Magic Melon Strain?

They've had a issue with a lot of their strains. I remember tossing a sour diesel about a year ago. Slow veg, small leaves, just lateral growth, etc...I noticed the symptoms, so I tossed it before flower. I'm running their venom og with no issues. Go to their website. They have info about it. A few clubs stop carrying there strains due to dudding. Hope this helps

They've had a issue with a lot of their strains. I remember tossing a sour diesel about a year ago. Slow veg, small leaves, just lateral growth, etc...I noticed the symptoms, so I tossed it before flower. I'm running their venom og with no issues. Go to their website. They have info about it. A few clubs stop carrying there strains due to dudding. Hope this helps

I was thinking about buying some of the venom og seeds that Humboldt sales
They've had a issue with a lot of their strains. I remember tossing a sour diesel about a year ago. Slow veg, small leaves, just lateral growth, etc...I noticed the symptoms, so I tossed it before flower. I'm running their venom og with no issues. Go to their website. They have info about it. A few clubs stop carrying there strains due to dudding. Hope this helps

I know harborside stop for about 6 months there saleing theme again
My Magic Melon Clones came from DarkHeart, Purchased at Harborside in Oaktown. This Strain was chosen in the Humboldt Seed Company 10k Phenotype Mega Hunt. I have grown many Darkheart clones with no duds, but I have been passed "Other "strains when Harborside cant fill my Orders completely. If I order a Dozen Blue Dream and they only have 10, it's almost a sure thing they slip in something they think is similar. No Big Deal so far.
These are doing well at 3 weeks. Melons on left, Shiny almost Greasy Leaves. Purple Punches on Right.
My Magic Melon Clones came from DarkHeart, Purchased at Harborside in Oaktown. This Strain was chosen in the Humboldt Seed Company 10k Phenotype Mega Hunt. I have grown many Darkheart clones with no duds, but I have been passed "Other "strains when Harborside cant fill my Orders completely. If I order a Dozen Blue Dream and they only have 10, it's almost a sure thing they slip in something they think is similar. No Big Deal so far.
These are doing well at 3 weeks. Melons on left, Shiny almost Greasy Leaves. Purple Punches on Right.
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I been thinking about buying some of the feminized lemongrass and magic melon seeds
Link? Cant find and fiest ive heard not sayin wrong but they sre massive and sell miillions a year i love them lol so i cant se how

All good man. Just google "dark heart nursery dudding", and you'll find everything you need to know about it. A lot of dark heart cuts had it a few years ago. I had to trash a sour diesel from them due to dudding. Luckily I caught it in veg....Hope this helps.

It did, had never heard of this before. Thanks for the info! It also sounds like they were instrumental in identifying and eliminating it. Science.

Ah the pathogen it csn he contracted in a few different ways not nesseseraliy linked to hearkheart but theu was the fiest to identify it. Theres a video on their youtube channel they only have 3 there.
Its a worldwide pathogen which they discobered a way to track n trace it and eliminate it. Most contam was done via cutting utenciks and blades used by farmers in colabs coming to help cuttings to chop and allowing people in handa on that was exposed to the pathogen. Theough hops and somtines in stinging nettles wild. Advice was not to grow these close.
And being that darkheart do compa ionship growing of other pla ta for oils and pests that grew nettlesbclose by and near hops fields but since eliminated potensiial hosts.

Unfortunatly they on identifying it had it i their line at the time. But since has been eliminated theough screening.