The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Just don't listen to it and ignore it all. Anybody who changes their way of thinking from what anybody says from an online chat form is weak and vulnerable anyways. If you really did change your way of thinking from some comment from a nobody online then your just a gullible sheep.
So why should anyone listen to you? Your prose is nothing new around here. And the feeble attempt to be less than facetious with snide remarks....if you were truly interested in the subject of this thread you'd contribute rather continue with unambiguous swipes across the brow.
Haha. Triggered. Got 1! I knew it wouldn't be long before one of you political freaks got pissy. I'm just here to ruffle your feathers. Maybe throw a couple your mama jokes at me next that should shut me up.
And me figuring out my political position? I'm a Republican and a Democrat. Go draw that up on your chalkboard and figure that shit out.
Are you crying now? JFC
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How about you? What do you think about Trump, think he should be impeached?

People talk about sports ya know without trying to convince other fans, it's another example of human discourse.
I voted for trump and I didn't. I am a Trump supporter, but I'm not.
So why should anyone listen to you? Your prose is nothing new around here. And the feeble attempt to be less than facetious with snide remarks....if you were truly interested in the subject of this thread you'd contribute rather continue with you unambiguous swipes across the brow.

Are you crying now? JFC
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Oh your right, I couldn't give a shit less about this thread, im here out of boredom. and NOBODY should listen to me about politics.
And am i crying? haha. yeah, sure buddy. im bawling.
Oh, so you're just an unstoppable fuckbox of dumb.
Go you!!
fuckbox of dumb! HAHA i like that. Im using that one.
Guys your best best is just to ignore me.

I'm an xbox warrior. They hand these out when you finish all the missions!! 20200131_193536.jpg
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Trump has banned his book for "national security" and Bolton knows how to fight dirty, both he and Lev are tag teaming Donald now, but Bolton is the heavy hitter. I'll bet shit is gonna break all day as the senate vote approaches.
Bolton could have testified during the House hearings. He agreed to testify to the Senate most likely expecting the Senate to block witnesses. He looks like a piece of shit from all of this and not fighting so much as promoting his fucking book that says what many other witnesses already testified happened.

I don't know what you are talking about "shit is gonna break as the Senate vote approaches". The only vote that approaches is the one where the Senate votes to block witnesses to a trial that won't include evidence or witnesses.
Part of my patriotic support for our President Trump rests on the fact there are morons such as yourself believing their fake news is truth.
Compare his rallies drawing tens of thousands who stand in freezing weather for hours for a chance to get in to sleepy to all the other demonrat candidates who can't pack a flatbed truck. Trump don't need glasses he's got 2020.
what language was that?