Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Yep. The sea explorers used plane trig for oceanic navigation too. Gus Grissom was critically outspoken on the Apollo space program and NASA burnt him alive inside a capsule during a "test". I repeat Antarctica was mapped out as a circumference by Gleason in 1892. So a lot of people knew the true shape of the earth. I would say a lot of professional astronomers know the earth is a stationary plane but who wants to risk their lively hood or job for being outspoken? Who wants to go public and be ridiculed and outcast? Chain of command. Do your job STFU and don't rock the boat.

This is a stupid, stupid answer. Tens of millions of people required to pull this off and you’re trying to validate this. Jesus christ you’re dumber than toast

“I would say a lot of professional astronomers..”. Again, how about zero. You complete idiot.

Gus Grissom. More made up bullshit. You’re a weak mind. Clearly .
Millions of photos from hundreds of weather and mapping satellites are all fake, of course. Trillions of bits of scanning info used daily by millions of people are all fake I guess.

Flats have been sent by Gawd to guide us to the truth. I see now.
How come we cant see the north star from Australia?
I just went over this yesterday. DECLINATION. The star is close to the earth the further south you move from Polaris the lower it gets in the sky. None of the deep southern hemisphere can see Polaris. Vise versa with the southern cross. Only south Florida and south Texas can see the southern cross. RESEARCH IT !
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no. That’s more complete bullshit fabrication. It’s a well documented deployment that had nothing whatsoever to do with walls. You’re lying
The Navy had to negotiate the wall in order to enter Antarctica to establish a base of operations. That's where the name operation high jump comes from turd burglar. The wall completely surrounds the entire continent of Antarctica. RESEARCH IT !
I just went over this yesterday. DECLINATION. The star is close to the earth the further south you move from Polaris the lower it gets in the sky. None of the deep southern hemisphere can see Polaris. Vise versa with the southern cross. Only south Florida and south Texas can see the southern cross. RESEARCH IT !

First of all, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *breathe* HAHAHAHAHA.

Second of all, I note that you use the word "hemiSPHERE" there. Please explain, in detail, how that works if the earth is flat?
Wait wait. We haven’t recently reviewed WHY tens of millions of people have been hiding the flat earth. For centuries. Why oh why??

I just want to hear the explanation of why he uses the word "hemisphere" to describe a flat earth. I don't believe he thinks the earth is flat at all, and these are all online strawman arguments for his narcissistic attention seeking, likely due to an inability to socialize with other real human beings.
Satellites are a hoax.

Just so my notes are clear, valid, and not misrepresented. You stated earlier that Gravity did NOT exist, and now you would like to ad the falsehood that "Satellites are a hoax".

First lets agree to a context. By Satellites do you mean in the context of spaceflight, say a object that has been intentionally put into orbit but humans. Also known as artificial satellite.... Or do you mean a Satellite as in a Organic Satellite like say a Comet. Apples and Oranges little Johnnie.

You may be ( highly doubt it) very surprised to know that your very telecommunication post of " Satellites are a hoax" was ironically transmitted thanks to at least one if not many Satellites that are currently up in what Scientist refer to as " Low earth orbit". For the most part, most modern communications eventually all route back to utilizing a communications satellite to orchestrate and route the infinite communication highways.

Even crazier of a notion is to ; grab a cheap telescope. The cheapest one amazon will even work. With that galactic device you can clearly with even less than 20/20 vision see hundreds and hundreds of different Satellites currently up in low earth orbit.

I assure you that hoax telescopes are sold separately. Get the non-hoax telescope so that you can observe the craziest phenomenon called Satellites. Both artificial and organic.
Just so my notes are clear, valid, and not misrepresented. You stated earlier that Gravity did NOT exist, and now you would like to ad the falsehood that "Satellites are a hoax".

First lets agree to a context. By Satellites do you mean in the context of spaceflight, say a object that has been intentionally put into orbit but humans. Also known as artificial satellite.... Or do you mean a Satellite as in a Organic Satellite like say a Comet. Apples and Oranges little Johnnie.

You may be ( highly doubt it) very surprised to know that your very telecommunication post of " Satellites are a hoax" was ironically transmitted thanks to at least one if not many Satellites that are currently up in what Scientist refer to as " Low earth orbit". For the most part, most modern communications eventually all route back to utilizing a communications satellite to orchestrate and route the infinite communication highways.

Even crazier of a notion is to ; grab a cheap telescope. The cheapest one amazon will even work. With that galactic device you can clearly with even less than 20/20 vision see hundreds and hundreds of different Satellites currently up in low earth orbit.

I assure you that hoax telescopes are sold separately. Get the non-hoax telescope so that you can observe the craziest phenomenon called Satellites. Both artificial and organic.
What is an organic satellite? (I am also impelled to muse on what such a one orbiting Vega might be called.)
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