My first grow


Hey everyone, so this is my first ever time attempting to grow cannabis plants so sorry if this is long lol. To catch everyone up I am on day 20 of my grow and I placed both seeds straight to soil after I first watered the soil and everything has gone really good I feel. What I have is a seedsman northern lights autoflower, and a fastbuds girl scout cookies autoflower. I'm using foxfarms ocean forest soil mixed with a little bit of perlite. The northern lights had the seed shell stuck on top during the beginning stages and I ended up having to pull it off so the plants a little smaller but is still alive and growing. The girl scout cookies has progressed a lot more, but also had no problems with shedding it's shell. Anyways I have officially run across my first rookie mistake and was wondering if you guys had any suggestions. On both plants the leaves are slightly canoeing, but one more than the other. There's also some yellowing/Browning on the tips of one of my leaves which I have been told could possibly be from getting the leaves wet when watering, which I'm definitely guilty of doing the last time I watered. I have a 300W viparspectra light about 23" from the top of the he plants and use about a gallon of water for each pot.
IMG_20200201_092332070.jpgIMG_20200201_092339243.jpg (northern lights auto)
(Day 20)

IMG_20200201_092349892.jpgIMG_20200201_092357460.jpg (girl scout cookies auto) (day 20)

Thank you and sorry again for the long post I just wanted to make sure i didn't leave anything out. Im pumped about this first grow and look forward to sharing the rest of the progress with you guys!
Post pics in natural lighting please.
The leaves seem to be thick and glossy but slightly hard to tell in the current pictures
Post pics in natural lighting please.
The leaves seem to be thick and glossy but slightly hard to tell in the current pictures
Yeah I got you here you go. IMG_20200202_102747927.jpg
(Seedsman Northern Lights auto day 21)

(Fast budz girl scout cookies auto day 21)IMG_20200202_102812792.jpg
(Fast buds girl scout cookies auto day 21)


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How often do you water? Also how often do you feed them nutrients?
Ive been going off of the weight of my pots and how dry the soil is about a half inch down. Probably about every 5 or 6 days I usually try to let it get decently dry. And I have used any nutrients to this point ive only used tap water with the pH adjusted to as close to 6 as possible without going under
Ive been going off of the weight of my pots and how dry the soil is about a half inch down. Probably about every 5 or 6 days I usually try to let it get decently dry. And I have used any nutrients to this point ive only used tap water with the pH adjusted to as close to 6 as possible without going under
Sounds like you're doing everything correctly for autos. What is you temp and humidity?
From past experience I've noticed my leaves starting to curl down like that when my humidity gets below 40. Personally I'd be more concerned with why your leaves are glossy. Have you checked for bugs?
Sounds like you're doing everything correctly for autos. What is you temp and humidity?
From past experience I've noticed my leaves starting to curl down like that when my humidity gets below 40. Personally I'd be more concerned with why your leaves are glossy. Have you checked for bugs?
Chances are its the pheno, or if he's done some misting could be non-RO water which would have something in it. I believe its the plant though I've had several plants with shiny leaves, Northern lights is VERY notorious for having shiny vegetation.
Alright, guys so my temp is at 74 right now and the humidity at 72. But i just checked closely and sadly I do see spider mites in both pots. I'm on day 21 right now, is there a proven way to kill them without hurting my plants?
Ouch that sucks and I hate to say it. you need to REMOVE the spots where they are present there are sprays you can use, Neem oil n such but its going to be a battle... easier in my opinion then fungal gnats but these will destroy your hard work. I would cut out all the affected areas then spray the whole plant with safers soap and keep an eye on it. Bigger the infestation the harder it is to deal with.
Ouch that sucks and I hate to say it. you need to REMOVE the spots where they are present there are sprays you can use, Neem oil n such but its going to be a battle... easier in my opinion then fungal gnats but these will destroy your hard work. I would cut out all the affected areas then spray the whole plant with safers soap and keep an eye on it. Bigger the infestation the harder it is to deal with.
Yeah I was afraid of that. At this point I'll just fight back and see what I can do
One thing I would do is RAISE your pots you don't want the bottom to sit in its runoff, put some wood or some plastic or metal rods under it let that water come right out, and considering how wet your soil is let it dry out till you notice the plants are thirsty(fan leaves shielding the stock). you should notice a huge improvement. the watering practice I was just suggesting is only because they look over watered but I don't know how your watering just from what I can see.
Well I'm happy I suggested looking for bugs, better to catch those fucking spider mites now rather then later. To get rid of them use neem oil or insecticidal soap. You can find a lot of affective recipes for safe homemade sprays to get rid of the mites!
One thing I would do is RAISE your pots you don't want the bottom to sit in its runoff, put some wood or some plastic or metal rods under it let that water come right out, and considering how wet your soil is let it dry out till you notice the plants are thirsty(fan leaves shielding the stock). you should notice a huge improvement. the watering practice I was just suggesting is only because they look over watered but I don't know how your watering just from what I can see.
Thats actually a good point. I went ahead and slid these bottle racks under them so they at least have a little clearance. I try to clean the tray that they sit in at least every time that I water if not every few days
Well I'm happy I suggested looking for bugs, better to catch those fucking spider mites now rather then later. To get rid of them use neem oil or insecticidal soap. You can find a lot of affective recipes for safe homemade sprays to get rid of the mites!
Is there an insecticidal soap you would recommend or would something at like home Depot work?