Wow.... read whole thread in 3 days...
We got debo (heisenclown) saying i dont know who heisenbeans is and 30 pages later he admits it. The guys talking shit to the other guy from FL then asks him to smoke a joint with him lol gets rejected.
Mr arguments... the guys who thinks hes better than everyone the feed the homeless guy the person that clames to be 68 years old that calls other guys Hun (100% cringe)... the guy trying to get rich of cuttings. The guy who thinks hes the best grower and has the best cuttings... the guy who sucks at everything and wants to blame everything bad that happens to him on everyone who stumbles in his path
The guy who thinks is going to build a buisness with the name (shit)[first thing comes to my mind is his products are what his company is called (shit) lol
And things went off topic like 5 times...
At a point i read over 3 pages back to back of arguments and arguments i felt misserable at times no kidding
I actually even pm'd people to make a relationship but after reading their shady posts and arguments just blocked them... my head hurt like 3 times. Its cray cray! Lol
Never the less a lot of good info very good info tbh. Now..... back to topic.
Been talking to [Cultured Cannabis Seeds] on,
Claims to have the Archive breeders cut of Purple Punch.. i know @Binometrik left s good review on there (wating for him to vouch for this guy) trying to see if this guy is legit because will be spending over 1000$ on cuttings shipped over seas.. been on the forums for almost 12 years now ... allways quiet just reading information, im fairly new to the clone game trying to grow higher quality herb at a commercial level and figured if i want to learn more have to become more involved in the community.
Please stay on topic no one cares about ur life normally a memeber is on here to see if their money is safe with so and so on and how legit his genetics are nothing more...
Last edited:
Starts at bottom

and there's a big thread on rollitup that rates the sellers here. I have a good rating you. I just gave you the most terrible rating ever because first you lied to me and 2nd you sent me p.m. Infested clones. Goodbye.

Michigan Breeders Association 7 days ago

U sound like your scamming me!! U cant trust no one these days! I know for a fact that those cuts didnt have pm lady!! Karmas on u! If u dont want to keep your end of the bargain !!

burrsmonica 8 days ago

They all have PM!!!

You are so full of s***. And there is no possible way. You could not know that you have p.m. You knowingly sent me cuts that had p.m. On them and that's f****** terrible. You should be ashamed of yourself.

burrsmonica 11 days ago


Michigan Breeders Association 12 days ago

[email protected]

burrsmonica 14 days ago

I need an email

Michigan Breeders Association 15 days ago

U sure i have my mother here and some clones and i just checked them and they look fine. Could u send a pic?

burrsmonica 15 days ago

The sundae driver has it for sure!

You cant send people infected cuts!!

burrsmonica 15 days ago

At least one anyways

burrsmonica 15 days ago

Your plants have PM 100%

Michigan Breeders Association 17 days ago

U might of wiped of some leaf shine! I spray my clones with leaf shine and they never wilt on me amd i dont have to use humidity. Dome.

burrsmonica 17 days ago

Yes after a few major battles with powdery mildew I totally am about prevention now you put yourself in a position never to get it and you won't get it you leave things open like stagnant air and such and you are going to get it it's just that simple every 3 weeks I take everything out of my bedroom and I bleach all the walls in the floor as a prevention measure

burrsmonica 17 days ago

Thrips would be a close second

burrsmonica 17 days ago

I have had p.m. more than a few times and head of every possible thing you can get it was the hardest to get rid of for me

burrsmonica 17 days ago

I'm not saying that I have it from your plants I'm just saying I wiped at the something off it could have been residue I don't know what I quarantine them just in case sorry I didn't mean to offend you at all but I've got a lot invested in my grow room and I don't want to lose everything and I think you understand that

Michigan Breeders Association 17 days ago

No , but dureing summer i had a l two plants that had a little at bottom but i threw them out and bleached my room !! But not on any of those those, Strains i actually got those 4 strains after i had cleaned room! If your worried quarantine the plants for two weeks and spray them with neem oil. I know what your thinking that powdery mildew is systemic and u cant get rid of it after plants gets it! Thats a rumer someone started thats nas no science behind it . and someone just came up with a theory with no proof, and spreads it around then everyone believes the old wifes tail! I actually did research on it because me and my buddy disagreed on it , So i researched to find truth wirh evidence ! To be systemic the virus or mold cell would have to be able to reproduce in the plant! And powdery mildew doesnt reproduce inside of plants it goes inside but throws of spores to reproduce, i read several articles and talked to people with degrees in botanist! Ill look for a couple articles i read tonight and send them to u on the subject!! Ive been growing for 12 years now and u cant believe everything people tell u in the Marijuana world! I alqa4ys triple check every thing i hear. Just like they say if u take a clone from a clone every time u do that it suppose to weeken the genetics or morph the plant! So u should always take cuts from original mother grown by seed, thats also not true!! I have people come in to my store for rec weed and i ask them why they dont get their medical mmmp card to they can get flower cheaper on tax , and someone spread around that the state of mi will take your ccw away or not let u own a firearm! But thats another false rumer. Because your medical records are private and u have to sifn permission for anyone to look at them also i asked google and i have local customers that. Have cards and carry a ccw here!! But your safe with those cuts , but it is a good idea to quarantine all your outside clones that u bring into garden regardless, i do to every thing i get! I learned the hard way when i first started growing ans got broad mites about 7 yrs ago and had to toss all my genetics.

burrsmonica 18 days ago

I need to ask you a question and I need you to be honest with me do you have powdery mildew in your grow room??

Michigan Breeders Association 19 days ago

K , Thanks i appreciate it!!

burrsmonica 20 days ago

I am also going to give you a good review on the form rollitup on a thread called strainlyio brawl the sellers are rated so that'll give you some business to

burrsmonica 20 days ago

I received the cuts today they're in pretty good shape just put them in soil thanks a lot my friend appreciate it I'll message you as soon as I ship yours out it might be Monday but it might be next Monday just for the fact that I would like a little Bitterroot mess before I send but it might be good enough to send Monday I'm not a hundred percent sure but I will let you know when I do thanks again

Dang what a POS it must be some broke ass punk hustling growers for free cuttings
Wow.... read whole thread in 3 days...
We got debo (heisenclown) saying i dont know who heisenbeans is and 30 pages later he admits it. The guys talking shit to the other guy from FL then asks him to smoke a joint with him lol gets rejected.
Mr arguments... the guys who thinks hes better than everyone the feed the homeless guy the person that clames to be 68 years old that calls other guys Hun (100% cringe)... the guy trying to get rich of cuttings. The guy who thinks hes the best grower and has the best cuttings... the guy who sucks at everything and wants to blame everything bad that happens to him on everyone who stumbles in his path
The guy who thinks is going to build a buisness with the name (shit)[first thing comes to my mind is his products are what his company is called (shit) lol
And things went off topic like 5 times...
At a point i read over 3 pages back to back of arguments and arguments i felt misserable at times no kidding
I actually even pm'd people to make a relationship but after reading their shady posts and arguments just blocked them... my head hurt like 3 times. Its cray cray! Lol
Never the less a lot of good info very good info tbh. Now..... back to topic.
Been talking to [Cultured Cannabis Seeds] on,
Claims to have the Archive breeders cut of Purple Punch.. i know @Binometrik left s good review on there (wating for him to vouch for this guy) trying to see if this guy is legit because will be spending over 1000$ on cuttings shipped over seas.. been on the forums for almost 12 years now ... allways quiet just reading information, im fairly new to the clone game trying to grow higher quality herb at a commercial level and figured if i want to learn more have to become more involved in the community.
Please stay on topic no one cares about ur life normally a memeber is on here to see if their money is safe with so and so on and how legit his genetics are nothing more...
Props give this man a medal
you have me craking up fr theres some real cringe and hate crimes going down up in here we got some str8 lunatics on riu pm me i have some good stuff i got you gremlin

Wow.... read whole thread in 3 days...
We got debo (heisenclown) saying i dont know who heisenbeans is and 30 pages later he admits it. The guys talking shit to the other guy from FL then asks him to smoke a joint with him lol gets rejected.
Mr arguments... the guys who thinks hes better than everyone the feed the homeless guy the person that clames to be 68 years old that calls other guys Hun (100% cringe)... the guy trying to get rich of cuttings. The guy who thinks hes the best grower and has the best cuttings... the guy who sucks at everything and wants to blame everything bad that happens to him on everyone who stumbles in his path
The guy who thinks is going to build a buisness with the name (shit)[first thing comes to my mind is his products are what his company is called (shit) lol
And things went off topic like 5 times...
At a point i read over 3 pages back to back of arguments and arguments i felt misserable at times no kidding
I actually even pm'd people to make a relationship but after reading their shady posts and arguments just blocked them... my head hurt like 3 times. Its cray cray! Lol
Never the less a lot of good info very good info tbh. Now..... back to topic.
Been talking to [Cultured Cannabis Seeds] on,
Claims to have the Archive breeders cut of Purple Punch.. i know @Binometrik left s good review on there (wating for him to vouch for this guy) trying to see if this guy is legit because will be spending over 1000$ on cuttings shipped over seas.. been on the forums for almost 12 years now ... allways quiet just reading information, im fairly new to the clone game trying to grow higher quality herb at a commercial level and figured if i want to learn more have to become more involved in the community.
Please stay on topic no one cares about ur life normally a memeber is on here to see if their money is safe with so and so on and how legit his genetics are nothing more...
Thanks mom.... :bigjoint: ;)
I'll post the pics up tomorrow.
I see where he explains how pm works.
I see where you admit your space is infected.(every space is)
I see you do not understand the facts here and you are blaming some one else for you issue.
Perhaps a class in basic horticulture...........makes life easier for us all.
Now please do show some pics of your garden and how it grows.
I see where he explains how pm works.
I see where you admit your space is infected.(every space is)
I see you do not understand the facts here and you are blaming some one else for you issue.
Perhaps a class in basic horticulture...........makes life easier for us all.
Now please do show some pics of your garden and how it grows.
Question is, has anyone else grabbed a clone from Mich Breeder Assoc and what was the condition of that one. If it had PM they may have a case, if there are no other cases or few in between then pretty sure it is not MBA.
By the way, awesome to see Aromatherapeutic is back after he lost his mother stock this summer to shitty mechanical failures. Never copped anything off of him but from following around on strainly and on IG he is 100%. Solid dude with solid genetics. Finds a lot of gems, even in his own breeding programs.
I see where he explains how pm works.
I see where you admit your space is infected.(every space is)
I see you do not understand the facts here and you are blaming some one else for you issue.
Perhaps a class in basic horticulture...........makes life easier for us all.
Now please do show some pics of your garden and how it grows.
She didnt even ask how pm works. She asked (politely) if he had PM.
His response is just one big circle of deflection. Anyone reading can see the red flags go up.
Question is, has anyone else grabbed a clone from Mich Breeder Assoc and what was the condition of that one. If it had PM they may have a case, if there are no other cases or few in between then pretty sure it is not MBA.
On Stainly? Negative. Just the OP. If they post on the grow forums it must be under a different name.
Are they on Strainly?? I can't locate the vendor at all.
Check the reviews the op left ;-)

And FTR, I don't put a lot of stock in the reviews on Strainly unless its a grower I know or someone from the grow forums.
Michigan Breeders account has a single transaction on Strainly. Burs has a few, including one from Mainly. Just sayin.
Check the reviews the op left ;-)

And FTR, I don't put a lot of stock in the reviews on Strainly unless its a grower I know or someone from the grow forums.
Michigan Breeders account has a single transaction on Strainly. Burs has a few, including one from Mainly. Just sayin.

Where are the reviews? If I saw those I wouldn't be asking the question lol :wink:
I absolutely did not admit. My space was infected because it's not. And I didn't even put his clothes with my other clones. I wouldn't do that. That's a stupid thing to do. I isolated them.

I see where he explains how pm works.
I see where you admit your space is infected.(every space is)
I see you do not understand the facts here and you are blaming some one else for you issue.
Perhaps a class in basic horticulture...........makes life easier for us all.
Now please do show some pics of your garden and how it grows.
It's funny how when I politely asked if he had p.m. In his garden that he sent that big message on PM , isn't it? LOL
I also told him about this thread as well.