Rodger Stone set too walk

Not even Barr can work with Trump!
Lawrence: Barr Will Have Trouble Explaining Himself Before Congress | The Last Word | MSNBC

In a new interview, Bill Barr seemed to give confusing and almost conflicting details about the Justice Department's involvement in the Roger Stone case. Lawrence O’Donnell argues that Barr will have a difficult time answering questions about that interview when he appears before the House Judiciary Committee. Aired on 02/13/20.
Not even Barr can work with Trump!
Lawrence: Barr Will Have Trouble Explaining Himself Before Congress | The Last Word | MSNBC

In a new interview, Bill Barr seemed to give confusing and almost conflicting details about the Justice Department's involvement in the Roger Stone case. Lawrence O’Donnell argues that Barr will have a difficult time answering questions about that interview when he appears before the House Judiciary Committee. Aired on 02/13/20.
What is the over/under on him actually showing to the hearing?
What is the over/under on him actually showing to the hearing?
I don't think he'll show, if he does he will refuse to answer the questions or try to weasel around them. They should place him under arrest on the spot for contempt of congress or force him into perjury and have the sergeant at arms hold him in jail pending a trial by the full house for contempt of congress and or perjury, followed up by a 10 year max sentence. That will send a message.
Asshole Barr should be answering questions now, not in six weeks. This fuckhead should never have been approved.
Yeah. Funny how he can be interviewed by the media in less than 24 hours spewing a self serving line of crap but for some reason it takes six weeks to answer questions from Congress.

Truth is simply that it takes 6 weeks to concoct all the lies you'll tell and identify which papers you need to shred.

That's the real reason for the delay.
Asshole Barr should be answering questions now, not in six weeks. This fuckhead should never have been approved.
Another long term troll by the Republicans that set up the Democrats for failure.

By filibustering Obama's nominees for years, the Democrats fell into the trap by allowing the Senate to change the rules. Leaving Trump to flood radical judges and trolls in executive branch offices.,_2011_and_2013Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 9.42.24 AM.png

There is nothing the Democrats can do to help legislate for the entire country unless they have 60+ in the Senate, have the House and Presidency or it somehow benefits the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male's that the Republicans are only willing to legislate for since the civil rights era.
Asshole Barr should be answering questions now, not in six weeks. This fuckhead should never have been approved.
He'll have 6 more weeks of Trump's tweets to answer for by then and Roger will be in jail or pardoned. I don't think Roger wants to see the inside of a cell for even a day and Trump knows it, Roger knows what Donald knows and is dangerous, he's a narcissist too.
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This is just pathetic and falls into the regular pattern of Trump undercutting those trying to cover for him. Nobody believes Barr or his "cover" story.
'Do You Want A President Picking On Judges?' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday issued a rare criticism of President Donald Trump, telling ABC News that the president's tweets about Justice Department matters 'make it impossible for me to do my job.' Aired on 2/14/2020.
As usual they gotta get on TV to get through to Trump, the message is, "STFU and let me quietly obstruct justice and cover your ass".
Don Lemon isn't buying Bill Barr's rebuke of Trump

CNN's Don Lemon says that Attorney General Bill Barr's actions in regard to handling cases involving President Donald Trump's enemies does not match Barr's rhetoric about being independent from Trump.
Neither one of these arrogant pricks really care or even know of right and wrong and none of the trump cult will tell them.

This emperor has no clothes!
They had no case to drop and if Bill Barr thinks it will make everything ok he's mistaken, McCabe should and will sue, he has a case.
Justice Department drops leak case against former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
Trump had urged action be taken against the ex-official over allegations that he lied to investigators.

The Department of Justice has told lawyers for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that he will not face criminal charges for allegedly lying to investigators about a leak to the media, the ex-official's attorneys said Friday.

"We learned this morning through a phone call from the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s Office that was followed by a letter that the Justice Department's criminal investigation of Andrew McCabe has been closed," McCabe's lawyers said in a statement. "At long last, justice has been done in this matter."
Michael Steele


Slow your roll if you think Barr is breaking from Trump. This was a carefully staged message to cool down pissed off DOJ attys whom Barr undercut & to avoid any further internal strife. This message does not get sideways with Trump because he’s already done what Trump wanted.
Quote Tweet


ABC News Politics

· 23h
“I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody….whether it’s Congress, newspaper editorial boards, or the president," Bill Barr tells @abc News. "I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.”


8:17 PM · Feb 13, 2020 from Washington, DC·Twitter for iPhone
Trump raged and swore at his aides because his enemies aren’t being prosecuted: report

There are two key ways a president can abuse the Justice Department and federal prosecutorial powers: he can protect his friends, and he can go after his enemies.

In recent days and months, especially with developments around the Michael Flynn and Roger Stone cases, observers have been deeply concerned that President Donald Trump is engaging in the first kind of abuse. But according to a new report from the Washington Post, what Trump really cares about — and what he is really furious hasn’t happened yet — is the prosecution of his enemies.

The report explained:

Behind that public fight, according to people familiar with the discussions, is a deeper tension between Trump and Barr’s Justice Department over the lack of criminal charges against former FBI director James B. Comey and those close to him.

The flare-up over the Stone case comes against a backdrop of growing behind-the-scenes anger from the president toward the Justice Department — more about whom the department has not charged with crimes than about whom it has charged, according to people familiar with the discussions

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred Comey’s handling of the memos to prosecutors for possible criminal prosecution, but lawyers quickly determined it was not a close call and did not seek to build a case.

That sent Trump into a rage, according to people briefed on his comments. He complained so loudly and swore so frequently in the Oval Office that some of his aides discussed it for days, these people said. Trump repeatedly said that Comey deserved to be charged, according to their account.

“Can you [expletive] believe they didn’t charge him?” Trump said on the night of the decision, these people said.
It’s not just Comey. The report noted that Trump has also been eager to see charges against Comey’s former deputy, Andrew McCabe. And Trump also reportedly became enraged when the Washington Post reported in January that U.S. Attorney John Huber’s investigation into vague allegations about Hillary Clinton came up dry. (Trump had asked former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into Clinton, according to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report.)

Separately, Barr has tapped U.S. Attorney John Durham in Connecticut to investigate whether any crimes were committed by FBI and CIA officials in the pursuit of allegations in 2016 that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump’s campaign.

After learning that the Huber investigation is not likely to produce charges, Trump has become more insistent that Durham finish his work soon, according to people familiar with the discussions. Trump, these people said, wants to be able to use whatever Durham finds as a cudgel in his reelection campaign.

All of that frustration has fed into the public fight over the Stone case.
What’s not clear from the report is how much Trump has directly expressed this anger and desire for prosecutions to Barr himself. On Thursday, Barr claimed in an interview with ABC News that Trump hasn’t asked him to do anything in a criminal case. It’s not clear if that’s true — but even if Trump hasn’t made his demands explicit to Barr, there’s no doubt the attorney general knows what’s expected of him.
This isn’t about politics.
It’s about a fascist assault on our democracy and rule of law, now trump has pardoned a war criminal, interfered repeatedly in court cases and congressional hearings, intimidated witness and exacted retribution on true heroes and patriots trying to do their sworn duty.
My reply was for the nazi mod who tries to silence me the only way he knows how. Hiding behind a computer where he is important. He can't talk, debate, or think for himself. He and his gang of losers. No life, no job, no money. This... this is all they have and with a few keystrokes i can infuriate them by simple difference in belief. Every time. Look at this section, same losers talking the same shit every day. Day in, day out. You can quote them before they reply. You can't make this shit up. Well, guess ill have to find another source of entertainment for a while. Just doubt ill find anything as humorous and entertaining.

Ps it takes 269 seconds for a reply to send so I minds well make it count
Best of luck, I didn't mind your posts (usually, you do seem to eventually lose your shit and post some pretty hateful shit), and know it must suck to be silenced when they want to get you worked up.
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