Brown Spots on some plant leaves, already know it isn’t spider mites. Thinking it’s a meg deficiency. 3 weeks of flower and unknown strain

I'm guessing you meant that you think it's an Mg deficiency; which it isn't. I would go back and triple check for pests...not necessarily spider mites. Otherwise, I would go back and be sure I'm supplying Ca to my grow...although I doubt it's a Ca issue. Good luck.
I'm guessing you meant that you think it's an Mg deficiency; which it isn't. I would go back and triple check for pests...not necessarily spider mites. Otherwise, I would go back and be sure I'm supplying Ca to my grow...although I doubt it's a Ca issue. Good luck.
Yea, I meant Mg. Is there anything specific thing I should be looking for? Ca might be a problem as i've been only giving her egg shells for Ca. I say it's not critters/pest because it started happening after I water with bloom nutrients ( 1-4-7 ), but i could be wrong. And I check on top and below the leaves everyday, and it's like a rusty brown.
Anything specific I should be looking for?

Get a loop. Put a leaf in a plastic bag and shake it. If there are critters, they usually end up clinging to the bag. Otherwise just inspect both sides of leaves carefully with the jewelers loop. If insects made those spots, they did it days ago, so they may be on other healthy looking leaves.

These aren't something you can see with the naked eye. Even with a loop, they can be hard to spot.

Or you could just treat with spinosad every 3 days and see if things get better.
Get a loop. Put a leaf in a plastic bag and shake it. If there are critters, they usually end up clinging to the bag. Otherwise just inspect both sides of leaves carefully with the jewelers loop. If insects made those spots, they did it days ago, so they may be on other healthy looking leaves.

These aren't something you can see with the naked eye. Even with a loop, they can be hard to spot.

Or you could just treat with spinosad every 3 days and see if things get better.
Thank you, will try that out.
The 'rust' spots, if they're the result of a nutrient issue, are indicative of a Ca shortage, not an Mg issue...for your sake I hope's something easily fixed vs. bugs. Good luck.
The 'rust' spots, if they're the result of a nutrient issue, are indicative of a Ca shortage, not an Mg issue...for your sake I hope's something easily fixed vs. bugs. Good luck.

Was just about to say this.

although having been a sufferer of Ca deficiency as I grow in coco (so I feed a lot of Ca to counter it lol) it doesn’t quite look like a Ca def. Ca def spots start as a necrotic white/yellow dots leading to almost Red spots but they are spots.
These being shown here look more irregular than a Ca def.

a good balanced nutrient formula will give your plants everything it needs.

I would still inspect for bugs as it’s good practice and you can’t just look with your eye. You may need something to use as a magnifier.

I see some specs of black on pic 2 and usually black specs are insect poop it’s on the large fan leaf you’re showing. near the middle towards the back. Thrips leave these kind of specs that are black.
Get a magnifier app for your phone. They're not great but good enough to help hunt for bugs and you can take pics.
Was just about to say this.

although having been a sufferer of Ca deficiency as I grow in coco (so I feed a lot of Ca to counter it lol) it doesn’t quite look like a Ca def. Ca def spots start as a necrotic white/yellow dots leading to almost Red spots but they are spots.
These being shown here look more irregular than a Ca def.

a good balanced nutrient formula will give your plants everything it needs.

I would still inspect for bugs as it’s good practice and you can’t just look with your eye. You may need something to use as a magnifier.

I see some specs of black on pic 2 and usually black specs are insect poop it’s on the large fan leaf you’re showing. near the middle towards the back. Thrips leave these kind of specs that are black.
Thank you, and just noticed these specs now. Will try to figure out what it is today