Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

Have you tried tying a string around their legs? JK!! Like I said if you have alot like, oh, I'll just throw out a completely random number .. 250, you may have to spray.
Did you introduce the mantis'? Or were they already in your yard? I have them everywhere so they stay put, but I'm guessing that if your area doesn't have a big pop, then they may move on more quickly. I live way down south so my mantis' are year round and plentiful. I get four harvests a year so i plant 50 at a clip and can pick thru them in about a half hour. It also lets me examine and catch Hermies (don't u hate 'em!?) now and again. I'm pretty much growing sans any chemicals whatsoever. Just hand picking and caring for them.
The mantis will not hover around and on my weed once it gets resiny tho. I guess its too sticky for their tastes.

Good luck!!

Help! I am pretty sure we have bud worms. We didn't know what they were so we harvested the buds which are now drying. The little worms we have look like greenish/brown inch worms with stripes. Is that what a bud worm looks like? And if so what do we do now? What is BT and where can i get it? I also have gnats. What do i do about them? Thanks
Help! I am pretty sure we have bud worms. We didn't know what they were so we harvested the buds which are now drying. The little worms we have look like greenish/brown inch worms with stripes. Is that what a bud worm looks like? And if so what do we do now? What is BT and where can i get it? I also have gnats. What do i do about them? Thanks

It's too late to apply BT spray or powder now. You gotta watch out for those.

I have them too, i was going to harvest soon aswell, did you have little white egg's on the plant to?

I just applied BT, pyrtherum didnt work to well.
Not that i saw. Have the plants hanging now and removed all worms that are visable. will keep checking and removing worms. Dont know what else to do. have never had this problem before.
Yeah, I think it's a bit late. The BT spray is a preventative measure, it's got to be applied before the buds are thickened, so that it can already be in the areas it needs to be in so that the bacteria will attack the eggs/larvae (whichever means it uses) and kill before they grow. Bummer, I hope you didn't lose too much of your crop.

The gnats are a sign of moisture, I wanted to get sticky traps for my room but we already had fly... what are those things? They're in a little cylinder and you pull it and this sticky yellow tape unwinds (IF you're lucky) and then you hang it up, those things.
Not that i saw. Have the plants hanging now and removed all worms that are visable. will keep checking and removing worms. Dont know what else to do. have never had this problem before.

Did you have the plants close to a light at night? Those caterpillars are from Moths that have landed on your buds, and planted eggs on your buds, they then hatch into those green/brown caterpillars.

I had some this year, but I kept picking them off, the problem was that sometimes, I would turn the light on in my backyard to cook on the Barb B Q and the moths would land on my plants.

I am curing in jars right now, and I noticed another little green caterpillar in the Jar. I am for sure using BT next year...
Never underestimate the power of spiders either. We have Banana Silk spiders here who are ferocious moth catchers. I never clear a spider web in my plants. Also, if you run across any Wolf spiders, they are awesome on the worms. Nothing escapes those guys and they are fun to watch.

Good Luck!

Harvested tonite, goddamn Im not growing outdoors anymore, or atleast leaving them to flower outside.

They developed some Moth-Caterpillar's and they ruined some of the bud, and maybe a few passed my eye when trimming, i guess we will see. :smokin2:

They were sprayed with BT recently and not flushed correctly.

I have learned, the Durga Mata and Master Widow grow of mine will gain a great deal from this learning experience. RoorRip

Im going to invite a buddy over tonite, and start a fire in this small portable Open caged fireplace in the front yard. Im going to throw all the trimmings and 'bad-bud' into the fire, chief it indian style :ganjamon:







Well, any way you slice it (EW!) Caterpillars are not on your plant to party,... no!!

They are there to eat their way to the next stage of life, moth or butterfly. I simply move mine to other green plants nearby. This works just fine.

Moths and butterflies lay eggs at a specific time of the year depending on where you are. learn when they are searching for likely spots to deposit their eggs and cover your plants with fine screen or mosquito netting. A simple hoop net will do. In a few weeks, the chance of infestation will lower dramatically.

Hope this helps.

Also, if your county has a vector control or agriculture department, you can use them for excellent information.

Oops! Ok, in some counties vector control is limited to bugs like mosquitoes and Africanized bees.
I did not know these worms even existed until I found some on my buds during the drying process. I don't know how I missed them while I was manicuring but I did. I was wondering if the buds were still salvageable. They look healthy and so far none are rotting of have mold. I only have one plant and it would be unfortunate if I had to toss it. My questions are: Are there any health risks of smoking these buds if I remove all of the worms? Will the buds still retain their potency or will the worms affect it? I have found about 10 so far and I check every few hours for more in case I missed any. I haven't seen any of the eggs or cocoons described in previous posts. Thanks in advance for any advice (this is my first harvest by the way).
Nah, u'll be just fine. They hide inside the buds for protection from any number of predators. Eat in peace so to speak. Other than enjoying the very same thing as you (weed) they are harmless.
