Pete Buttigieg Funded by Russian-Linked Oligarch Who Supports Trump and McConnell

That's pretty much par for the course with these weaklings. At least he has more balls than @ttystikk who has now devoted his spit-rages to Reddit. Take ten minutes and amuse yourself sometime. He's still doing his best to build his brand by using the same ingenious username that led us all to find his criminal record for pimping. Sometimes I feel funny giving a fuck about what disgraced members of our little forum are up to but it is hilarious and keeps me abreast of the way the wind blows.
The three of them lost their marbles when their belief in Bernie's world beating popularity was contradicted by the whopping large majority of Democrats who rejected him in 2016. It took me a while to realize they were at the same time, victims and promoters of a propaganda campaign that put Trump in office.

I'll go check out tty's rants in Reddit. Though I won't engage. I have no interest in talking to him again. Congrats to both of us. We made @schuylaar 's ignore list.
The three of them lost their marbles when their belief in Bernie's world beating popularity was contradicted by the whopping large majority of Democrats who rejected him in 2016. It took me a while to realize they were at the same time, victims and promoters of a propaganda campaign that put Trump in office.

I'll go check out tty's rants in Reddit. Though I won't engage. I have no interest in talking to him again. Congrats to both of us. We made @schuylaar 's ignore list.
Every day, in every way, she proves my sig of "I don't get it". I could not care less if she ignores me or not. She has shown that she is immune from all sense anyway.

I have only "checked" on @ttystikk twice. The last time I did his last post was a classic. He told the story of the F-111 in Vietnam and how the pilots called it the "Thud" because it didn't fly and killed a lot of aircrew and this was a sign that military contractors were knowingly sacrificing our airmen in order to sell more planes.

Except the F-111 was the "Aardvark" and he should have said F-105 Thunderchief aka "Thud". It's name came from the Howdy Doody character of Chief Thunderthud. The thing was enormous and very heavy but was originally designed to fly in low and fast and drop a thermonuclear bomb. In Vietnam it had a mixed, but respectable, record despite it being used for things it was not intended. So as usual, Tyler got half the story wrong and twisted his conclusions way beyond the truth in order to suit his own purposes. For it's original purpose, it was a pretty impressive plane.

It made me laugh, but I still couldn't help but feel bad for him.
The just-slightly-left/right-of-center propaganda in this forum is off the charts. You guys would buckle in a face to face debate.
The just-slightly-left/right-of-center propaganda in this forum is off the charts. You guys would buckle in a face to face debate.
If you call your made up divisive comments "debate", I think you are probably going to win any debate in your own mind. BTW, the percentage of white immigrants is about 20%, not that this fact contradicts anything you said. (snicker)
The news, and all I heard Hillary C. And Butigedge and some others had the iowa caucass fail on purpose so it's not republican party it's the Hillary machine doing work for Pete B
The failure hurt Pete. He won and the sooner he could have shouted that out the better. It helped the ones who didn't do very well, since that news was not learned until later.

What had happened was they used a smart phone app that had not been tested in a wide spread way. Using phones is a bad idea anyway, and to not test the app is just crazy. But the caucuses are controlled by the state parties, not the state's election officials, or they would have been tested.

I have a feeling in four years they will be having a presidential preference primary like the rest of us.
The just-slightly-left/right-of-center propaganda in this forum is off the charts. You guys would buckle in a face to face debate.
I love how @Padawanbater2 liked your post despite the fact that he has been so eviscerated in debate time and time again that he now won't even engage in much more than hit and run tactics.
Likely because he understands that the way the forum propagandists twist words from post to post would never hold water in a real time face to face debate.
”stop twisting my words, propagandists!” cries the child who is quoted verbatim more than anyone I’ve ever seen

“Race matters when it comes to immigration, only 4% of immigrants are white”

Go jerk off to Ben Shapiro now, you dumb racist. I’d call you a propagandist too but you’re just not that good at it because we all see right through you
”stop twisting my words, propagandists!” cries the child who is quoted verbatim more than anyone I’ve ever seen

“Race matters when it comes to immigration, only 4% of immigrants are white”

Go jerk off to Ben Shapiro now, you dumb racist. I’d call you a propagandist too but you’re just not that good at it because we all see right through you
LOL you got your feelings hurt when I called you out for nailing your fingers together, and you just can't let it go. I'm not a racist and I support open immigration, but your fragile ego won't allow you to see anything from any other perspective aside from vilifying me. You claim to be a Democrat, but act like Trump with your incessant closed-minded name-calling.
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