Mayor Pete!

I disagree with Eric Strobl. Being taxed to fuck for a plan I do not want is by no means a gift. I prefer the copays and deductibles keeping my premiums extremely low and for my employer (PADI) to insure my work related risks. Bernie's plan would increase my costs by thousands per year in taxes for coverage I do not need or want.
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Yes, I'm "hyper fearful" of the guy polling 4th nationally
The evidence says you are dripping with fear induced endorphins. I'm OK with that. LOL

You Bernie Bros have piled on each and every opponent who showed capability of leadership. With all the character assassinations, Bernie barely managed better than 25% of the primary vote and a virtual tie with that guy you say is fourth.

I'm no backer of Mayor Pete. I'm still planning to vote for Warren. But I haven't seen one tiny drop of vitriol from Pete's campaign and gallons of the stuff oozing from Bernie. Also Tulsi, she's worse than Bernie. But, Bernie isn't as bad as Trump. He has that going for him.

I like Klobuchar too. They are all good. Except for Bernie and Tulsi. But Bernie is still better than Trump.
We'll see who has the delegates after Nevada and South Carolina.
Yeah, he supposedly won in Iowa and NH too but he's not the front runner on delegates.
Which acts or acts of Trump make you his fanboi ? Was it killing kids at the border or him saying Nazi’s are fine people. Name the actions which make you a self declared fanatic.
No, I like Trump because he trolls everyone. Policy wise, I'm an isolationist. The wall I think is dumb, but I get why he wants it. I don't think we should be fucking around with other countries at all. Trade is cool, but we shouldn't be occupying other countries. I wish there was no PFAS in the fucking water that's for sure.
I don't really care for government. Its a bunch of people stealing my money and giving it to other people. If those people really cared about the people they're giving my money to, they would donate their own time to help them, not give them my stolen money as a bribe for a vote. If the people involved in politics were genuinely out for a better world/future I might be inclined to be more political. At this point the whole thing is more like a circus to me. All the choices are bad.
No, I like Trump because he trolls everyone. Policy wise, I'm an isolationist. The wall I think is dumb, but I get why he wants it. I don't think we should be fucking around with other countries at all. Trade is cool, but we shouldn't be occupying other countries. I wish there was no PFAS in the fucking water that's for sure.
I don't really care for government. Its a bunch of people stealing my money and giving it to other people. If those people really cared about the people they're giving my money to, they would donate their own time to help them, not give them my stolen money as a bribe for a vote. If the people involved in politics were genuinely out for a better world/future I might be inclined to be more political. At this point the whole thing is more like a circus to me. All the choices are bad.
Cool white tears bro
No, I like Trump because he trolls everyone. Policy wise, I'm an isolationist. The wall I think is dumb, but I get why he wants it. I don't think we should be fucking around with other countries at all. Trade is cool, but we shouldn't be occupying other countries. I wish there was no PFAS in the fucking water that's for sure.
I don't really care for government. Its a bunch of people stealing my money and giving it to other people. If those people really cared about the people they're giving my money to, they would donate their own time to help them, not give them my stolen money as a bribe for a vote. If the people involved in politics were genuinely out for a better world/future I might be inclined to be more political. At this point the whole thing is more like a circus to me. All the choices are bad.
I am not in favor of the edgelordiness of all that.

I am much happier when we can ignore government because they are shutting up and doing the small amount of work that we require of them without needing global attention like a spoiled kid.