Useful Seeds

Nice one .
I've seen your seeds on a couple places, good to know the back story.

What can you vouch for as far as outdoors, I'm in Chicago.
You are very welcome my friend, this stuff is fun for me. Please be sure and pm me so I can get this pack to you.

I no longer grow outdoors, but some folks here have grown my stuff outdoors with great results. I think Bag of Oranges comes to mind. Folks will see your post and add info i'm sure of it.
I had good luck with bag of oranges outside in mid michigan ,they were four clones bout foot tall..I put outside in june
You are very welcome my friend, this stuff is fun for me. Please be sure and pm me so I can get this pack to you.

I no longer grow outdoors, but some folks here have grown my stuff outdoors with great results. I think Bag of Oranges comes to mind. Folks will see your post and add info i'm sure of it.
I had good luck with bag of oranges in mid michigan .. I put 4 clones a foot tall out in june , they grew very good
What's poppin Useful fam?!. Lotsa heat being grown in here. With damn fine genetics from a damn fine kool kat. Just peeking in on the fam.
@Useful Seeds sup brah? Keep it pushin' my dude. Spread da Love.
Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for poppin in, I was wondering where ya were. You cheatin on us???? Hahahahaha.

Thank God my grammer ain't so good... LOL
I hear ya, my grammar isn't that good...but I never make mistrakes.
X-mas Bud? I hadn't heard that anyone had resurrected that strain. Very Cool, I remember it from way back, starting around 1980, it was around Cleveland and some other bigger cities. Bright green, compact and would jack you up compared to almost anything else around (which was mostly tex mex and stuff like that). Guys were selling tiny half gram dime bags of it on the streets like crack, it was that much stronger than "commercial" weed. I wasn't going to post again for a while but I had to ask if anyone knows if it's the same strain? If so I might have to track down some genetics just for old times sake.
It's funny, every clique that smoked back in the day had at one time or another possessed Xmas tree bud. We named it that because kids were spending Xmas money on bud. But I'm sure that the smell as well as the look was what most Xmas tree buds were named after..
Speaking of free seeds that should get some attention rather than be tucked away. Let's do the weekly random free pack !!!! US only, Alaska and Hawaii is included. If ya won recently, please give others a chance. First person that quotes this post wins the pack. The pack will be shipped tracked with absolutely no cost to the winner. Pretty good pack in my opinion.
View attachment 4481260

Speaking of free seeds that should get some attention rather than be tucked away. Let's do the weekly random free pack !!!! US only, Alaska and Hawaii is included. If ya won recently, please give others a chance. First person that quotes this post wins the pack. The pack will be shipped tracked with absolutely no cost to the winner. Pretty good pack in my opinion.
View attachment 4481260
How would u feel about members swaps? Technically I don't think it's allowed.. And u wouldn't be responsible for any issues.. Tbh I think I could ruin this thread, meaning the peacefulness.. Just a thought.

Family, I lost a friend to Heroin recently and could use some prayers, if you feel compelled. She went missing New year's Eve.. They found her unresponsive in an abandoned home. I moved to Florida so I couldn't do a wellness check and I thought she was too busy to reply to text or phone calls. I'm feeling the "only if I was there" and the " if she never met me's".. The shame of addiction forced her to hide when using and being alone with heroin can be more dangerous than the drug itself. Not everyone that od's has to die.. She was two blocks from one of the best hospitals in the country.

If u guys have friends struggling with addiction as long as they are still breathing they can get clean.. After 10yrs on DOPE I've been clean for almost 5yrs.

Thanks folks
BOO roots

Low pressure Aero
Is this setup the one you have linked in your post.. I'm looking to experiment with hydro.. I'm doing a soilless thing now.. But next grow I'm gonna try 6 month cooked super soil, soilless "Coco perlite" and dwc.. It may sound overly complicated but it's a small grow.
It's funny, every clique that smoked back in the day had at one time or another possessed Xmas tree bud. We named it that because kids were spending Xmas money on bud. But I'm sure that the smell as well as the look was what most Xmas tree buds were named after..
Xmas money on buds, yeah that makes sense. "Green Bud" no matter what it was was good when the alternative was brown. Ah the good old days.
How would u feel about members swaps? Technically I don't think it's allowed.. And u wouldn't be responsible for any issues.. Tbh I think I could ruin this thread, meaning the peacefulness.. Just a thought.

Family, I lost a friend to Heroin recently and could use some prayers, if you feel compelled. She went missing New year's Eve.. They found her unresponsive in an abandoned home. I moved to Florida so I couldn't do a wellness check and I thought she was too busy to reply to text or phone calls. I'm feeling the "only if I was there" and the " if she never met me's".. The shame of addiction forced her to hide when using and being alone with heroin can be more dangerous than the drug itself. Not everyone that od's has to die.. She was two blocks from one of the best hospitals in the country.

If u guys have friends struggling with addiction as long as they are still breathing they can get clean.. After 10yrs on DOPE I've been clean for almost 5yrs.

Thanks folks
Any swaps should be handled off site, private email ect.

Sorry to hear of your loss, addiction is serious, and I agree totally that friends need to reach out to those that have an addiction, and do whatever they can within their power to intervene. And furthermore, stop beating yourself up, you are not to blame. And congratulations on bein clean for almost 5 years !!!! :clap: GOOD JOB !!!!!!!!!!!! Please keep it up. PM me anytime if ya need someone to talk with.
Is this setup the one you have linked in your post.. I'm looking to experiment with hydro.. I'm doing a soilless thing now.. But next grow I'm gonna try 6 month cooked super soil, soilless "Coco perlite" and dwc.. It may sound overly complicated but it's a small grow.

this is the low pressure aero system I built last month.

theres a thread in the hydro section where some smart dudes help me plan every thing.

it works great, but there’s def quite a bit more messin around and more parts = more things to go wrong lol

I’m enjoying it tho. The growth rate is insane
Here’s an actual pic of the plants. I’ve been dealing with some sort of issue, creating a twist in the fans. At first we were thinking it was water temps, but it was also suggested that it could be CA def or mag def.

growth has been good tho, massive sticks and stems on every plant already, I’ve just been super cropping to keep things somewhat flat.

BOO scrog going well.

ready to flip the room once I know I got this issue resolved with the aero gals.


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