Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

The biggest facial recognition AI system the world has ever seen; the entire country being behind a firewall; people getting dissappeared thousands at a time into reeducation camps based on race; social credit scores; maybe the biggest cover-up in history to conceal coronavirus...

China is way ahead of us in terms of a police state and a controlled population. They built a fucking wall 27 centuries ago. Please don't derail this thread with more fucking nonsense.
CCP curated stats, still low-ball but all we really have:

75,213 confirmed cases
12,057 critical condition
14,623 recovered
2,010 fatalities

Given changes in the way they calculate stats, it's unclear if the 6.4 day doubling rate can be confirmed but that's looking accurate.
This is primarily a shit on China thread! :D (specifically the CPP dictators who run the place)
This is a coronavirus thread. The CCP is to blame for much though. They tried to cover it up, which ensured its spread internationally. They continue to cover up the extent of it, hampering epidemiological research, which is urgent.
How did that wall thing work out for them? It's was to keep people out, not in, the great firewall is to keep the world out too, the last time they tried that it didn't work out too well for them either.
The great wall didn't help keep the Black Death from spreading out of China and killing half of the European population.
This is a coronavirus thread. The CCP is to blame for much though. They tried to cover it up, which ensured its spread internationally. They continue to cover up the extent of it, hampering epidemiological research, which is urgent.
No arguments about responsibility and such, but you are hard on the old CPP! I'm sure they must have yer mugshot somewhere and the AI will be working overtime on yer kisser. Be careful when visiting China, you might not return and if Donald were to hear of your opinion of him you might not be safe in America one day!:p
The only reason Influenza was so named (also Spanish Flu) was because Spain was the only country reporting honestly.
1918 Flu Pandemic That Killed 50 Million Originated in China, Historians Say
Chinese laborers transported across Canada thought to be source.
Canada and notably Ontario seem to be dodging a bullet. Between 1500 and 2000 people arrive daily at Toronto international on flights originating from China. 461 people have been tested (so only 1/4 of the daily arrivals) and no new virus cases. It boggles my mind that Canada is not at least testing all who originate from mainland China but I guess the health officials know more than this old country boy. I also was listening to CBC radio and the infectious disease expert they were interviewing seemed to think this virus was actually no worse than the seasonal flue (not downplaying the death toll from flu) and actually speculated that this may become some what like the flue with yearly outbreaks. It’s hard to know what and who to believe at this juncture, hopefully the whole true story emerges soon. Even if this turns out to be a flu like virus the yearly economic and human toll could be huge.
I'm sure this will give Trump ideas for November, just use a sharpie to alter the report and create a phoney public health crises...
In my area, N95 masks have been sold out everywhere for a month but I stumbled onto a bunch today in a unlikely place, a large grow store. They had 3 different kinds and the shelf was full of boxes of 10 and 20. Thought it was a little strange they had plenty, are most growers too stoned to see any threat from the virus?
77,912 Confirmed cases
21,184 Confirmed recovered
11,539 Critical condition
2,360 Fatalities

South Korea appears to be experiencing an outbreak of its own.