Well-Known Member
Who can I trust for some souvenirs??? I’ve used Seeds Here Now but now they only take Bitcoin and Money orders or certified checks.
I use msnl 100%succes to Australia everytime 4 to 8 days postWho can I trust for some souvenirs??? I’ve used Seeds Here Now but now they only take Bitcoin and Money orders or certified checks.
Seedsman is my favorite so far. They didn't open my breeder packs and put them in little baggies like Attitude and Choice Seedbank did.I use
They are not fast, but they are reliable, they take Credit Card, and have a giant selection for a great price. As I said, it just takes awhile to get your stuff....a long while.
Not sure if i'll shop anywhere else. Not sure I want to do business with a company that can't take a card, that's not a very well run company
How fast shipping. Seeds here now is in us and ships fastIf in the us I’ve use glg sent a money order had no problem
I'm US, California, and I use seedsman. Just got the email my order will be here in a couple days!USA? Dc Seed Exchange, Greenpoint Seeds , Great Lakes Genetics or James Bean Co.
EU? probably Seedsman
If you are in the US check out the canna genetics bank out of Oregon. Fast domestic shipping and breeder grade stock...
CannaGeneticsBank | The Worlds Finest Cannabis Genetics a Cannabis Seed Bank that is based in the US & supplies the worlds finest Cannabis Genetics by the Worlds Best Cannabis
If you are in the US check out the canna genetics bank out of Oregon. Fast domestic shipping and breeder grade stock...
CannaGeneticsBank | The Worlds Finest Cannabis Genetics a Cannabis Seed Bank that is based in the US & supplies the worlds finest Cannabis Genetics by the Worlds Best Cannabis
I like KOS and TGA gear. Chernobyl is always sold out when I look but that's one strain I'd order seed for again. I liked TGA Brian's berry cough and KOS Candyman Haze so much I have crossed both of these to keep them in the arsenal.Any breeders you like specifically? Strains?
I like KOS and TGA gear. Chernobyl is always sold out when I look but that's one strain I'd order seed for again. I liked TGA Brian's berry cough and KOS Candyman Haze so much I have crossed both of these to keep them in the arsenal.