Plants wilting HELP PLEASE


Active Member
Hey guys I'm pretty new to growing indoor I have autos going in my tent and about 2 weeks into flowering.
This is what they look like in the morning after the light has been on all night light will turn off in about 2 hours from when I took the picture for 6hrs I have them on a 18/6

I've read it's normal for them to wilt before lights turn off but this seems excessive.

I bought some epsom salts trying it on one plant thinking maybe a MG deficiency but I really dont know.

Also have some leaves drying up in the picture may be from my cooler air intake was blowing on that area of the plants which I changed. :weed: :):confused:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Active Member
Also when the light turn back on and check on them before it stays on all night they are looking good not wilting


Active Member
@larrypizzimp93 ok only turned them off for a sec to get a good pic in that picture its 2 hours till lights off
I always keep it dark durring lights off
But yeah was worried a bit about the leafs browning I'll keep a eye on it thanks @larrypizzimp93 !


How long before lights out do you notice they start to droop.?
I'm currently growing my 1st auto and only my 3rd indoor grow but they seem to droop earlier than the photos did and more "severe".


Active Member
How long before lights out do you notice they start to droop.?
I'm currently growing my 1st auto and only my 3rd indoor grow but they seem to droop earlier than the photos did and more "severe".
I only notice at 5am might need to get up in the middle of the night and check them they droop like this 4 hours before lights out then when it's on they seem stronger.
Your having the same issue?


Almost identical to what you are describing. At about 4 hours before lights out they start to droop a bit and within an hour/ hour and a half they look similar to your pictures.


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,
Not sure about the wilting. But plants occasionally will lose a leaf. I have a great looking plant right now that has a single leaf showing profound Mg deficiency. I give calmag so am not worried.

But a bunch of ugly leaves spells trouble. How bad is it?


Active Member
Hi Guys,
Not sure about the wilting. But plants occasionally will lose a leaf. I have a great looking plant right now that has a single leaf showing profound Mg deficiency. I give calmag so am not worried.

But a bunch of ugly leaves spells trouble. How bad is it?
Not too many some have no ugly ones and some have maybe 4 to 5


Well-Known Member
Not too many some have no ugly ones and some have maybe 4 to 5
Sorry but I don't recall the details of your grow...but ugly non-specific leaves like that can indicate a more global issue. Toxic salt accumulation does that too.


Active Member
Sorry but I don't recall the details of your grow...but ugly non-specific leaves like that can indicate a more global issue. Toxic salt accumulation does that too.
Sorry about that. Didnt provide the complete details as I should have. I'll post the details I know now


Active Member
7 auto white widow
4x4x8 tent
1000w hps
Have exhaust going outside smaller fan and filter need to upgrade soon.
Intake fan was put to the top of the tent. Looked like it was giving the plants wind burn near it when it was on the bottom.
PH the water at 6
18/6 light cycle
Just used a basic super soil from my hydroponic store.
Nuts are green planet 2 part plus additives
RH 50%
Temp 28 lights on
17 lights off
That's the details I know hope that can help let me know if I'm missing anything or things I should probably invest in
Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Let me know if that post helps JD!
Not an organic grower. Not an auto grower.

This water only super-soil thing is getting people in trouble. In order for it to last for the whole has to be pretty rich. Small plants seem to do poorly because of that. I know people try to avoid up-potting autos. But I really feel it would be best to start them in something milder. So when they go into the supersoil...they can handle it.


Well-Known Member
Quick questions...

How old are they? Are you using nutrients also along with the supersoil?


Active Member
Not an organic grower. Not an auto grower.

This water only super-soil thing is getting people in trouble. In order for it to last for the whole has to be pretty rich. Small plants seem to do poorly because of that. I know people try to avoid up-potting autos. But I really feel it would be best to start them in something milder. So when they go into the supersoil...they can handle it.
Forsure I've seen this pre mixed super soil this is not that it's just basic soil no nutrient mix I don't have the bag with me or I'd give you more info. But I may be wrong!