Now, you know that you've not deleted a single thing, just as I knew I hadn't deleted a single thing, but I'm all of a sudden a liar and you're not? Do you see now what's happened? I had zero clue that moderators deleted. I'm not a liar and that is slanderous. Probably against the site regulations, but I know your lashing out because you can't argue based on merit. Furthermore, I'm a bit upset that mods are watching so close as to delete my post where I swore, but now nowhere to be found after repeatedly quoted. I don't have a history of lying or making things up. I state facts and back up my opinions with facts. I don't squirm around. I leave that to others. You are actually dissapointing me.
Having a child part of US policy making is nonsense. Especially based soley on their sexual orientation. I'd call that hysterical. You can have a PhD and be hysterical or say hysterical things. Because I disagree with the policy and because its a last second flail, somehow I'm mysoginistic... Sounds good. Lol
If Bernie said the same thing, I'd be talking about Bernie being a bit hysterical or over the top, but he didn't, Warren did.