Well-Known Member
Yep. The sea explorers used plane trig for oceanic navigation too. Gus Grissom was critically outspoken on the Apollo space program and NASA burnt him alive inside a capsule during a "test". I repeat Antarctica was mapped out as a circumference by Gleason in 1892. So a lot of people knew the true shape of the earth. I would say a lot of professional astronomers know the earth is a stationary plane but who wants to risk their lively hood or job for being outspoken? Who wants to go public and be ridiculed and outcast? Chain of command. Do your job STFU and don't rock the boat.
This is a stupid, stupid answer. Tens of millions of people required to pull this off and you’re trying to validate this. Jesus christ you’re dumber than toast
“I would say a lot of professional astronomers..”. Again, how about zero. You complete idiot.
Gus Grissom. More made up bullshit. You’re a weak mind. Clearly .