The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


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tRUmp will not leave office voluntarily when voted out,he will claim tampering with the election.
Will he claim the house and senate races were rigged too? Trump needs to be beat by a big margin and I figure turnout will be bigger than 2016 and that is never good for the GOP. I think when Donald is done using the republicans assholes in november they will be down on all fours crawling around in the dirt. The democrats are about to turn up the heat in the house and the courts will back them, I think the impeachment trial might have moved the courts more than the GOP senate, Trump and Barr's recent moves have only reinforced this view. The legal community is outraged at the Roger Stone shenanigans and judges read the papers, Roberts sat through a sham slam dunk impeachment trial with massive witness and jury intimidation and highly improper conduct by Trump's defense team and GOP politicians like Nunes & McConnell.


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Hopefully after the election we can paint huge bullseyes on the wall and use it for A10 practice :clap: :clap:
Good idea, we should make a thread on what to do with it once he is gone.

Like a Berlin wall memorial, leave part of it up but have a door in it going into a muesum/ new immigrant intake center. I wouldn't even mind his name being on it if it helps people coming over the border looking to make a better life. His presidential library can even be in it, with books he can read, so the migrant children have something to color in as they are waiting for their parents to finish their paperwork.


Well-Known Member
Good idea, we should make a thread on what to do with it once he is gone.

Like a Berlin wall memorial, leave part of it up but have a door in it going into a muesum/ new immigrant intake center. I wouldn't even mind his name being on it if it helps people coming over the border looking to make a better life. His presidential library can even be in it, with books he can read, so the migrant children have something to color in as they are waiting for their parents to finish their paperwork.
Location, location, location. The Berlin Wall was much easier to reach.


Well-Known Member
Good idea, we should make a thread on what to do with it once he is gone.

Like a Berlin wall memorial, leave part of it up but have a door in it going into a muesum/ new immigrant intake center. I wouldn't even mind his name being on it if it helps people coming over the border looking to make a better life. His presidential library can even be in it, with books he can read, so the migrant children have something to color in as they are waiting for their parents to finish their paperwork.
Sell pieces of it to Trumpers and use the proceeds to help those separated and hurt by the illegal act of jailing refugees.


Well-Known Member
I really do believe things always benefit Putin's Russia and/or trump before our country and we who live here. I think Putin has the damning info on trump but I think trump knows that Putin can have anyone murdered anywhere as he has demonstrated.


Well-Known Member
He will shut the election down after realizing that he's losing badly.
He might try, but America has had elections during the civil war and during the second, people won't obey, the states run elections and elect electors, he has little control over the process. If he calls or creates some kind of emergency to try it, it will be a fiasco. Only some red states would obey and they would be for Trump anyway, those states voting democrat would not comply with his decrees, he would only make it worse for himself.

It's as hard for Donald to shock or surprise people these days, as it is for him to get them to believe his lies, everybody expects Donald to go all out and use every dirty trick in the book. Donald is desperate, it's win or prison and not just for him either.
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Here is another base for Bill Bar to cover, Donald has old Bill stretched kinda thin in this heat. There is a firestorm of protest growing in the legal community over the Stone affair among others and Barr's general conduct, BTW judges are kinda a part of that legal community too.
Federal prosecutors weigh new charges that bring Lev Parnas investigation closer to Giuliani

New York (CNN)Federal prosecutors are weighing new charges against associates of Rudy Giuliani in connection with a company that paid him $500,000, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Prosecutors with the US attorney's office for the Southern District of New York are considering whether to charge Giuliani associate Lev Parnas and at least one of his business partners with misleading potential investors for Fraud Guarantee, the Florida-based company that paid Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, these people say. Parnas co-founded Fraud Guarantee with the idea of providing insurance to companies to protect against fraud.
The scrutiny of Fraud Guarantee brings the investigation closer to Giuliani, Trump's vocal defender, and raises questions about what role the former mayor played, if any, in the marketing of the company. A lawyer for Giuliani said his client never had any conversations about investor pitches or marketing with Parnas or his business partner David Correia.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if Rudy can be charged for lying to the DOJ or FBI when he is giving "evidence", everything would be documented and some future DOJ officials might be interested in what Rudy said to investigators and if he lied, thereby committing a federal felony.
Giuliani Giving Ukraine Data to Justice Department, Barr Says
  • Democrat Nadler demands information about ‘any communications’
  • Barr cautions that Ukraine reports must be vetted for accuracy

Attorney General William Barr acknowledged for the first time Monday that President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has been giving the Justice Department information he collected in Ukraine, essentially bringing what was a stealth campaign into official government channels.

Barr said, however, that information coming from Ukraine must be carefully vetted to ensure it is accurate and authentic.

“The DOJ has the obligation to have an open door to anybody who wishes to provide us information that they think is relevant,” Barr told reporters during a news conference in Washington. “We have to be very careful with respect to any information coming from Ukraine. There are a lot of agendas in the Ukraine, there are a lot of cross-currents and we can’t take anything we receive from the Ukraine at face value.”

But House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler quickly objected to the Justice Department’s arrangement with Giuliani, saying that it “raises serious questions about conflicts of interest -- both for the department, generally, and for you, specifically.”

“Given your creation of a new ‘intake process’ for Mr. Giuliani, it is all the more important that you provide a complete explanation for your decision to sidestep standard department practice,” Nadler wrote in a letter to Barr. Nadler, a New York Democrat, goes on to demand information, including “the dates of any communications between the Department and Mr. Giuliani regarding information relating to Ukraine or investigations of the Bidens.”

Read More: Giuliani’s Sidekick Parnas Traces Part of Money Trail to Ukraine

Barr didn’t specify what kind of information Giuliani, a former mayor of New York, has been providing. Giuiliani has previously said he had been collecting information about the activities of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine.

Giuliani’s efforts became a central factor in Trump’s impeachment for pressuring the Ukrainian government to announce investigations into the Bidens to help his re-election.

The president was acquitted by the Senate last week.

On Sunday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he had spoken that morning to Barr and “he told me that they’ve created a process, that Rudy could give information and they would see if it’s verified.”