Well-Known Member
Hi Bert,
Actually, Pad said black people have a herd-mentality. Not to mention calling a gay man who posts here a faxxot. Not to mention his ever most laughable belief that men's rights need to be protected and is a member of a men's rights activist group. It being that you are a Bernie Bro, you wouldn't care about that either.
As I have been called a racist, a homosexual (faxxot) as an insult, had my words twisted to suit agendas and told to "go kill myself" by the self professed, liberal elite here, you'll have to excuse me while I hold up a mirror to the collective, bigoted hypocrisy in the room.
I wouldn't exactly call myself a "Bernie Bro", but I do like some of the things he proposes. I like the M4A and the idea of subsidized (low or no cost), post secondary education and a minimum, basic income (more of a Yang thing than a Bernie thing, but a good idea nontheless), regardless of the cost.Those are very important social equalizers that are good for minorities and marginalized peoples, including poor whites. Social programs that equalize the upward mobility and security for those affected by the rampant corruption of the very institutions that were sworn to protect them should be top of mind. I believe that every person should have the right to an equal shot at a dignified life, and the continued stacking of the deck against them is unacceptable. The farther the moderate, white Dem majority kick that ball down the road, the more unaffordable it will become. Obama dropped the ball, time to pick it back up.
I'm kinda on the fence between Bernie, Yang and Warren. Biden is a no sale, he's been part of the problem for far too long to be any sort of solution. I will be truly disappointed with America if you end up with Biden, much more disappointed than if you ended up with Bernie.
Bernie/Yang 2020
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