Thanks man!, but yeah, don’t grow blind!.. These aren’t “toys”, but a real set of protection for your eyes!.. you can’t replace those for $120 bucks

. ... I don’t think we would opt for auto watering with an operation this small. We kinda like the idea that this is craft bud, and we monitor every plant, every day. And even at that, we have a system for the days feeding that really only requires 2-3 hours a day to take care of things. We work together to identify those that need water/feed, and then while she drops those flags, I’m mixing up the solution, testing PH and PPM while she is preparing the water log. She will start watering, and I will follow up behind and sign off on the water log, and reset the flag on that particular plant. At the end of the session, we have a detailed log sheet of what got what, with a date and notes for the day like temps, RH, if we changed something, or if we installed a new piece of equipment (like today, a 3rd dehuey).. when you do it over and over again, we just get faster at it. We have an audio system in there, and put it on a fav Pandora station and get to work!, it goes by pretty quick. I even hang out afterwards and just look at shit.