Snow White - CFL - 2nd Grow


Well-Known Member
lol sounds like you are getting impatient ... lol

anyway The mother idea is good because you can start practicing cloning with IMO is way better then from seed but takes a couple of times to learn a technique that works for you. I would take out 2 for the mothers though just in case.
who me ....impatient?!?! HAHAHA...yeh i am..VERY!!
and yeh thats why i want to do some mothers... i need to learn to clone!!!
But i wanna use another strain i dont want 2 of the same mothers!!! Thats Thinking bout ordering some more Fem seeds....


Well-Known Member
do it! My dream would be having a AK47 and White Widow going but want to try Bubblegum and White Rhino. lol to many flavors to choose from!


Well-Known Member
do it! My dream would be having a AK47 and White Widow going but want to try Bubblegum and White Rhino. lol to many flavors to choose from!

Thinking Supergirl..... flowering weeks only 7/8
Or the Top44 - 6/7 weeks flower...... thats what Im talking bout!!!! :bigjoint:

Guessing u dont order seeds online??


Well-Known Member sine my wonderful nute burn i swapped out the pre-nuted soil with earthgro soil mixed w/hydroton
- i used the hydroton (yes i know its a hydro medium) cause i have a bunch laying around and dont have the funds to buy more stuff right now

So....heres the pics 2 days after i transplanted
I also germed another unknown bean b/c i gave up on the clone (def wasnt rooting)

The 2 snow whites are 16 days since they popped through the surface
And yes :( i know theyre small :(
I wouldn't worry about the size of the plants. From i know the snow white is a small plant naturally, and that is how it's to be grown.

Don't get impatient, and DON"T give you say, "it's an experiment of sorts"!!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about the size of the plants. From i know the snow white is a small plant naturally, and that is how it's to be grown.

Don't get impatient, and DON"T give you say, "it's an experiment of sorts"!!!

Yeh thanks! Nirvana says they do stay pretty small, but more in the sense of compact & bushy...mine are jus pathetic at the moment!! But they should be alright, gave em a 1/4 strength nutes last night cuz theyre looking pretty pale! :)


Well-Known Member
stay with the updates man, let me know what happens!! Also, keep the lights close, at the moment I can't remember how many lights you have, but they are CFL's so keep 'em close with a fan blowing over them!


Well-Known Member
stay with the updates man, let me know what happens!! Also, keep the lights close, at the moment I can't remember how many lights you have, but they are CFL's so keep 'em close with a fan blowing over them!

currently the lights are about 2-3" away. I have 105w(full spectrum) and 4x 26w daylight's going at the moment.
I'll have more pics later, they are def stunted BUT still have new growth, so I'll be sticking with em.

I always wanted to to 12/12 from seed, so I popped 2 more seeds in the soil last night & I have the one going thats about a week old....
Moving the Snow Whites to a veg Cab 11/1, and flipping the schedule on the lil ones... I really wanna see if 12/12 from seed is worth it!


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents is that they are a little young to have the lights 2-3" away. I would move them back to 6" until they start to get some girth. Just my opinion. It just seems that thats concentrating a lot of heat on something that has not grown past a baby state. Just my opinion tho.


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents is that they are a little young to have the lights 2-3" away. I would move them back to 6" until they start to get some girth. Just my opinion. It just seems that thats concentrating a lot of heat on something that has not grown past a baby state. Just my opinion tho.

i like ur 2 cents ;) ....

Heres pics from today...doing a little better



Well-Known Member
wow the coke bottle one looks like a champ! Is that bag or sw?

Right?! Its making the SW's look pathetic!! That thing loves the MG soil!!
It's from a shitty bag that i jus kept the seeds from! Got 2 more about to pop the surface and i germed 2 more Unknown Nirvana seeds...gonna throw them in the veg cab w one of the SW's!

Fri.. im switching the 3 bagseeds and that lil noggin to 12/12 to get some bud for myself sooner than


Well-Known Member
lol did you smoke all the last grow?

you sure are germinating a shit load of seeds? How many plants you going for......... lol you have no patience.


Well-Known Member
lol did you smoke all the last grow?

you sure are germinating a shit load of seeds? How many plants you going for......... lol you have no patience.
Yeah my last grow is already gone...we smoke!!
And yeh im germing alot because Im wayyyy to impatient (tho you've already seen that hahaha) gonna set that lil white cabinet up tonight as a veg cab..throw some in 12/12 from seed in the tent...

Ultimately tho...i really would love to get a decent amount of bud off a few plants so i dont hafta grow on a reg basis....just when my stash starts getting low ya know!!

So since im new to all this, and i have that tent gonna throw as many as i can in there....some with a veg period and some no veg period at i can figure out what kinda grows are gonna wrk best for me!

Currently...theres 3 popped in the tent (2-snow white & 1 bagseed)
- 2 in soil waiting to come thru
-2 nirvana seeds germing as we speak
-6 randomn bagseeds germing(there going in 20 oz. bottles and str8 to 12/12)


Well-Known Member
Also.... gonna hafta get some mom's in my veg cab cause i would LOVE to work with the clones str8 to 12/12...
And just fill up the bottom of that tent with 2 liter bottles or a ton of 20 oz bottles.... Trying to figure out my way around all this sitting around waiting!!!

Im paying $225 an ounce and we smoke about an oz every 2 weeks
so that shit adds up QUICK!!!!! Figure i need to have a grow that i harvest at LEAST 6 ounces....and that would only last me til the next harvest!!! Ugh...thats gross after i jus read that...mayb i should cut down..lmfao:weed:

Also...starting to consider buying a hps light..... dont know if the cfl's will be able to cut it with all the plants i wanna put in there!


Well-Known Member
cough cough buy a HPS cough cough.

A lot of what you said above makes sence. It just takes time to figure out a grow method that works best for you and the only way to do that is to experiment. Personally I would veg under the cfls and flower with a 400 or 250 HPS with that tent..... seems like another small tent for mothers and clones would be cool tho ....


Well-Known Member
cough cough buy a HPS cough cough.

A lot of what you said above makes sence. It just takes time to figure out a grow method that works best for you and the only way to do that is to experiment. Personally I would veg under the cfls and flower with a 400 or 250 HPS with that tent..... seems like another small tent for mothers and clones would be cool tho ....

yeh sounds like a plan....jus hafta save up the loots for the new light now!!


Well-Known Member
These SW's are pissing me off!!!! Clearly they will do much better in a hydro set-up!!! Anyway heres some more pics..... The one in the Coke bottle is the Superstar at the moment....kinda thinking its a male (with all this showing off!!! LOL) ;)



Well-Known Member
DAM MALES ...... lol but those SW seem kinda slow but maybe they are in shock from the nuted soil still.