I got a freebie 3 pack of american kush about 5 yrs ago and popped them last year. I got one male one mutant and one crazy good female. Real berry/wine/dark chocolate pheno with real indica buzz that everyone loves.
Yeah I tried out a 10 pack 3 seeds popped 2 of which were like shitty mutant plants. They said they would send a new pack and never did so alphakronik is pretty lame in my opinion. There are too many awesome breeders out there for me to waste my time with these dudes.
I had a similar experience. Alphakronik is garbage. Stay far away.Yeah I tried out a 10 pack 3 seeds popped 2 of which were like shitty mutant plants. They said they would send a new pack and never did so alphakronik is pretty lame in my opinion. There are too many awesome breeders out there for me to waste my time with these dudes.
I had a similar experience. Alphakronik is garbage. Stay far away.
So, your experience counts but anyone who didn’t have the same experience is not part of any kind of trend, we simply don’t count? It must really smell amazing inside of your ass to have your head so far up it and not realize the foolishness of your statement.Not true at all....
an expierecnes is not a trend...and plenty of well respected breeders have at time had questionable seeds or seed viability...
ive personally ran 3 or 4 of thier strains, some seeds hella old and no issues....
So, your experience counts but anyone who didn’t have the same experience is not part of any kind of trend, we simply don’t count? It must really smell amazing inside of your ass to have your head so far up it and not realize the foolishness of your statement.
If you can't see how those 2 things are not mutually exclusive yes Facepalm statue
I really don't wanna argue but when i experienced my issue i did have they explained they just moved warehouse. The guy i talked to wasnt corporate at all he was more hippy than anything. I liked the experience despite the hiccup. Give me a few months and I will tell you how many of the ten seeds I murdered before success. I have a grow journal going but im probably an idiot none of you could learn from but if you wanna watch me bumble in the darkness or chime in feel free to pipe in there.