Hi guys, I would like to ask you - how far away from CFL shall I put my plant? It is about 2 weeks old, edges of the leaves are now trying to curl inside - not so much, but it is not "healty" shape of leaf. I have 8x 23W CFL and 3x 11W LED lights about 30 cm above the pot. Also I was thinking if its not caused by under/overwattering (I was pouring about 80ml per day) pot is dry at the top to 2 cm deep into soil - then it seems its little moist/wet, but not so much (anyway I cut off wattering so much for now and replaced it with spraying a little only). I am using blowfan for letting air cool. Any ideas? PS: Isn't that plant short? (just about 5 cm), now it is behind windowsill because sun is providing more luxs than my indoor light (about 19 000 lux at that 30 cm) today.