The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Trump had his best week ever, Maher says

Bill Maher, host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," tells CNN's Fareed Zakaria that President Trump just had his best week ever.


Well-Known Member
Russian media says that after the acquittal by enablers in the Senate that trump is more Moscow's than ever.

Why would state media in Russia feel that way?

Damn, this orange prick is weakening the United States in every possible way.
Whats good for Exxon is good for America.

My brother is in the army, got transferred with his weapon aimed at the Mexican boarder. :wall:

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Industry will save US

Long live Wall Street.


Well-Known Member
Great article in The Daily Beast quoting Russian media concerning trump’s submission to Putin.

I remember all the jackoff patriots screaming about the UN and US sovereignty and crap.

Now republicans and evangelicals are all in love with trump who is at Putin’s feet.


Well-Known Member
It's a stunning state of affairs when a life long, spoiled con man can take over the entire political spectrum.

Trump outsmarted many, and its a sad day that he has.


Well-Known Member
Evil Destroys Those that it Can not Control.
To Hate is Evil.
So, go ahead pick your poison.
Enjoy your TDS that you don't think you suffer from.
Thank a Controlled Media for putting enough Hate in your Heart to Rot your Guts.
I Pity your wretchedness.


Well-Known Member
Evil Destroys Those that it Can not Control.
To Hate is Evil.
So, go ahead pick your poison.
Enjoy your TDS that you don't think you suffer from.
Thank a Controlled Media for putting enough Hate in your Heart to Rot your Guts.
I Pity your wretchedness.
isnt' that from a Rage against the Machine song? or just the ramblings of a lunatic troll?


Well-Known Member
Evil Destroys Those that it Can not Control.
To Hate is Evil.
So, go ahead pick your poison.
Enjoy your TDS that you don't think you suffer from.
Thank a Controlled Media for putting enough Hate in your Heart to Rot your Guts.
I Pity your wretchedness.
I am not sure which media you are talking about, but I am guessing you might think it means something different than it does. And because of this are not aware how it is being used against you.

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Well-Known Member
DOJ backtracks on Roger Stone prison sentence request

The Justice Department will backtrack on its request that longtime President Trump confidant Roger Stone get up to nine years in prison, a senior department official said, contradicting its own federal prosecutors in a highly unusual and politically charged move.


Well-Known Member
DOJ backtracks on Roger Stone prison sentence request

The Justice Department will backtrack on its request that longtime President Trump confidant Roger Stone get up to nine years in prison, a senior department official said, contradicting its own federal prosecutors in a highly unusual and politically charged move.
Looks like Barr changed the person in charge of the Flynn and Stone cases.
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Was a bunch more tweets in the article

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