Bernie Sanders 2020

Hi Bert,

Actually, Pad said black people have a herd-mentality. Not to mention calling a gay man who posts here a faxxot. Not to mention his ever most laughable belief that men's rights need to be protected and is a member of a men's rights activist group. It being that you are a Bernie Bro, you wouldn't care about that either.

As I have been called a racist, a homosexual (faxxot) as an insult, had my words twisted to suit agendas and told to "go kill myself" by the self professed, liberal elite here, you'll have to excuse me while I hold up a mirror to the collective, bigoted hypocrisy in the room.

I wouldn't exactly call myself a "Bernie Bro", but I do like some of the things he proposes. I like the M4A and the idea of subsidized (low or no cost), post secondary education and a minimum, basic income (more of a Yang thing than a Bernie thing, but a good idea nontheless), regardless of the cost.Those are very important social equalizers that are good for minorities and marginalized peoples, including poor whites. Social programs that equalize the upward mobility and security for those affected by the rampant corruption of the very institutions that were sworn to protect them should be top of mind. I believe that every person should have the right to an equal shot at a dignified life, and the continued stacking of the deck against them is unacceptable. The farther the moderate, white Dem majority kick that ball down the road, the more unaffordable it will become. Obama dropped the ball, time to pick it back up.

I'm kinda on the fence between Bernie, Yang and Warren. Biden is a no sale, he's been part of the problem for far too long to be any sort of solution. I will be truly disappointed with America if you end up with Biden, much more disappointed than if you ended up with Bernie.

Bernie/Yang 2020
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MLK didn't mention the Democratic party in that quote. He was talking about white moderates behavior towards racial justice and equality

You, and people like you are a greater stumbling block in achieving economic justice and equality.
You are the white moderate
You are the great idiot who makes false assumptions.

Edit: The laws of the day included redlining, job discrimination, education segregation etc. All things that the Democratic party today you claim is the 'establishment' fought hard to end over the last 50 years they have been clawing away power for the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda that has controlled all aspects of our nation since white people started their invasion of this continent.
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I'm not bitter, I read his letters from jail, I known the context.

Biden fought to keep busing segregated. He's the only shot the party elites have at maintaining power.

Bernie marched with MLK and was arrested after handcuffing himself with black and white comrades to protest the injustices of the time. He's proven his grit.

Biden fought to keep busing segragated? That type of shit might be cool to say on 'Chuckers Paradise' but people who don't honor a shrine their grandaddies klan gear know better.
Because you trolls finally got your marching orders that he will be the best one for Trump to go against?

Couple that with the voter suppression you will do on his voting base when he loses the Democratic nomination again and Trump being in trouble and you get a understandable rise in his numbers.
If Sanders loses the primary, Trump gets reelected

Biden will not bring out the voters required to defeat Trump, just like Hillary Clinton didn't, because the Democratic base doesn't support the neoliberal agenda both of their political careers are defined by
If Sanders loses the primary, Trump gets reelected

Biden will not bring out the voters required to defeat Trump, just like Hillary Clinton didn't, because the Democratic base doesn't support the neoliberal agenda both of their political careers are defined by

How about answering the question that you put to the whole forum? Oh, wait. I forgot, you are a coward. When @schuylaar has more courage than you, you are one serious little pussy.
If Sanders loses the primary, Trump gets reelected

Biden will not bring out the voters required to defeat Trump, just like Hillary Clinton didn't, because the Democratic base doesn't support the neoliberal agenda both of their political careers are defined by

How about, NO

What you can't seem to wrap your head around is the FACT the Democratic party needs voters like me. Bernie IS NOT going to get me to vote blue. I will fucking write in Mike Tyson before I give a vote to Bernie
If Sanders loses the primary, Trump gets reelected

Biden will not bring out the voters required to defeat Trump, just like Hillary Clinton didn't, because the Democratic base doesn't support the neoliberal agenda both of their political careers are defined by
Only if trolls convince enough people in key states the bullshit you spread that Biden is in any way dirty (which he is not), you might be right, I can't tell the future.

I dont think you will be able to convince enough people of your garbage reasoning however, since you are trying to convince people that somehow a black man, and couple middle class people who were happy to work for him are the establishment when going against a spoiled rich racist brat who has no idea what he is doing in office.
How about, NO

What you can't seem to wrap your head around is the FACT the Democratic party needs voters like me. Bernie IS NOT going to get me to vote blue. I will fucking write in Mike Tyson before I give a vote to Bernie

So you're no "better" than a Bernie Bro.

Congrats, you've become what you hate!!!
Only if trolls convince enough people in key states the bullshit you spread that Biden is in any way dirty (which he is not), you might be right, I can't tell the future.

I dont think you will be able to convince enough people of your garbage reasoning however, since you are trying to convince people that somehow a black man, and couple middle class people who were happy to work for him are the establishment when going against a spoiled rich racist brat who has no idea what he is doing in office.
We heard the same things from your team last time, that the closed door meetings with Wall Street executives didn't matter, that accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from banks for giving an hour long speech is perfectly normal and not overt corruption, that having a public position that differs from your private position is just politics..

Well, as it turns out, most people are turned off by career politicians who behave that way. You like to blame political losses on everything but the candidate themselves or the policies they support..

We heard the same things from your team last time, that the closed door meetings with Wall Street executives didn't matter, that accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from banks for giving an hour long speech is perfectly normal and not overt corruption, that having a public position that differs from your private position is just politics..

Well, as it turns out, most people are turned off by career politicians who behave that way. You like to blame political losses on everything but the candidate themselves or the policies they support..

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Hey buddy! Welcome back. Why won't you answer a simple question? Especially since you felt entitled from your intellectual basement throne to ask it of us? You know what a coward you are, right?
We heard the same things from your team last time, that the closed door meetings with Wall Street executives didn't matter, that accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from banks for giving an hour long speech is perfectly normal and not overt corruption, that having a public position that differs from your private position is just politics..

Well, as it turns out, most people are turned off by career politicians who behave that way. You like to blame political losses on everything but the candidate themselves or the policies they support..

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Joe Biden didn't start cashing in on his fame until he left office unlike Bernie, which is admirable. His net worth was firmly in the middle class for the 50 or so years he was a public office holder so your bullshit against Biden doesn't hold water.
You don't know what socialism is, just stop.
Hmm, socialism:
1. Everyone works for wealth, which in turn is distributed to everyone.
-The key here is work, which it wouldn't in the U.S.; for the following reason:
2. The government decides how wealth is distributed among the people.
Fuck that, it provides no incentive and nobody trusts the government.
Hmm, socialism:
1. Everyone works for wealth, which in turn is distributed to everyone.
-The key here is work, which it wouldn't in the U.S.; for the following reason:
2. The government decides how wealth is distributed among the people.
Fuck that, it provides no incentive and nobody trusts the government.
You have a deep understanding of the issue - if you were in the fourth grade.

Don't worry, Donald loves you. Donald loves the under-educated.
You have a deep understanding of the issue - if you were in the fourth grade.

Don't worry, Donald loves you. Donald loves the under-educated.
I think you meant that to the 'chucker paradise' guy who just happened to start posting here right after whats their name quit posting here for the 50th time.
How about, NO

What you can't seem to wrap your head around is the FACT the Democratic party needs voters like me. Bernie IS NOT going to get me to vote blue. I will fucking write in Mike Tyson before I give a vote to Bernie
Right there with ya
Bernie and Trump are to much alike, they are claiming Bernie gets the old white man vote
I'm living proof he does not