Everybody has the right to grow marijuana (& your opinions)

This is before the Camp Fire fucked me up of course, but I usually didn’t even sell zips. If I did, it would be for $150. Some super fire. When I was still right down the street from you( could hit lower sac with a rock) i would sell zips for 200 if i had to.

Yes yes! I’m a greedy drug dealer :-)
$150 an oz is a good price. I could actually almost afford to not grow at that price.

I feel for you and everybody else in the fires. I went to high school in Middletown, we had our own bout with fire. I had moved out long before though


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Or have a clue about the grow legend you are. Living at your parents?:finger:
Grow legend, no I don't know of any grow legends. I've been growing for less than a year, only just started my 4th grow and the third is still going, just harvested second about 10 days ago. I only know the classics like skunk man sam, Jorge Cervantes. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to people, because, why?
Grow legend, no I don't know of any grow legends. I've been growing for less than a year, only just started my 4th grow and the third is still going, just harvested second about 10 days ago. I only know the classics like skunk man sam, Jorge Cervantes. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to people, because, why?
He is a Vietnam vet, and one of the nicest guys you could ever meet, so I have a problem with someone who doesn't know the man giving him grief. That is why.
He is a Vietnam vet, and one of the nicest guys you could ever meet, so I have a problem with someone who doesn't know the man giving him grief. That is why.
Then he should know I don't live at my parents by looking at my logo. My whole family are vets, i'm a disabled vet, so I appreciate his service greatly. If he is making money on selling cannabis by charging outrageous prices, then yeah I have no problem giving him grief because he should know better than to charge people for medicine they need. If he is a Vietnam vet, he likely knows people that need it and can see the benefits, then if he still chooses to charge outrageous prices, why wouldn't everybody want to give him grief?
And he uses a chainsaw on harvest day.:weed:
And yeah, if he is a veteran, and grows so much he needs a chainsaw, then he should be giving it away for free, at least to veterans. There are tons of disabled vets that could use the help.

If he already is, then I would gladly apologize to him and offer help with his efforts
Grow legend, no I don't know of any grow legends. I've been growing for less than a year, only just started my 4th grow and the third is still going, just harvested second about 10 days ago. I only know the classics like skunk man sam, Jorge Cervantes. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to people, because, why?
A lot of folks miss use the word "trees", in regards to him, it's not a miss use. Search around the site for his crop pics
A lot of folks miss use the word "trees", in regards to him, it's not a miss use. Search around the site for his crop pics
You all are making my point for me thank you. If he isn't helping fellow veterans with what he grows, then he is no nice guy he is a giant douche, and i'm sad to call him a fellow veteran. You know how many people that fought along side him, possibly saved his life, are hurting with no help because the VA just wants to shove pills down their throat?

Again, this is all on speculation that he is selling weed for outrageous prices and he isn't helping fellow veterans. If his weed goes to dispensaries marked as top shelf, yeah he's a major part of the problem
And yeah, if he is a veteran, and grows so much he needs a chainsaw, then he should be giving it away for free, at least to veterans. There are tons of disabled vets that could use the help.

If he already is, then I would gladly apologize to him and offer help with his efforts
I completely disagree. I think he and I or anyone who invests our time and effort should charge what the market will bear for our labor. When I worked in medicine we did pro bono surgeries. Our choice, on our dime and time, but the rest of the time we charged outrageous prices :D then again you factor 4 years undergrad, 4 years medical school and my residency would have been 7 years instead I took a shortcut through a windshield but I would have had zero problems charging the market price for my profession after living in near poverty for those years..

People deserve to be compensated for their labor and no one is entitled to benefit from the labor of another person for free unless that person chooses to gift their time or service. There are plenty of government and private sector programs that provide help for people.
That's just my opinion and I'm sure I'm wrong.
Thank you for your service. What service were you in?
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I don't work. I'm a disabled vet. I am going to school again. Seems weird at 39 to be in college again lol. Hell yeah this could work out great. You get another helper, and I get to help more vets
I completely disagree. I think he and I or anyone who invests our time and effort should charge what the market will bear for our labor. When I worked in medicine we did pro bono surgeries. Our choice on our dime and time, but the rest of the time we charged outrageous prices :D then again you factor 4 years undergrad, 4 years medical school and my residency would have been 7 years instead I took a shortcut through a windshield but I would have had zero problems charging the market price for my profession.

People deserve to be compensated for their labor and no one deserves a freebie because of any thing.
That's just my opinion and I'm sure I'm wrong.
Thank you for your service. What service were you in?
Air Force, almost 8 years. Made me get out after Afghanistan and now they give me money because I cant work. I'd much rather work
Well, we'll work out the logistics later. Glad to hear you can trim all day. Can you trim all 21 days of them? Trim camp is like what crossfit is to jumping jacks.
Well I have school and family obligations, but if its for helping vets I get a family pass anytime I need. just the school deal. Somebody PM me with details or contact info please