you know if this virus emits a certain odor? I noticed this horrific rancid horse like barn animal like smell in the lobby today. Any warning signs are a help.
I would keep a keen watch on any news out of South Korea. I don't have any info on that. My guess is that it is going to be similar in some ways to the common cold unless a patient has ARDS.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Interesting opinion piece by the NY Post. Take it with a grain of salt..

Facts and advice from reliable, expert sources are what people need, opinions we can provide and unsupported rumors are harmful. Nature has a steady supply of such pathogens, they arise all the time and were even essential for the evolution and development of complex life as we know it, nobody engineered this bug anymore than they, engineered the one in 1918.

If there's any success with the vaccine it will probably expedited and I would expect deployment would be quicker than a year if the situation became dire. It is my understanding that these things can mutate into more and less virulent strains and many people can contract a milder form of the illness. Also I understand that mortality rates can vary among different populations, with for example south pacific islanders having higher rates of mortality with influenza for instance. Could this bug become less virulent over time as it mutates in the population, there seems to be a trend for this in other such diseases?


Well-Known Member
Trump just said coronavirus is like flu. It's different but the same.

Stable genius
It has a 20 times higher mortality rate than flu and is said by some experts to be worse than the 1918 pandemic. That one killed my maternal grandmother as a healthy young woman in an isolated out port in Newfoundland.


Well-Known Member
Trump just said coronavirus is like flu. It's different but the same.

Stable genius
He spelled it incorrectly in a tweet yesterday, the moron. Seriously. The President of the United States.

"Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape! @CDCgov" -Donald Trump

"covfefe" -Donald Trump

"hamberder" -Donald Trump

I am a bit picky with spelling and grammar, but can accept typos and mistakes. However, the President, using what's now really an official channel of communication from the White House making very basic mistakes, especially about a current crisis? The lack of attention to details shows how much he really gives a shit.
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Well-Known Member
How hard would it be to blend in with the idiots lol. All you need is a maga hat and make a racist sign to carry around, just need to misspell half the words. Yell racist shit at any brown or black skinned people. Hell, if I punched out a reporter I might get a meet and greet with the orange psycho himself.
Donald might find it difficult to hold rallies when they ban mass events, it will crimp his style and starve him of emotional "oxygen". I imagine state and local authorities will control that sort of thing, I wonder if Donald will defy them and hold them anyway. Rallies are essential to Trump, they improve his mood, give him energy and are a platform for publicity. He will miss the adulation of his fans.


Well-Known Member
Yet , he still had time to gripe about Pelosi , Schiff , media , Dems , trade , wall .....

” its like the flu “ ..... insanity
“ Mike will lead on the CORONAVIRUS issue “ ....... What does pence actually fucking do ? .... I’m confused
“ It’s just 15 people .... “ ..... *no words
” please ask a nice question , not bad one “ ..... he fucking hates being questioned / media

“ President XI ( chairman of everything ) is working very hard on this “ ..... all he did is float a few bucks to citizens durning economic
disaster ..... he’s somewhere with his head in the sand right now.

Wishing for the zombie version .... love to see the fucking presidential response to the dead rising from the grave .
” Listen , it’s another nasty attempt by the dems to harm my name and family “ ..... “ nasty people ... dishonest ”
Then , Wooden Puppet Pence leans over and bites his fat ass .



Well-Known Member
There's always a tweet lol.

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Didn't Pence get a Phd from bible school? Fuck he doesn't even believe in evolution and is a magical thinker. I wonder if he will be the Czar of information for the effort and all CDC and other agency press releases have to go through him, kinda like Barr in the DOJ with Trump investigations. We know already that Donald wants to keep a lid on this because of market fears and for political reasons, he won't want to be seen as losing the fight!


Well-Known Member
I just stocked up on food at costco...3cs Kraft Mac&Cheese, 10lbs of coffee beans, 3 flats of eggs, 4cs of on-the-shelf milk. Cs's of chili and beans, 30+ cans of chicken. 48cns of tuna. stuffed the freezer with as much frozen chicken and fish. 2cs each of caned corn, greenbeans and peas. I have 4cs of MRE's. Will plant a veg garden as soon as weather allows.
You should try to prepare for 3-4 months isolated quarantine....