Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Well-Known Member
I can use density displacement to explain anything you call gravity. Which is a unproven theory.
Ah yes, the widely accepted by scientist around the flat globe, unproven theory of gravity. NOW, for the first time ever, dispelled by DENSITY DISPLACEMENT! Yes, Yes, I see now. Nothing makes a jetliner plunge to flat earth like density displacement does!! Who knew that after thousands of years of mystery the phenomenon called gravity was actual just density displacement!?!?!?

Was it after watching hundred and thousands of hours of video and photo's of earth from the International Space Station that made the significant conclusion for you that gravity was actually just a really misrepresented state of density displacement???

Folks, I have thought for many years this was the type of stupid one can't fix. However, I stand corrected. There is hope! And its in density displacement!

Density displacement is literally not a thing. What you were attempting to reference is a measuring test called water displacement. A common lab practice. I did you the favor of explaining something rationally. Please attempt to respond with something NOT foreign to the world of academia.

To determine the density of an unknown object, water displacement can be used to determine the volume of the object. You would measure the mass of the object using a balance. Mass is usually measured to two decimal places, volume to one decimal place. This is a single, widely accepted scientific practice. Attempting to explain anything someone calls gravity with the 2020 phenomenon called "density displacement" is NOT common place scientific practice. Its uneducated jibberish, literally.
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Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the widely accepted by scientist around the flat globe, unproven theory of gravity. NOW, for the first time ever, dispelled by DENSITY DISPLACEMENT! Yes, Yes, I see now. Nothing makes a jetliner plunge to flat earth like density displacement does!! Who knew that after thousands of years of mystery the phenomenon called gravity was actual just density displacement!?!?!?

Was it after watching hundred and thousands of hours of video and photo's of earth from the International Space Station that made the significant conclusion for you that gravity was actually just a really misrepresented state of density displacement???

Folks, I have thought for many years this was the type of stupid one can't fix. However, I stand corrected. There is hope! And its in density displacement!

Density displacement is literally not a thing. What you were attempting to reference is a measuring test called water displacement. A common lab practice. I did you the favor of explaining something rationally. Please attempt to respond with something NOT foreign to the world of academia.

To determine the density of an unknown object, water displacement can be used to determine the volume of the object. You would measure the mass of the object using a balance. Mass is usually measured to two decimal places, volume to one decimal place. This is a single, widely accepted scientific practice. Attempting to explain anything someone calls gravity with the 2020 phenomenon called "density displacement" is NOT common place scientific practice. Its uneducated jibberish, literally.
He's a blithering idiot who I'm convinced perpetuates this thread solely to yank the chains of educated people like us.

There are density displacement flying machines, of course; hot air balloons, blimps and airships. Not surprisingly, they haven't really caught on because of a nasty habit air tends to have during inclement weather; 'wind'.

Excess wind, not unlike @RetiredGuerilla


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the widely accepted by scientist around the flat globe, unproven theory of gravity. NOW, for the first time ever, dispelled by DENSITY DISPLACEMENT! Yes, Yes, I see now. Nothing makes a jetliner plunge to flat earth like density displacement does!! Who knew that after thousands of years of mystery the phenomenon called gravity was actual just density displacement!?!?!?

Was it after watching hundred and thousands of hours of video and photo's of earth from the International Space Station that made the significant conclusion for you that gravity was actually just a really misrepresented state of density displacement???

Folks, I have thought for many years this was the type of stupid one can't fix. However, I stand corrected. There is hope! And its in density displacement!

Density displacement is literally not a thing. What you were attempting to reference is a measuring test called water displacement. A common lab practice. I did you the favor of explaining something rationally. Please attempt to respond with something NOT foreign to the world of academia.

To determine the density of an unknown object, water displacement can be used to determine the volume of the object. You would measure the mass of the object using a balance. Mass is usually measured to two decimal places, volume to one decimal place. This is a single, widely accepted scientific practice. Attempting to explain anything someone calls gravity with the 2020 phenomenon called "density displacement" is NOT common place scientific practice. Its uneducated jibberish, literally.
You're speaking a foreign language to him, it goes in one side of his firmament and out the other...



Well-Known Member
Oh man, where to even start...
Dude I failed science in school and even I can tell what a load of bs this is.
Stop being such an obvious troll lol. You can't possibly believe all this nonsense.
The bible makes more sense than this crap.
bongsmilieAll objects of the same size do not fall at the same speed. Take a cotton ball, a rubber ball and a steel ball of the same size. Drop from 3 meters at the same time. Steel ball lands first. Rubber ball 2nd and cotton ball 3rd. Density baby. Less dense objects go up because they are less dense than air. More dense than air objects fall to the ground. Denser objects displace the density more efficiently or faster. That's why the steel ball lands first. No comments on the sad special effects NASA video? :p If flat earthers are so insane why bother debunking their claims, deleting their youtube videos and facebook pages? What are "they' afraid of? Have a good weekend Globetards. :dunce:
You're being ignorant and negating the force of lift.
Simply using your own body strength to lift each ball demonstrates this, if using your body strength to simulate lift.
One will float in the air more than the other, when density and weight are the only different factors to consider.

if they are the same size and shape the heavier ball will fall faster. get it together Globetard. :dunce: You people are so lacking intellect no wonder you believe all this phony science fiction. MOON LANDINGS :dunce: lmao
Heavier objects of the same size and shape will ACCELERATE faster to free fall speed. Hence why heavier objects generally hit the ground first.
Terminal velocity is approximately 200km/ hr for a human body. That's why it's unsafe to jump out an aeroplane without a parachute.
You reckon your body falls at the same velocity falling 2 meters vs 10 000ft?
Go jump off a cliff and find out. :dunce:

But guess what? Depending on a person's own shape and size, terminal velocity may well vary ever so slightly. Because each person has an individual mass, drag, buoyancy and density.

bongsmilie LOL !! If you remove air from the equation? The earth has air. Does it not? The intellect in which you Globetards use to convey your thoughts leaves a lot to be desired. You use immature insults and profanity. It hits a nerve when I show the facts that outer space is a fairy tale. :D Hydrogen gas would rise to the top of the atmosphere faster than helium why? Because it is less dense than helium. Heavier and more dense objects of the same size FALL FASTER. Gravity is only a theory. A idiotic and impossible theory at that. Do you Globetards know the difference between THEORY and LAW? Obviously, unequivocally NO !! :dunce:
Again denser, heavier objects accelerate faster when they fall and have their own terminal velocity.
Terminal velocity depends on the fluidity of the space an object is falling through. That's why a rock sinks faster in water than a person, if disregarding floatation.
You know air is theoretically a fluid right?

So all things considered. For a moment forget about an object's size, shape, lift, mass, density, buoyancy and drag.
Then answer why that object will still fall toward the ground.
What force is making this object fall?
Give it a name, I dare you! ;)
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, and some where between earth and moon is the vacuum of space. :dunce: The solar eclipse proves the moon and sun are the exact same size. Oh wait...
So objects don't appear to be smaller, the further away they are?

You get a kick out of this crap don't you?
Only fools here are the ones like myself, who are at first convinced that you believe what you're posting.
But the only one here being an idiot is you.

Not even gonna waste my time replying to your posts anymore. What's the point?
Thanks for the lolz @RetiredGuerilla. :clap:
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Well-Known Member
The earth is round. You can not believe that if you want. You can get everyone on the earth to agree that it is flat. It does not change the truth. The earth is round.
If you really want to not be a slave to the programming of the masses, check into the moon being made of cheese. The governments of the world have been holding us back from all of that creamy goodness. Private companies started space travel companies to start mining the moon cheese, and that is why the worlds governments have increased their space programs budgets. Pretending to be weaponizing space, but really hording the endless supply of cheese for their own greed.


Well-Known Member
So all things considered. For a moment forget about an object's size, shape, lift, mass, density, buoyancy and drag.
Then answer why that object will still fall toward the ground.
What force is making this object fall?
Give it a name, I dare you! ;)
They believe the earth is accelerating upwards and that keeps everything stuck to its surface.


Well-Known Member
Space must be rafters that the firmament hangs from.

Or is Space the densest Element thus supporting flat earth from underneath.

@RetiredGuerilla rilla you could be right in 10, 20 thousand years who knows? but right now The Bible says water molecules are round.

Have you read the good word lately?

View attachment 4477532
LMFAO 'the good book' of Halliburton! I'm crying over here!

Your sense of humor is the BEST!


Well-Known Member
You Globetards believe in the obviously and poorly faked moon video i posted. How you rationalize it as authentic is perplexing. Therefore attempting to engage in a intelligent discussion about the lack of validity of outlandish and impossible theories of modern pseudo-science is futile. The comments from you Globetards in regards to the aforementioned video were counted at zero. Modern astronomy throws unproven astronomical numbers out there and they are accepted on blind faith by you mouth breathing marmalukes. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
You Globetards believe in the obviously and poorly faked moon video i posted. How you rationalize it as authentic is perplexing. Therefore attempting to engage in a intelligent discussion about the lack of validity of outlandish and impossible theories of modern pseudo-science is futile. The comments from you Globetards in regards to the aforementioned video were counted at zero. Modern astronomy throws unproven astronomical numbers out there and they are accepted on blind faith by you mouth breathing marmalukes. :dunce:
Lolz, he's baaack! This could potentially break the internet and I think you need a bigger boat RetardedGuerilla


Well-Known Member
You Globetards believe in the obviously and poorly faked moon video i posted. How you rationalize it as authentic is perplexing. Therefore attempting to engage in a intelligent discussion about the lack of validity of outlandish and impossible theories of modern pseudo-science is futile. The comments from you Globetards in regards to the aforementioned video were counted at zero. Modern astronomy throws unproven astronomical numbers out there and they are accepted on blind faith by you mouth breathing marmalukes. :dunce:
Never argue with an idiot; he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. -Sam Clements, aka Mark Twain

You're too stupid to understand that GPS refutes everything you've said.
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