Agar bitches

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Agar, bitches, is how I roll. There's not enough threads around here about growing shrooms and way too many about really bad drugs most people shouldn't even fuck around with. I have yet to see one that even mentions agar work. Agar is a great way to start a mushroom grow because you separate potential contaminants before trying to spawn to a substrate. Let us dive right in....
Agar is an ez way to ensure you have a clean culture before trying to spawn to grains. Its a form of gelatin sold in many Asian food stores. The idea is to place mushroom spores onto a 2-D surface and let it grow out. The agar allows the mycelium to grow only on the surface; exposing any present contaminants visually. You can then extract a clean culture from a dirty plate with an exacto knife or scalpel and transfer only the clean mycelium onto another agar plate. Allow this culture to grow all the way out to the edge and if it stays nice and white you've got yourself a clean culture to spawn grains with or transfer further to keep a desired culture in play.
Agar is traditionally done using lab equipment like Petri dishes but I found methods using common household items found in any store thanks to the experts at sites like shroomery. We use glad mini rounds instead and sterilize in a pressure cooker. You need to drill 1/4" holes in the lids for gas exchange and then use a small piece of micro pore medical tape over it as a filter.
The potato dextrose agar recipe we use is really as simple as it gets:
2.5g agar powder
2 tsp dry potato flakes
1/2 cup water
Drop or two of raw honey or corn syrup
Adding a few optional drops of red food coloring in the agar recipe makes any contaminants present stand out. Heat up the water on a stove just below boil and slowly mix in the agar and potato flake until fully dissolved. Add in a few drops of honey or Karo and optional food coloring. Stir to dissolve & pour about 1/4 inch of the agar mix into the mini rounds. Should make about 10 agar plates. Allow to cool until a solid gel and place the lids on. Wrap each lid with foil. Sterilize in a pressure cooker for 90 mins. Allow to cool to room temp overnight.
Next step is to streak the plates. I use a sterilized cotton swab for this. Start by flaming a spore syringe and squirting a bit of spore juice onto the swab inside a still air box. Open the lid a crack; just enough to get the swab in there and lightly streak diagonally across the agar plate in one fast motion. Seal and continue streaking each plate with a new sterile swab; flaming the needle again each time. Start by inoculating only 5 or 6 plates; save the rest in the fridge wrapped in foil for doing transfers later on. They will remain sterile in the fridge as long as they are not opened.
This thread will be periodically updated with pics of my technique and results as they occur. This will be a long term project. In the meantime feel free to post anything shroom related.
Not to mention that by taking the fibrous mycelium and isolating it it's kinda like cloning you're taking the strongest material and reproducing from that which from what I've read and seen will cause more fruit bodies per sq ft. Very interested to see your development of these methods.

I have to laugh tho bc of all the drugs I've done in my life only mushrooms and Marijuana have ever hospitalized me, in that order, 30 days on the shrooms and 4 days on weed.
Yep..Isolating the best looking cultures is the idea here. When deciding which plate or culture to pull from I go by how defined the rhizomorphic roping is only because I know for sure that it's clean mycelium. I know you can take a fruit you like and clone it in agar as well but I've yet to try this. Could be a good idea to try cloning on agar for the bonus round as soon as I get a few boomers from this tub. Still in planning phase.
Btw none of the techniques I use are original. Someone else came up with all this shit. I just took notes and tried it for myself. Want to show how easy this can be. If doing the old PFtek BRF cakes method is a good way to get a primer into shrooming then spawning to bulk is like the advanced class. Agar work makes the process easier, faster, and worry free.
All things in moderation. Shrooms will teach you to lay off them after awhile. They are poisonous mushrooms after all. I find the best way to enjoy them is in a tea and in small doses. Unlike LSD heroic doses of shrooms are not really enjoyable to me. I've spent hours in the fetal position watching geodesic shapes in my head like a shroom induced psychedelic coma. They will put you down on the floor if you consume enough/way too much.
Ya I ate a half oz over 2 days buddy said they were directly from south america even showed me a pic of him and what looked to be a Columbian drug lord in a rural south American landscape with guys with AKs on their backs. They were by far the strongest I ever had I didn't sleep for six days didn't even lay down to rest, they gave me a clomazpan when I arrived at the hospital and I slept for 36 hours they said I didn't even move. Thirty day mandatory evaluation for all the insanely crazy shit I was telling these people. Now I'm on an antipsychotic and have taken shrooms in small doses, I wont go over 2.5 and I'm fine.

Subbed up for sure I'm expecting 10oz at least on my next crop but if I get a lb I'll definitely be investing in some shroomery equipment, been interested and studying for a few years now it's coming soon, very very soon, I love shrooms theres no better time on Earth, acid used to be fun but ever since I've been on the meds it just sketches me out fucks with your head.
Spent some time digging out my myco supplies; was buried underneath the Christmas shit. Turns out I have everything I need. Zero dollars will be spent on this grow. For this stage of the project we need the following materials:
Agar Agar powder
Betty Crocker potato flakes
Karo corn syrup
Glad mini rounds and ziplock minis
28qt Presto Pressure Canner
Food coloring dye (red?)
Micro-pore medical tape
Sterile swabs
Mushroom spore syringe
Aluminum foil
Paper towels
ISO alcohol
Dish soap
Still air box ...will get to this later on
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First thing to do is drill 1/4" hole in the lid of each glad mini round. I did not realize that last time I didn't use Glad mini rounds I used Ziplock minis. Either will work. Made of sturdy HDPE they withstand sterilization in a pressure cooker and be used over and over; just wash them with hot water & dish soap after each run.

So with our holes drilled we can apply the medical tape. Use 2 overlapped pieces of micropore tape on each hole. Be sure there's a good seal all around; trim off any burrs in the hole from drilling with a razor knife.
If you zoom in closely you can see how dirty this used mini is; that is unacceptable. Remove the tape and replace after each washing.
Next step is to make the potato dextrose agar mixture and pour it into the minis while still warm. The recipe is:
2.5g Agar powder
2 tsp potato flakes
1/2 tsp Karo or Honey
1/2 cup water
2-3 drops red food coloring
Measure everything out and have on standby. Easier to measure the agar by weight. Heat up the water in a small pot on the stove. When it's just about to simmer stir in the flakes and corn syrup. Honey could also be used. Stir in the agar. Keep stirring until it begins to emulsify; soon as it simmers it's done. Turn off the stove.
While the mix is hot pour just enough to cover the bottoms of the minis. Line them all up and pour about 1/4 inch into each one. You can go back and refill as needed. Should make 8 minis or so. Once they are getting stiff you can put the lids on and seal each mini.
Ya know, maybe it's time.....

Back before the turn of the century, I successfully, (so successful had to shut it down) cultivated cubes, using the Homestead Mushroom Kit, and the old PF tek, rice flour and vermiculite jars, in my closet in a two bedroom apartment....
Back then, having an unlimited supply of shrooms was all we wanted.... Until, of course, we had an unlimited supply of shrooms.
The next step is to prepare the minis for sterilization. Time to get out the pressure cooker. It is not required but it's a good idea to prep & wrap your minis thusly:
First wipe down each mini lid with a paper towel soaked in alcohol; be sure it's sealed up well. Pull another square of dry paper towel and fold it so it fits over the lid and sorta fills the low gaps. Then wrap the entire mini from the top down with a single square of foil. That's it. When the water in the pressure cooker is sterilizing it will rain down on top of the minis so the paper towel just helps keep water from pooling and the medical tape should stay dry.
Now you'll need something to keep the minis from floating all around in the PC. I use a basket platform I made from a piece of wire rabbit fence. It's just tall enough to fill the pressure cooker about halfway with water and keeps the minis just above the water level. You could use a canning rack or a metal colander or something; anything to keep the minis from floating in the water.
Fill up the pressure cooker with water. Be sure there's enough water to keep the pc from drying out during the process. Fill at least half way or even a little more. Adding a little vinegar to the water will keep any lime scale in your hard water from clouding up the minis or mason jars if you happen to be doing grains at the same time.
Place the pc lid on tight and fire up the stove. Don't put the weight on until it reaches full pressure. When the weight starts skipping from steam wait 10 mins and then set a timer for a full 90 mins. You may need to adjust the flame up/down to keep the pressure between 15 and 20 lbs the entire time.
When it's done turn off the stove and let the pc cool overnight. Do not open it until it's completely cool. The contents of the pc are now sterile and will remain that way until you open it up. Then all bets off. One sneeze can contaminate everything so open the pc only when you are ready to innoculate your plates which is the next step.
Let's talk about sterile technique for a minute. The biggest problem most people have growing mushrooms is getting contaminants like trichoderma which love to consume the same food as the mycelium. Until the mycelium is strong enough to defend itself it is vulnerable to contams. Contams are in the air in your clothes, on your skin and breath. You cannot escape so you need a clean room to work in. So you can make a temporary space with no ventilation to work in quickly. It's never going to be a 100% sterile environment but you can mitigate the chance of contams getting into your work by building a still air box.
My SAB is just a large clear tote bin turned upside down with arm holes cut in. I use a 60 gal sterilite tote. I used an empty metal coffee can heated up with a dab torch to punch holes big enough to get my arms in and out without stirring up the air. I'll post up a pic of my SAB in the next segment.
Anyway whenever I need to do work inside a SAB there is a ritual I do that to others may sound anal but it has increased my success tenfold so it's worth sharing:
First turn off any fans, heat, or a/c that are running. Still air is best. Then clean and wipe down everything with alcohol. The SAB, my kitchen table, chair, and all surfaces I will be working on. I place a clean towel on the table slightly larger in size than the SAB and put it on top of that to cover any air gaps underneath. Then fill a hand sprayer bottle with a mixture of hot water, bleach, and a few drops of dish soap. Spray the bleach solution inside the SAB all over the walls and ceiling so it's dripping; don't wipe it off....
The soapy bleach solution attracts most contaminants to stick to the walls of the SAB instead of floating around in the air. It's not 100% sterile but mitigates the chance of bad shit getting in your work. Then go take a shower, brush your teeth, put on clean clothes. Wear long sleeves and use a rubber band on each wrist to keep air from swooshing out into the sab while you work. Most contams come from your mouth; wear a dust or surgical mask. A clean bandana over your mouth is better then nothing. Finally put on some latex gloves and wipe them with alcohol. Now you are ready to work.
you have my attention, not sure how my other half will respond. :D

Get some spore or a liquid culture for a gourmet variety to grow alongside your magical shrooms. Portabellos or button mushrooms will grow in a tub on coir or compost exactly the same way as cubensis. Not all edible varieties will though so do a little research. Thinking about doing some Portobello myself this year and maybe blue or king oysters; they grow on straw. Make your significant other a veggie omelette with fresh mushrooms sautéed in butter and onions; maybe you get a pass lol. Liquid cultures btw are pretty cheap from any myco supply. Too bad a bunch of dickheads 50 yrs ago decided to ban a naturally occurring fungus or we could just order a liquid culture for cubes and skip over the steps so far in this thread.
Why ?

You can buy pre made pda or mea for 20 bucks.

You can get corn steep additive premade as well.
Sure you can. All kinds of agar recipes and premade agar mix out there. Thing is I bought all this stuff years ago for the and still have enough materials to do several more grows. Usually do a tub or 2 each season.
I like the idea of finding everything at a grocery store; only exception is agar powder. I bought it online; should be noted that vendors are selling Telephone brand agar at a high markup. Why? Because idiots like me that don't know better follow other shroomers techniques to a T. You don't have to though; any kind of agar you want to use is fine. Lots of ways to do it; this method just works for me.
Telelphone agar is sold in international store for cheap...especially Asian markets

Great write up! I'm sure it will be put to great use.
Always hated pasty plates due to there not be much room to let your transfer grow out

I must ask though why use the micro-pore tape? Can't you just pop the corner of the lid off and drop your transfer/spores.
Seems like once the tape is PC'd it would get wet in turn be more prone to contamination
Mornin' Guys,
I'm an old shroom devotee. Learned agar vulture techniques back in microbiology class. Even have my own incubator. Many gues don't know that you can even make shroom crosses...never done it but possible.

I used to live near Gainesville, FL and spend hours wandering the field early morning after spring and summer rains. Even tripped with a cows a coule of times.

Not growing shrroms right now...but I can forsee it in the near future.


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Telelphone agar is sold in international store for cheap...especially Asian markets

Great write up! I'm sure it will be put to great use.
Always hated pasty plates due to there not be much room to let your transfer grow out

I must ask though why use the micro-pore tape? Can't you just pop the corner of the lid off and drop your transfer/spores.
Seems like once the tape is PC'd it would get wet in turn be more prone to contamination
You need passive gas exchange; the plate won't get air without a vent. Wrapping the mini from the lid down before pc-ing should keep the tape dry. I place a folded paper towel inside the gap before wrapping in foil which bows out the top allowing water in the pc to run right off. I'll try to show some pics when I go to do this.
These Pasty plates are meant to be fast. If the mycelium starts getting to the edge you gotta use it soon or toss it. I've had tiny fruits growing on plates if you leave them for too long. I try to transfer about 3 times; that's usually enough to get a clean one.
You need passive gas exchange; the plate won't get air without a vent. Wrapping the mini from the lid down before pc-ing should keep the tape dry. I place a folded paper towel inside the gap before wrapping in foil which bows out the top allowing water in the pc to run right off. I'll try to show some pics when I go to do this.
These Pasty plates are meant to be fast. If the mycelium starts getting to the edge you gotta use it soon or toss it. I've had tiny fruits growing on plates if you leave them for too long. I try to transfer about 3 times; that's usually enough to get a clean one.

Why not just buy some proper agar plates? Last batch I bought were sterile. disposable plastic fairly cheap and came in a pack of ten.
Why not just buy some proper agar plates? Last batch I bought were sterile. disposable plastic fairly cheap and came in a pack of ten.
That would sort of defeat the purpose of this thread. Plus I already have everything and don't want to spend more money. I don't have any fancy lab equipment; trying to show that you can do agar with household items and without ordering weird shit like Petri dishes. I have bought horse poo and spawn that were supposedly sterile but if I run the plates through my own pc at least I know for certain they are.