I think all dogs operate from the same play book.saw this on FB and had to laff
View attachment 4462036
I think all dogs operate from the same play book.saw this on FB and had to laff
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this is my new favorite thread
View attachment 4463066
So one of my favorite dogs in the whole wide world, and my riding buddy in the summertime, has some troubling news.
He has had a small bump (circled) for a while. The vet checked it a while back and said it appeared to be a soft mass and nothing to worry about.
It's gotten bigger and harder and was biopsied a couple days ago.
It came back as a mast cell tumor. So he goes in next Wednesday for bloodwork to see if he can take anesthesia, and lung Xrays to scan for metastasis.
If he gets through that, they will remove the tumor and hopefully have clean margins.
It's also complicated by the fact that the last time he was under anesthesia, he had an irregular heartbeat briefly and they had to scramble to stabilize him.
He is otherwise completely healthy, eating, pooping as normal. We're desperately hoping it's stage one and his heart beats normally through the surgery.
I sure could use a little luck. It's my daughter's dog and I'm trying to move bills around to come up with $1000 to make sure he's taken care of. He's on a health plan at his vet's that she pays $50 something a month that covers some of it.
It's still a little terrifying. Cancer is horrible. He's too young to die.
Good looking pupView attachment 4463066
So one of my favorite dogs in the whole wide world, and my riding buddy in the summertime, has some troubling news.
He has had a small bump (circled) for a while. The vet checked it a while back and said it appeared to be a soft mass and nothing to worry about.
It's gotten bigger and harder and was biopsied a couple days ago.
It came back as a mast cell tumor. So he goes in next Wednesday for bloodwork to see if he can take anesthesia, and lung Xrays to scan for metastasis.
If he gets through that, they will remove the tumor and hopefully have clean margins.
It's also complicated by the fact that the last time he was under anesthesia, he had an irregular heartbeat briefly and they had to scramble to stabilize him.
He is otherwise completely healthy, eating, pooping as normal. We're desperately hoping it's stage one and his heart beats normally through the surgery.
I sure could use a little luck. It's my daughter's dog and I'm trying to move bills around to come up with $1000 to make sure he's taken care of. He's on a health plan at his vet's that she pays $50 something a month that covers some of it.
It's still a little terrifying. Cancer is horrible. He's too young to die.
I wear a #DonkeyPunchCancer wristband. would punch cancer so fucking hard. "supernova"Good luck, bro.
Shit. In bocca al lupoView attachment 4463066
So one of my favorite dogs in the whole wide world, and my riding buddy in the summertime, has some troubling news.
He has had a small bump (circled) for a while. The vet checked it a while back and said it appeared to be a soft mass and nothing to worry about.
It's gotten bigger and harder and was biopsied a couple days ago.
It came back as a mast cell tumor. So he goes in next Wednesday for bloodwork to see if he can take anesthesia, and lung Xrays to scan for metastasis.
If he gets through that, they will remove the tumor and hopefully have clean margins.
It's also complicated by the fact that the last time he was under anesthesia, he had an irregular heartbeat briefly and they had to scramble to stabilize him.
He is otherwise completely healthy, eating, pooping as normal. We're desperately hoping it's stage one and his heart beats normally through the surgery.
I sure could use a little luck. It's my daughter's dog and I'm trying to move bills around to come up with $1000 to make sure he's taken care of. He's on a health plan at his vet's that she pays $50 something a month that covers some of it.
It's still a little terrifying. Cancer is horrible. He's too young to die.
I'm so sorry, cancer is horrible.View attachment 4463066
So one of my favorite dogs in the whole wide world, and my riding buddy in the summertime, has some troubling news.
He has had a small bump (circled) for a while. The vet checked it a while back and said it appeared to be a soft mass and nothing to worry about.
It's gotten bigger and harder and was biopsied a couple days ago.
It came back as a mast cell tumor. So he goes in next Wednesday for bloodwork to see if he can take anesthesia, and lung Xrays to scan for metastasis.
If he gets through that, they will remove the tumor and hopefully have clean margins.
It's also complicated by the fact that the last time he was under anesthesia, he had an irregular heartbeat briefly and they had to scramble to stabilize him.
He is otherwise completely healthy, eating, pooping as normal. We're desperately hoping it's stage one and his heart beats normally through the surgery.
I sure could use a little luck. It's my daughter's dog and I'm trying to move bills around to come up with $1000 to make sure he's taken care of. He's on a health plan at his vet's that she pays $50 something a month that covers some of it.
It's still a little terrifying. Cancer is horrible. He's too young to die.
crepi!Shit. In bocca al lupo