New Member
not too sure how much having this stuff is going to help but its doing something and doing nothing is just not an option
I respect and appreciate your service, rezo ... I truly do. But here in California, the government unions have advanced the servicing of the taxpayer as a bull services a cow.viredd your personal attack on gov pensions is bs. im a gov employee and i bust ass to earn my money and my pension. i dont know where you live but cities need an infistructure . dont blame me or the cops or the sewer guys for making sure your life functions easily. yes we should get paid good for doing a good job
But flo, government is the one that has taken it upon itself to do our worrying for other people for us. We no longer have to worry about other people that's why we pay are one ignorantarent you? do you not understand that the REASON we are in this mess in the first place is because everyone worries about themselves, when they are gonna get that new car, those new gucci boots, that bigger house... me me me, fuck my neighbor fuck everyone else i gotta get mine. fuck tax cuts for the rich fuck programs for the poor give me tax cuts... all these "special intrest groups" lobbying for everyone to get there way and when everyone gets their way everybody suffers.. where as if we did what was best for our country as a whole everyone would suffer in different areas, but we wouldnt be in the position we are in now.
You're actually of the opinion that the government would do anything intelligent?Solution to all this contry's problems:
Due to the enormous financial disaster, this has to happen. It will miraculously fix all our problems.
Starting tomorrow, legalize, regulate and tax the biggest cash crop in the US. Have the government grow it and allow Phillip Morris to roll it up and distribute it. Billions of dollars would flow into the government coffers and the amount of people in prison would diminish greatly which would take away a huge portion of the expenses that each state has to pay for that nonsense.