3 gallon vs 5 gallon pots

You have more options than just 3/5 gallon buckets. There are a lot of different brands of cloth pots (smart pot, rootpouch, etc) that are shorter and wider than buckets of the same capacity. A lot of people like these. If you've seen doublejj's carport grows, you'll see that they can give great results. Like the guy a few posts back mentioned, you can also use 10 gallon totes, which will be shorter than a 5gal bucket. (Just remember to drill some drainage holes!)

Don't be afraid to think outside of the box
A 5-gallon bucket would be way too big for your tent. A 3-gallon pot is likely too big.

What's your limiting factor, the one thing that is most important here? The amount of headroom you have limits the size of your plant.
A 3-gallon pot still puts your stem a foot off the ground. That leaves you with less than 4 feet to work with. Autos would be my first suggestion
as I've grown dwarf autos that don't get much over 30 inches. But remember, if you are brave enough to put a 1000W MH bulb in any tent
heat is going to be your enemy. I would stash the 1000W MH and use the HSP for the whole grow. Much less heat and no production drop-off
that I could see. Plus you will have to FIM your plant early to keep it's size down. Do a search for FIM and LST for the info. Get a smaller light or bigger tent.

5 gallon not to give u a taller plant, but to give u a bigger root base, therefore a healthier plant, and less prone to diseases etc.. but either or is good, i might go with some 3 gal air pots next time n try them out, seem pretty cool.. the Super Roots air pots though.. FYI.. indica plants indoors really shouldnt grow past 3 feet in height anyways or youll start to have cannopy lighting issues... I say go with the 3 gallon pots then, to save money, although at my store, the difference is only a dollar, so i go with the 5 gallon... but the 3 gallons will take less dirt, therefore maybe saving money depending on how many pants u grow.. Im growing 9 Oh God plants from jordan of the Island under a 600 watt hps.. i could be better off with 16 smaller ones probably, and will do that next time, or a flood n drain table with 16 3 gal pots or whatever.. either way.. 9 x 12 inch pots, at 6" centers, with an addintional 200 watt cfl above combined with the hps, even though the hps is enhanced spectrum, i wanna a good full spectrum and better PAR
Whether you use 3 or 5 gallons indoors some type of training to keep your canopy full and level will increase yields over letting them grow naturally like a Christmas tree shape. Light that reaches the grow room floor is a waste of light.
The plants can not reach over 4 feet. Im thinking they have to be around 3 and 1/2 feet at the maximum.

With a bigger pot your plants will be more prone to outgrowing your space. You'll have to be on top of training and switching to 12/12 before too long. With smaller pots you'll have to water more often - every 48 hours and during peak flower every 24-36 hours with a 3 gallon pot. With a 5 gallon pot and 3' plants you can add 24 hours to each watering. On the other hand, that can make a larger pot harder to correct issues so if you're new to all this a smaller pot will likely be easier.

Also, if you're buying pots, I cannot recommend Air-Pots enough.
You should flip after 2-3 weeks of veg because you won't be able to control them from running into your lights without tying them down to a net. More roots, bigger plants in hydro. I have seen big plants in small soil containers though.
With a grand in a tent of said height, feet maximum for the plant height. Else your gonna want to cut the top off of it lol.
Plant size is correlated to pot volume.
I have been reading alot of this topic, and I still don't have a clear answer. The tent is 6.5 feet high, now given the height of the pot and the clearance needed for the 1000 watt hood and space in betweem for heating issues, the plants can not get over 4 feet tall ( probably a little less actually) With that being said, what size pots would be better? I'm leaning towards the 3 gallom because like I said the plants will only be 3-4 feet, but if using 5 gallon pots would somehow increase the yield even with its limited height it seems like the 5 gallons would be a better choice. Can anyone chime in on this? Thank you
So I have found 3 gallon sucks out all the water too quick. meaning I would need to water twice a day at peak. I love anything until it becomes a pain in the arse. I prefer 5 gallon fabric pots and build up that root system before the switch to flower....unless I am doing some micro-grow-bonsai - then I use 1 gallon.
what size pots you guys recommend to use for clones Also round or square pots what’s the difference ?? Am planning to use. 4*8 trays

You asked a question in a LONG dead thread! Naughty, naughty.
How about you start a new thread from now on?

So then, to answer your questions...
Solo cups for clones, to 1 gallons to 3 gallons to 5 or 7 gallons (depending on the strain).
I have always chosen round pots...
If your a commercial grower in soil....... I would likely go to square pots to save space. This of course would be for unlimited plant counts and I would be doing SOG.

So. SOLO cup for clones and Round pots.

Don't be afraid to ask questions by starting your own thread.
You asked a question in a LONG dead thread! Naughty, naughty.
How about you start a new thread from now on?

So then, to answer your questions...
Solo cups for clones, to 1 gallons to 3 gallons to 5 or 7 gallons (depending on the strain).
I have always chosen round pots...
If your a commercial grower in soil....... I would likely go to square pots to save space. This of course would be for unlimited plant counts and I would be doing SOG.

So. SOLO cup for clones and Round pots.

Don't be afraid to ask questions by starting your own thread.
Thanks for the tip !!!
I have grown 3/5 in the same run same strain same veg time. The trunk of the 5gal gets bigger, the plant grew taller but not significantly. What it really come down to is how long will you let them veg in the pot before flowering? If you're planning to transplant to the 3 or 5 than veg for a month, go 5. If you plan to transplant and veg for 3 days go 3 (I say veg for 3 days, I always leave a plant in the same room for 3 - 5 days after transplant before moving it to flower, I also just run ph'd water from that 3 - 5 days so as to flush away any notes or salt. I'm not saying I'm right or an expert, just what I do.

DC4 commented on a gallon per foot, I've not heard that before, but I have heard of going by a gallon month but I don't buy into that because no ones going to veg for 7 months in a 10gal pot, who has that much space and time.
Hi since you’ve done the 5 and 3 gal at the same time was your harvest time the same? And did you get a much bigger yield? Would I need to have a longer veg time if I do use the 5 gal instead of the 3 gal?
I've also grown 3 and 5 side by side. I personally find the 3 gallon very handy depending on how you will organize your grow. Technically you might even be able to get 1lb out of 3 gallons, but topping out around 12oz is probably more realistic.
I do autos and have done the side by side test won’t ever go back to three. On photos u can veg longer if you want bigger plants more topping if you want to stay shorter or just let them go. Veg till u are almost at halfway of the height you want your plant then flip