Who do u predict becomes the Democratic nominee?

Well I’m not going all Skynet , but yeah ! its definitely had an impact on society since its inception .
It's true. Analysts like those employed by Cambridge Analytica have become extremely proficient in targetting dumb asses and spamming them with pro-Trump propaganda and conspiracies by appealing to anti-academic and science denying viewpoints.
Ouch dude. Abandon conflict? Please take a breath and realize the irony. You are driving the very wedge of which you speak. Please take a minute and contemplate. One for all and all for one. And it only takes one bad apple. Not saying you are. We share outrage and frustration. How do we keep that a positive influence?
Thanks for proving horseshoe theory true. The overlap between Bernouts and Trumptards is undeniable and goes beyond simply trying to appeal to anti-establishment sentiment. Take your unity and civility and fall the fuck in line behind liberalism and American Exceptionalism. This centrist, bipartisan shit is going to restore us to what inspired the world when Barack Hussein Obama was potus.

I am watching Bernouts make friends with Trumptards to undermine liberalism. If Bernie steals the nomination somehow, I'm going to go home and protest fucking hard, like rioting. I'll initiate conflict as seditiously as I possibly can. NOT MY FUCKIN PRESIDENT!
Would you so kindly please delete your account. You have racial, political and anger issues. Wrong forum. Hope your life improves. That's what we are here for. Have a nice day!!
So silence the guy who doesn't salute Bernie the Ruble accepting conman...

Bernie has only ever accomplished one thing in politics, to undermine the DNC. That's why the GOP has come back and that's why they took all 3 branches of gov't in 2016. 2018 was the first step in the resurgence of liberalism, 2020 will show you delegates nominating a liberal.

Fuck Bernie Sanders.
LOL. Too much insanity in the world. Take a breath and open your mind. It's a big world. And threatening and cussing just gets you dismissed in it. I'll vote for a chicken sandwich if it is the democratic candidate. Make friends. Resist the common oppression's with your fellow oppressed. Get on to the big problems. We will be able to solve them after we remove the current immoralities.
This Weinstein?

Its not really fair though, this guy is just as big of a fame whore as Trump is.
Yeah, that’s the guy!
LOL. Too much insanity in the world. Take a breath and open your mind. It's a big world. And threatening and cussing just gets you dismissed in it. I'll vote for a chicken sandwich if it is the democratic candidate. Make friends. Resist the common oppression's with your fellow oppressed. Get on to the big problems. We will be able to solve them after we remove the current immoralities.
bla bla bla

You probably don't even have a passport. Don't tell me about insanity in the world. Fucking dumb ass American millenials just want to push Bernie on us for free shit with no regard at all for the fact that he is a dying manchurian candidate with absolutely no ability to enact reforms. All he has ever accomplished was to undermine the political agenda (liberalism) that made the United States the shining city on the hill.
bla bla bla

You probably don't even have a passport. Don't tell me about insanity in the world. Fucking dumb ass American millenials just want to push Bernie on us for free shit with no regard at all for the fact that he is a dying manchurian candidate with absolutely no ability to enact reforms. All he has ever accomplished was to undermine the political agenda (liberalism) that made the United States the shining city on the hill.
Well said. Bernie is as bad as Trump. Extreme idiots that divide the country....moderates have a better chance of compromise, get shit done
Finally, somebody with common sense! Partisan paybacks are kid stuff.
Sometimes you have to get angry. We have liberalism to protect.

No, it's not perfect. The oceans are full of dying corals and plastic trash. We're still not all equal before the law. My battle buddy got fucking deported. We're surrounded by enemies with absolutely no regard for human rights.

It's still the best thing the world has going for it.
I blacktopped 29 yrs, tough I am......hearing internet tough guys on here probably skinny 20 yr olds talkin shit is a bit much @ times. Was a NYS prison guard prior to entering the blacktop biz.

My sense of humor isn't always on point, aches and pains these days.....
I’m from Poughkeepsie NY , I might know you lol jk . Never been to prison but i did 2 consecutive 11/29’s in Volusia co. FL Daytona Beach for a half lb of crippy weed, I would not want to be a CO ! Paving seems hot , but those guys always seem to be leaning on a shove/rake & the older dudes with beer guts sit on a machine? That’s a stuck in traffic point of view , watching something for a minute doesn’t equate to doing it ! You know what else is hot , shotcrete in an Olympic swimming pool in a hole with no wind . Its like an oven with no breeze . Google it . Not sure the point of your post , I’m not 20 or trying to be tough . You seem to have adapted to the 20 year old‘s language or lack of it lol! You could have said AT faster then @ lol! You seem cool I’ve read your posts in the NORMAL weed threads , hypocrisy is my problem with the politics forum not you . I’m out before RIO starts charging me rent like the rest that live here lol!!!