Bernie Sanders Draws Bigly Crowds

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Well-Known Member
and look at you now. I'm trying to have a conversation with UB. Just suck his dick while we talk please. thanks
So at first, you were crying because I tagged him, after you mentioned him. Now, you want me to leave you alone?

You're really unstable. I think you need professional help. A therapist would really do you some good. I would know, I saw therapists for years after my deployments and still do on occasion. It works.


Well-Known Member
@Justin-case look at this guy trying to have a conversation. He went from desperately trying to insult me to this and now he's going to shit himself because I tagged you.
again begging for help. God you sad as fuck. I have Just In Case on mute because he for sure is a puppet. Sad that you need other to help you . I call no one in to help me. I'm a self contained unit


Well-Known Member
So at first, you were crying because I tagged him, after you mentioned him. Now, you want me to leave you alone?

You're really unstable. I think you need professional help. A therapist would really do you some good. I would know, I saw therapists for years after my deployments and still do on occasion. It works.
For real I hope you a puppet no real man should be this much of a bitch. What Airborne unit were you again ?


Well-Known Member
@Uncle Buck its ok to look it up . In fact I wish you to. I just want you to know what it is made of before we move forward. Please try to keep the conversation honest. You very well may learn something or at the very least walk away with food for thought, By your reaction today it seems that you didn't know how involved Nazis were in our space program. At least you can say you learned that. But again back to the question. What is the Apollo 11 made out of. I honestly await your answer. I know the answer. I need you to know the answer to move forward


Well-Known Member
@Uncle Buck its ok to look it up . In fact I wish you to. I just want you to know what it is made of before we move forward. Please try to keep the conversation honest. You very well may learn something or at the very least walk away with food for thought, By your reaction today it seems that you didn't know how involved Nazis were in our space program. At least you can say you learned that. But again back to the question. What is the Apollo 11 made out of. I honestly await your answer. I know the answer. I need you to know the answer to move forward
totally forgot your blaccent there


Well-Known Member
He's searching through my post history for something to use against me. I hope it's good, I'm bored because coronavirus containment measures have hit Siquijor and the water has been choppy the past few days.
dude you in the United States. You not fooling anyone
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